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Neverending Romance -- The Shipping List Revival

i ship KawaiiShipping! also, i ship ash with james.
Is the original Neverending Romance website going to be updated, or are new ships going to go somewhere else?

Also, I might as well propose some of my own ship names. I looked through this thread and the Neverending Romance website to make sure I'm not using a name that's used for another ship or naming a ship that already has a name, but if either of these are the case, then please correct me.
I saw SteppingStoneShipping for Steven Stone x Nessa and thought "hey, how about I name Wallace x Nessa? You know, they're both Water type trainers with similar jobs. They'd get along." (And I lowkey ship them)
So I propose SynchronizedSwimmingShipping for Wallace x Nessa.
Other ship names:
LobsterThermidorShipping - Siebold x Nessa (Lobster Thermidor is a French seafood dish. Siebold's a cook, and Nessa's League card mentions how her dad's a fisher and how she gives Sonia seafood from Hulbury.)
CelebrityClothingShipping - Viola x Nessa (You know that Poké Job in Sword/Shield that asks for Bug Types to make clothing? I don't know, maybe Viola does fashion photo shoots)
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To bump the thread:

Bird'sEyeShipping- Chili & Trista
SaladExchangeShipping- Cress & Tricia
NightBluesShipping- Cress & Evelyn
MusicalDayShipping- Nando & Dana
ConcertNightShipping- Jimmy & Nita
DailyMailShipping- Cassius & Alexa
IcyPunkShipping- Everett & Morana
BugCafeShipping- Aaron & Trinnia
ElegantStoreShipping- Luca & Tricia

(The first ship is named after the bird's eye chili. The last ship, on the other hand, is named after a daily newspaper called the Daily Mail, which also has a website version of it. Alexa is a journalist and Cassius is a technician.)
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Does Kiawe x Kahili have a ship name? How about PontiacFirebirdShipping if it doesn't? (FirebirdShipping is already the name of, like, a Yu Gi Oh ship, and even if they're not the same fandom, I don't want too much search confusion. BTW Pontiac Firebird is a type of car.)
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FlaringShipping - Harrison (Johto) & Flannery
BeautifulMistShipping - Juan & Harley
BagonVictoryShipping - Vito Winstrate & Michelle
LovelyTheaterShipping - Curtis & Lena
UppityShipping - Shamus & Moira
GhidorahShipping - Luke & Shannon
MegaHoennDragonShipping - Sawyer & Titus
InterpréteShipping - Aria (anime) & Amelia (XY109)
ToilettageShipping - Nini & Jessica (XY)

For the last two ship names, 'interpréte' and 'toilettage' are roughly French for 'performer' and 'grooming' respectively.
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CertainlyNotAdvanceShipping - Chase (game) & Lisa (Movie)
NotReallyRedwoodShipping - Elaine (game) & Lisa (Movie)

Certainly the least creative ship names I've ever created.
Ferriswheelshipping. Anything containing N or Hilda (or whatever you call her) that isn’t ferriswheelshipping is evil and needs to go die in a hole. go ahead and hate on me suckas!
Look, not trying to be mean, but as someone who is a fan of FerrisWheelShipping, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Also, this is meant to be for suggesting ship names, not for boasting about how good a certain ship is.
Also, there is no need to wish death on others just for not shipping your ship.
LentalShipping - Phil & Female Main Character (New Pokémon Snap)
NewSnapShipping - Male Main Character (New Pokémon Snap) & Phil
EcologyShipping - Male Main Character (New Pokémon Snap) & Rita
NaturalSciencesShipping - Female Main Character (New Pokémon Snap) & Rita
MirrorAssistantShipping - Phil & Rita
FootlooseShipping - Todd Snap & Lily
PinupSpreadShipping - Kiawe & Violet
SoftDummyShipping - Cameron & Ash & Goh

DumbIntellectShipping - Cameron & Gary & Ash & Goh
This is gonna be a long one lol they call it the incomplete nightmare for a reason

AboveWaterShipping - Avery & Nessa
AcidPondShipping - Salazzle & Simipour
AfterthoughtShipping - Piers & Karen
AlienRomanceShipping - Calem & Dulse
AllFoursShipping - Persian & Samurott
AncientMeteorShipping - Brandon & Professor Cozmo
AngstyShipping - Bede & Peonia
ApartmentShipping - Sawyer & Shamus
ApplePieÀLaModeShipping - Appletun & Vanillite
AquacordeShipping - Calem & Greninja
AquaticMelodyShipping - Lapras & Primarina
AquiferShipping - Marlon & Roark
ArandanoShipping - Grimsley, Piers & Will
ArcadeWaveShipping - Dahlia & Nessa
ArcticRoyaltyShipping - Palmer & Wulfric
ArdensShipping - Glacia & Malva
ArmoriteOreShipping - Peonia & Klara
ArmsOfTheOceanShipping - Archie & Jessica (XY)
ArtificialControlShipping - Number 7 & Saturn
ArtificialCrownShipping - Number 7 & Lear
ArtificialDataShipping - Number 7 & Thorton
ArtificialNocturneShipping - Grimsley, Piers & Karen
ArtificialRouletteShipping - Number 7 & Dahlia
AsbestosShipping - Gordie & Klara
AstralPetalShipping - Chairman Rose & Agatha
AuroraPetalShipping - Blanche & Oleana
BackflipShipping - Hop & Bea
BacuriShipping - Cress & Mallow
BagonVictoryShipping - Vito Winstrate & Michelle
BanjoKazooieShipping - Talonflame & Ursaring
BarbwireShipping - Ferrothorn & Steelix
BeachsideFlamesShipping - Chuck & Kabu
BeautifulMistShipping - Juan & Harley
BicolorShipping - Benga, Buck & Ryuki
BirdeaterShipping - Galvantula & Talonflame
Bird'sEyeShipping - Chili & Trista
BittersweetMelodyShipping - Piers & Siebold
BlankPeaceShipping - Emmet, Ingo & Concordia
BlazeKickShipping - Blaziken & Cinderace
BlazingRoyalShipping - Kabu & Palmer
BlazingSpeedShipping - Arcanine & Rapidash
BlazingWyvernShipping - Drake (Hoenn) & Kabu
BlissfulTruthShipping - Reshiram & Togekiss
BlizzardFlowerShipping - Melony & Oleana
BloodfloodShipping - Eusine, Morty & Grimsley
BloomAmourShipping - Chloe & Serena (XY)
BloomingFeatherShipping - Oleana & Winona
BloomingQuillShipping - Oleana & Shauntal
BloomingStarShipping - Oleana & Valerie
BloomingWingShipping - Oleana & Skyla
BlueHueScienceShipping - Colress & Soliera
BolideShipping - Kabu & Professor Cozmo
BookReportShipping - Ilima & Thorton
BoomburstShipping - Exploud & Noivern
BorealisBlossomShipping - Candice & Oleana
BrightLakeShipping - Ampharos & Golduck
BrightPetalShipping - Candela & Oleana
BritpunkShipping - Damian & Everett
BubblyCharmShipping - Barry & Bede
BubblyCottonShipping - Barry & Hop
BubblyToxinShipping - Barry & Klara
BugCafeShipping - Aaron & Trinnia
BumpkinBoyShipping - Joe Roger (Duel) & Shadow Triad
BurningBlizzardShipping - Kabu & Wulfric
BurningBridgeShipping - Alain & N (BW)
BurningBullseyeShipping - Cinderace & Decidueye
BYeahShipping - Blaise, Brawly & Brodie
CatchRaceShipping - Callahan & Toren
CelebrityClothingShipping - Viola & Nessa
CenterStageShipping - Palmer & Argenta
CertainlyNotAdvanceShipping - Chase (game) & Lisa (Movie)
ChancellorShipping - Cress & Team Plasma Grunt (male)
ChargePetalShipping - Volkner & Oleana
CharredCarbideShipping - Don Roger & Kabu
CharredDataShipping - Kabu & Noland
CharredGlacierShipping - Kabu & Glacia
CharredIceShipping - Kabu & Pryce
CharredScaleShipping - Drayden & Kabu
CharredSteelShipping - Byron & Kabu
CherimoyaShipping - Cilan, Siebold & Mallow
ChiropteraShipping - Crobat, Noivern & Swoobat
ChromosphereShipping - Elio & Hapu
CiruelaShipping - Grimsley, Piers & Shauntal
ClimbingHeightsShipping - Aarune & Number 7
CloudSevenShipping - Ryuki & Lisia
CoinFlipShipping - Joe Roger (Duel) & Justy
ColdSandShipping - Brandon & Wulfric
ComaStalkerShipping - Barry, Conway & Sawyer
CometScaleShipping - Drayden & Professor Cozmo
CometTrailShipping - Norman & Professor Cozmo
CompostShipping - Garbodor & Torterra
ConcertNightShipping - Jimmy & Nita
ConservatoryShipping - Forrest & Parker
CooldownShipping - Thorton & Flannery
CottonResearchShipping - Hop & Thorton
CramOMaticShipping - Victor & Hyde
CriminalCaseShipping - Hugh & Emma
CrimsonRoarShipping - Buck & Ryuki
CrimsonThornShipping - Chairman Rose & Nascour
CrossBladeShipping - Sword & X (Special)
CrownedRouletteShipping - Leon & Dahlia
CrystalRoseShipping - Darach & Eusine
CurativeShipping - Kenny & Marnie (DP028)
CuteLoveShipping - Sorrel & Dawn
DailyMailShipping - Cassius & Alexa
DameBlancheShipping - Siebold & Glacia
DancesWithDragonsShipping - Tierno & Iris
DandelionDevilShipping - Grimsley & Leon
DataChipShipping - Noland & Professor Cozmo
DataDesignShipping - Thorton & Mina
DaybreakCharmShipping - Bede & Dawn
DaybreakDarknessShipping - Dawn & Marnie
DaybreakFluffShipping - Hop & Dawn
DeadlyOasisShipping - Palossand & Primarina
DeeplyRootedShipping - Professor Oak & Ramos
DeepResearchShipping - Noland & Professor Oak
DeepSeaLoveShipping - Hilbert & Marlon
DemonHeartShipping - Grimsley, Siebold & Karen
DesertSteelShipping - Alder & Byron
DesertStormShipping - Flygon & Thundurus
DesignerGuitarShipping - Mina & Roxie
DesiredPowerShipping - Lear & Saturn
DollFashionShipping - Gloria & Klara
DoodlebugShipping - Tracey & Trapinch
DragonBloomShipping - Cynthia & Oleana
DragonDeGlaceShipping - Wulfric & Drasna
DragonEmbersShipping - Kabu & Lance
DragonLilyShipping - Raihan & Sonia
DragonRoarShipping - Gloria & Raihan
DragonShieldShipping - Raihan & Shielbert
DragonStudyShipping - Drake (Hoenn) & Professor Birch
DragonSwordShipping - Raihan & Sordward
DragonTailShipping - Ryuki & Clair
DriftingPetalShipping - Erika & Oleana
DryIceShipping - Gloria, Marnie & Nia
DryLightningShipping - Alain & Clemont
DumbIntellectShipping - Ash, Cameron, Gary & Goh
DustyNickelShipping - Clay & Professor Cozmo
DynamaxAdventureShipping - Victor & Peonia
EarlyDelightShipping - Archeops & Togekiss
EclipsedBloomShipping - Grimsley & Oleana
EclipsedVenomShipping - Grimsley & Klara
ElectrifiedThornShipping - Chairman Rose & Charon
ElegantStoreShipping - Luca & Tricia
EmoRapShipping - Allister & Gym Challenger Icla
EonBrothersShipping - Latios & Tate
EquineShipping - Mudsdale, Rapidash & Zebstrika
EternaForestShipping - Cheryl & Oleana
EternalChangeShipping - Cyrus & Oleana
EucalyptusBarkShipping - Alder & Kabu
ExpCharmShipping - Hop & Hyde
FadedShipping - Chairman Rose, Kabu & Nanu
FaeSerpentShipping - Diantha & Karen
FairyBarrierShipping - Bede, Hop & Gloria
FairyBlossomShipping - Magnolia & Opal
FairytaleStoryShipping - Bede & Lillie
FáliteShipping - Lear & Mint
FalsityShipping - Cross & Verity
FameAndFlusterShipping - Ryuki & Toren
FanclubShipping - Jimmy (Kalos) & Mairin
FancyContestQueenShipping - Drew, Lisia & May
FighterGirlShipping - Bea & Gym Challenger Deneb
FindingMewtwoShipping - Chase & Leaf
FireLashShipping - Heatmor & Salazzle
FireStrikeShipping - Kabu & Lt. Surge
FitzpleasureShipping - Grimsley, Piers, Will & Karen
FlaringShipping - Harrison & Flannery
FlashFloodShipping - Kyogre & Raikou
FlightDreamShipping - John (Galar) & Leon
FloatingBarrierShipping - Avery & Gloria
FloatingGearShipping - Avery & Molayne
FloralMeadowShipping - Milo & Erika
FloweringBeautyShipping - Lysandre & Oleana
FloweringPhantomShipping - Fantina & Oleana
FloweringShipping - Dahlia & Oleana
FlyHighShipping - Falkner & Kahili
FocusedFameShipping - Avery & Tucker
FootlooseShipping - Todd Snap & Lily
ForgedFieldShipping - Don Roger & Professor Birch
ForgedKingShipping - Don Roger & Palmer
FourTailedShipping - Piers & Tucker
FragranceAuraShipping - Riley & Oleana
FrillyPrepShipping - Avery & Peonia
FrillyPunkShipping - Avery & Piers
FrostBehemothShipping - Byron & Wulfric
FrostedMagmaShipping - Don Roger & Wulfric
FrostedThornShipping - Chairman Rose & Glacia
FrostFieldShipping - Professor Birch & Wulfric
FrozenHuskShipping - Kyurem & Shedinja
FrozenSoftwareShipping - Noland & Wulfric
GamerFuelShipping - Ice, Saturn, Number 7 & Zero
GarageBandShipping - Ryuki & Wes
GenuineShipping - Hop & Lillie
GhidorahShipping - Luke & Shannon
GhostlyBoyShipping - Allister & Gym Challenger Wei
GhostMoonShipping - Acerola & Selene
GlacialStreamShipping - Candice & Nessa
GlacierTailShipping - Professor Cozmo & Glacia
GlamorousShipping - Avery, Gordie & Klara
GlamourDojoShipping - Bea & Klara
GoodFaithShipping - Piers & Shauntal
GoodnightMoonShipping - Komala & Lunatone
GothPrepShipping - Peonia & Marnie
GraciousVenomShipping - Klara & Marley
GrassTrainerShipping - Milo & Gym Challenger Pia
GreatApeShipping - Darmanitan, Oranguru, Rillaboom & Slaking
GrosgrainShipping - Joe Roger & Riley
GroupieShipping - Jimmy (Kalos) & Trevor
GucciShipping - Damian & Harley
GuindaShipping - Piers & Mallow
HappyLandShipping - Hau & Hapu
HarajukuShipping - Klara & Rachel (Masters)
HardIceShipping - Abomasnow & Aggron
HarmoniaQueenShipping - N (BW) & Aria
HarshTemperaturesShipping - Billy & Lavana
HBCShipping - Grimsley, Siebold, Morty, Volkner & Elesa
HibiscusPacificShipping - Siebold & Mallow
HighPowerShipping - Montgomery & Risa
HorseArcherShipping - Decidueye & Mudsdale
HuaNiuShipping - Siebold, Karen & Shauntal
IceScaleShipping - Drayden & Wulfric
IcyPunkShipping - Everett & Morana
IlexFriendsShipping - Ash, Goh & Horace
IlexPromiseShipping - Goh & Horace
ImmuneShipping - Allister & Gym Challenger Yue
ImperiumShipping - Grimsley, Piers & Siebold
InterpréteShipping - Aria (anime) & Amelia (XY109)
IronNightShipping - Wikstrom & Evelyn
JesterBloomShipping - Will & Oleana
JewelBeetleShipping - Bugsy & Wally
KantoCapShipping - Red (game), Chase & Elaine (game)
KantoKidsShipping - Red (game), Blue (game), Chase, Trace, Leaf & Elaine (game)
KantoRivalShipping - Blue (game) & Trace
KantoVacationShipping - Concetta & Sara Lee
KickoffShipping - Cinderace & Passimian
KindledPrairieShipping - Kiawe & Hapu
KisshuShipping - Cilan, Hilbert & N (BW)
KnowledgeRootsShipping - Alder & Professor Oak
LacedNotesShipping - Klara & Sonia
LairShipping - Hop & Peonia
LaLuneShipping - Grimsley, Piers, Will & Shauntal
LaukazShipping - Aarune & Marlon
LaurelledShipping - Robert (Hoenn) & Tobias
LazybonesShipping - Marowak & Slaking
LeafyLaneShipping - Leaf & Elaine (game)
LeopardSealShipping - Dewgong & Liepard
LevitatingShipping - Avery & Victor
LifeOnMarsShipping - Mars & Tiffany (Fiore)
LighthousePartyShipping - Khoury & Jasmine
LobeliaShipping - Lana & Rosa
LobsterThermidorShipping - Siebold & Nessa
LostAtSeaShipping - Allister & Nessa
LostInTheBlueShipping - Piers, Karen & Shauntal
LotusHeartShipping - Milo, Nessa & Sonia
LoveInAMistShipping - Avery & Raihan
LovelyTheaterShipping - Curtis & Lena
LoveShackShipping - Steven, Wallace, Lucy & Winona
LoyalSteedShipping - Glastrier & Spectrier
LuckyVenomShipping - Klara & Lucy
LunarDiamondShipping - Cresselia & Diancie
LushPetalShipping - Gardenia & Oleana
LuxuryEliteShipping - Grimsley, Will, Karen & Shauntal
MaesilShipping - Grimsley, Will & Karen
MagicBarrierShipping - Braixen & Mr. Mime
MainEventShipping - Ryuki & Elesa
MamoncilloShipping - Chili, Cilan, Cress, Siebold & Mallow
ManticoreShipping - Drapion & Pyroar
MatchaLatteShipping - Cilan & Trinnia
MaximizersShipping - Obstagoon, Rillaboom & Toxtricity
MegaHoennDragonShipping - Sawyer & Titus
MeleeResearchShipping - Thorton & Bea
MelodicScaleShipping - Raihan & Roxie
MentalHealthShipping - Avery & Bea
MeteorTailShipping - Drake (Hoenn) & Professor Cozmo
MineralWaterShipping - Riley, Steven Stone & Wallace
MirrorAssistantShipping - Phil & Rita
MissIndependentShipping - Bea & Peonia
MixedFashionShipping - Gloria, Klara & Marnie
ModusShipping - Grimsley, Piers, Siebold, Karen & Shauntal
MoltenRootsShipping - Alder & Don Roger
MoltenSandShipping - Brandon & Don Roger
MoltenScaleShipping - Drayden & Don Roger
MoltenSteelShipping - Byron & Don Roger
MoltenThornShipping - Chairman Rose & Don Roger
MomentumShipping - Piers & Jessica (XY)
MonarchCrownShipping - Lear & Leon
MonarchShellShipping - Guzma & Leon
MoonlitPetalShipping - Karen & Oleana
MoonRoseShipping - Chairman Rose & Cynthia
MurkyJewelShipping - Nanu & Olivia
MusicalDayShipping - Nando & Dana
MysticBlossomShipping - Caitlin & Oleana
MysticKnowledgeShipping - Avery & Thorton
MysticPrideShipping - Leon & Avery
MysticToxinShipping - Caitlin & Klara
NarrativeShipping - Chase, Trace & Elaine
NatureTrailShipping - Professor Cozmo & Ramos
NauthizShipping - Aarune & Sidney
NewtShipping - Inteleon & Salazzle
NightBluesShipping - Cress & Evelyn
NightInTheJungleShipping - Noivern & Rillaboom
NightStudyShipping - Trevor & Nita
NinjaClanShipping - Nihei & Aya
NinshuShipping - Ippei & Aya
NitricAcidShipping - Kabu & Koga
NitrousShipping - Eusine, Morty & Shauntal
NormalFestivalShipping - Khoury & Whitney
NotReallyRedwoodShipping - Elaine (game) & Lisa (Movie)
NurturingShipping - Drakloak & Kangaskhan
OctopusShipping - Grapploct & Octillery
OthalaShipping - Aarune & Roxanne
OuterFieldShipping - Professor Birch & Professor Cozmo
OvercrowdedShipping - Thorton & Marnie
PaintedMaskShipping - Smeargle & Yamask
PalmFrondShipping - Alder & Palmer
PassifloraShipping - Chili, Cilan, Cress & Mallow
PerformanceKingShipping - Calem & Aria (anime)
PermShipping - Clemont & Jessica (XY)
PetalOriginShipping - Oleana & Professor Juniper
PetalPagesShipping - Lucian & Oleana
PetrifiedPetalShipping - Steven Stone & Oleana
PetrifiedThornShipping - Chairman Rose & Steven Stone
PhantomResearchShipping - Allister & Thorton
PikachuFanShipping - Red (game) & Chase
PinupSpreadShipping - Kiawe & Violet
PlasmaGuardShipping - Ghetsis & Aldith
PoisonousCottonShipping - Hop & Klara
PokerChipShipping - Joe Roger (Duel) & Number 7
PolarShipping - Brycen, Pryce & Wulfric
PontiacFirebirdShipping - Kiawe & Kahili
PoolPartyShipping - Misty & Ludicolo
PopBladeShipping - Victor & Klara
PopRockShipping - Klara & Marnie
PoseurShipping - Bitt, Michael, & Perr
PressedPetalShipping - Dahlia & Sonia
PridefulDataShipping - Bede & Thorton
PridefulStripesShipping - Leon & Marshal
PrivateCallerShipping - Piers, Siebold & Shauntal
PunkLyricShipping - Piers & Sidney
PyxisShipping - Piers, Siebold & Karen
QuietSpringShipping - Chloe & Serena
RallyRoarShipping - Leon & Roxie
RancorShipping - Arlo & Spark
RawShieldShipping - Shielbert & Piers
RawSwordShipping - Sordward & Piers
RedDragonShipping - Benga & Ryuki
RedkneeShipping - Flareon & Galvantula
RedLaneShipping - Red (game) & Elaine (game)
RedwoodDataShipping - Benga & Thorton
RemissShipping - Conway & Farrell
ResearchAssistantShipping - Gary Oak & Goh
ResearchingTimeShipping - Gary & Horace
RestingMonarchShipping - Leon & Shauntal
RevaniShipping - Brawly, Marlon & Grimsley
RhythmAndBalanceShipping - Tierno & Zygarde
RicinShipping - Leon & Klara
RisingShieldShipping - Dawn & Gloria
RisingSwordShipping - Victor & Dawn
RisingToxinShipping - Dawn & Klara
RitzyShipping - Bede & Avery
RoaringEmbersShipping - Kabu & Lysandre
RocketRookieShipping - Mondo & Elaine (game)
RockroseShipping - Kabu & Ramos
RockSuperstarShipping - Curtis & Roxie
RockTrainerShipping - Gordie & Gym Challenger Cher
RottenAppleShipping - Arlo & Proton
RoughBarkShipping - Drayden & Ramos
RoughhouseShipping - Bede & Bea
RoughKingShipping - Drayden & Palmer
RoyalCometShipping - Palmer & Professor Cozmo
RoyalNightshadeShipping - Nanu & Palmer
RoyalShieldShipping - Leon & Shielbert
RoyalSwordShipping - Leon & Sordward
RoyalWizardShipping - Delphox & Slowking
SaintGermainShipping - Calem & Grimsley
SaladExchangeShipping - Cress & Tricia
SandScaleShipping - Clay & Drayden
SandSkaterShipping - Michael & Perr
ScaldingSeaShipping - Crasher Wake & Kabu
ScaledTechShipping - Drayden & Noland
ScarletPetalShipping - Nascour & Oleana
ScarletShieldShipping - Gloria & Rosa
ScarletSwordShipping - Victor & Rosa
ScopeLensShipping - Lear & Thorton
ScorchedEarthShipping - Brandon & Kabu
ScorchedThornShipping - Chairman Rose & Blaine
ScreenwritingShipping - Jessica (XY) & Shauntal
SeaboundPetalShipping - Wallace & Oleana
SeaCometShipping - Crasher Wake & Professor Cozmo
SealedChamberShipping - Aarune & Brandon
SeaweedButterShipping - Siebold & Dulse
SedimentDataShipping - Thorton & Roxanne
ShaggyDogShipping - Furfrou & Stoutland
SheddingBloomShipping - Clair & Oleana
SheddingScalesShipping - Guzma & Raihan
ShellTrapShipping - Ryuki & Raihan
ShieldDataShipping - Thorton & Gloria
ShinerShipping - Avery & Dahlia
ShroudedBlossomShipping - Sidney & Oleana
SilentLucidityShipping - Grimsley, Siebold & Shauntal
SlowDancingInTheDarkShipping - Grimsley, Piers, Karen & Shauntal
SmudgedPastelShipping - Michael & Lisia
SnarlingDataShipping - Piers & Thorton
SnarlingTechShipping - Piers & Saturn
SoftDummyShipping - Ash, Cameron & Goh
SoftServeShipping - Ice & Garret
SolanumShipping - Chili & Mallow
SolarDeityShipping - Solgaleo & Volcarona
SoundWaveShipping - Thorton & Roxie
SparklerShipping - Professor Cozmo & Wattson
SpectralAnalysisShipping - Thorton & Phoebe
SpiritClawShipping - Flygon & Zangoose
SpotlitEmberShipping - Kabu & Argenta
StapeliaShipping - Petrel & Oleana
StaticFractalShipping - Aarune & Elesa
StaticFreezeShipping - Beartic & Raichu
SteelCrownShipping - Byron & Chairman Rose
SteelStreamShipping - Byron & Juan
SteelStudyShipping - Byron & Professor Birch
SteelTailShipping - Byron & Professor Cozmo
StelliteShipping - Maxie & Noland
SteppingStoneShipping - Steven Stone & Nessa
StickynoteShipping - Thorton & Lillie
StoneShieldShipping - Shielbert & Gordie
StoneSwordShipping - Sordward & Gordie
StormAtSeaShipping - Marlon & Volkner
StormyBeachShipping - Volkner & Nessa
SubdivisionShipping - Grimsley, Piers, Siebold, Will, Karen & Shauntal
SubGenreShipping - Brodie & Ryuki
SureShotShipping - Decidueye & Inteleon
SweetAppleShipping - Ryuki & Mallow
SweetDarknessShipping - Barry & Marnie
SweetDessertShipping - Alcremie & Slurpuff
SweetShieldShipping - Barry & Gloria
SweetSwordShipping - Barry & Victor
SweetToothShipping - Dahlia & Roxie
SwordDataShipping - Thorton & Victor
SynchronizedSwimmingShipping - Wallace & Nessa
SynthesizerShipping - Number 7 & Piers
SyntheticBloomShiping - Number 7 & Oleana
SyntheticSnarlShipping - Number 7 & Raihan
SyntheticToxinShipping - Number 7 & Klara
SyntheticVenomShipping - Number 7 & Roxie
TabarShipping - Baraz & Marshal
TaniwhaShipping - Ryuki & Lana
TealResearchShipping - Thorton & Kris
TechBugShipping - Guzma & Noland
TelescopeShipping - Molayne & Zinnia
TerabyteShipping - Bitt & Michael
ThornBarkShipping - Chairman Rose & Alder
ThornControlShipping - Chairman Rose & Xerosic
ThornDrillShipping - Nidoking & Simisage
ThoughtfulWishShipping - Sabrina & Oleana
TimeTemperedShipping - Kabu & Professor Rowan
TimeToTrainShipping - Ash & Horace
ToilettageShipping - Nini & Jessica (XY)
ToxicArcadeShipping - Dahlia & Klara
ToxicPetalShipping - Janine & Oleana
ToxicThornShipping - Chairman Rose & Koga
TrendyTechShipping - Heath & Clyde
TrinitariaShipping - Gary & Lisa
TripleSpiceShipping - Chili & Dana
TwilightWingsShipping - John (Galar) & Tommy (Galar)
UltraMoonShipping - Selene & Zossie
UltraScienceShipping - Toren & Soliera
UppityShipping - Shamus & Moira
VantablackShipping - Nanu & Professor Cozmo
VaporwaveShipping - Brawly, Marlon & Wallace
VenomadeShipping - Klara & Plumeria
VenomCrestShipping - Marlon & Klara
VenomousDataShipping - Thorton & Klara
VenomousElytraShipping - Guzma & Klara
VenomousFameShipping - Tucker & Klara
VenomVoltShipping - Volkner & Klara
VenusDeMiloShipping - Nascour & Venus
VinaigretteShipping - Cilan & Gena
VioletwoodDataShipping - Thorton & Iris
ViperBloomShipping - Lucy & Oleana
ViperVenomShipping - Lucy & Klara
VoltageBlossomShipping - Elesa & Oleana
WaterBusterShipping - Cress & Georgia
WattShipping - Hyde & Gloria
WaveCrestShipping - Aarune & Brawly
WhiteCometShipping - Bianca (BW), Hilda & Iris
WhitedampShipping - Coalossal & Weezing
WinterBloomShipping - Lorelei & Oleana
WolfbiteShipping - Lycanroc & Mawile
WoodenShieldShipping - Shielbert & Milo
WoodenSwordShipping - Sordward & Milo
WorkingOutShipping - Gym Challenger Dunne & Bea

DebonairShipping - Grimsley, Siebold & Will
DustScaleShipping - Brandon & Drake (Hoenn)
HepatizonShipping - Byron, Noland & Palmer
KenazShipping - Aarune & Flannery
MorriganShipping - Winona & Sonia
MotherDragonShipping - Cynthia & Professor Burnet
SeastarShipping - Marlon & Ryuki
TechKidShipping - Secc & Nett

The audit of December 6 submissions and some related research was completed, and the following names are being added:

ApplinShipping - Milo & Raihan
HotTopicShipping - Gladion & Marnie
IcyHotShipping - Kabu & Malony
PastelGothShipping - Bede & Marnie
RootShipping - Allister & Bede
SpookyFlipperShipping - Allister & Gloria
StoneGardenShipping - Gordie & Milo

In all cases, either the name, pairing, or both conflict with something already on the list. These names were complied from lists in the wild and the added names have real-world usage. While we try to operate by the one pairing, one name principle as much as possible, in some of these cases, this simply was not possible. These pairings were added without the old listing being removed; this decision may be subject to change but few pairings are affected regardless. None of this ideal and ideally we would want to get it right the first time, but sometimes these things are just inevitable.

Another poster had a similar request regarding BribeShipping, SilverFoxShipping, and LionheartShipping. BribeShipping is going to remain, as it was first to file and the alternative name reported, CorruptedThornShipping, has virtually no real-world usage outside of the poster's Tumblr. The issue with Lionheart was considered and documented when that name was added, and I see neither a reason nor a way to change it now. Renaming it "LionheartedShipping" would only generate confusion, and far more than its conflict with Pearl & Torahiko (Luxray), a pairing from Adventures with no known bona fide supporters or content. SilverFoxShipping and OldFlameShipping is perhaps the most compelling case, and SilverFox has been removed pending further review. It was first to file and would generally be given priority on those grounds, though there is some real-world usage for OldFlame, including before SilverFox was filed. This might come down, in part, to whether or not Kyuu-Tales wants to vacate the SilverFox name, and they're under absolutely no obligation to do so. If they don't, I'll have to make a decision on it, and I'll try to by the next update.
I've heard nothing from Kyuu-Tales on this matter, and given the OldFlame name is not otherwise taken, it has been changed to this.

Also, I wanted to bring up FallerShipping. It's listed as Anabel & Selene here, but if you look for FallerShipping pretty much anywhere it comes up as Anabel & Looker, and I haven't seen its use for the Anabel & Selene paring anywhere. Looking up ChiefShipping I've found a few Anabel & Looker posts (that are also tagged w/ Faller), but there are many more tagged as FallerShipping. (However while looking up ChiefShipping I did find a post complaining about the fact that Anabel & Looker isn't listed as Faller LOL). Should it be updated on the list to reflect the fact that Faller has much more usage?
This is something I've thought a lot about, and I think the best solution is to add Looker & Anabel to the list as FallerShipping while retaining the names on the Dec 31.16 copy. It looks like there is a lot of bona fide support with this name, and the list (as I understand it) was originally meant to document names used for pairings, not force people into a particular name. By the same virtue, SpiceShipping is going to be added for Kiawe & Mallow as well.

Twitter decided on BloomBoltShipping - Ash & Chloe
Noted, and it looks like this is the most popular name. It will be added, thank you!

I've realised that there are actually two characters named Avery (one of them is from Pokémon Trozei if I recall correctly, the other from SWSH) so I'm not sure if SWSH Avery should be tagged as from Galar? I'll tag him as such unless told otherwise.
With some exceptions, the list tends to use the name listed on the Bulbapedia article as far as I know. Since Avery from Galar is simply "Avery" on Bulbapedia, I'll list him as "Avery". The one pairing that uses the Avery you're referring to will become "Avery (Trozei)".

And also because I am very indecisive, I'd like to change my previous recent submission of SteelChillShipping - Byron & Wulfric to be FrostBehemothShipping. If possible I would also like to change DarkTamerShipping - Lance & Sidney, which I believe I submitted before the most recent list update, to be TamedDarknessShipping

Also noticing more duplicates!

Barry & Dawn is listed under FutabaShipping and TwinleafShipping.
Lisia & Roxie
is listed under BestOfBothWorldsShipping and RockIdolShipping.

Should wisdomtreeShipping - Gary & Trevor be capitalized to match with the rest of the list?
Names have been changed, but for the future, everyone please try to keep name changes to a minimum!

Both of these duplicates actually predate my involvement, so they'll both remain. There are actually a number of situations like this where a pairing has more than one name listed, or a name has more than one pairing. They can be very old (Barry & Dawn dates to before the Gen IV launch, for instance) so there's no real way to change it now. Fun fact actually, "Futaba" is the Japanese name for Twinleaf Town, so the two names are essentially the same, but the pairing was just originally named before the name was localized. Additional unfun fact, Futaba shares a name with a real-life town in Japan that has been uninhabitable since the Fukushima nuclear disaster.

wisdomtreeShipping should indeed be capitalized, thanks for pointing that out! Not entirely sure how it's survived so many years on the list like that but at least it can be fixed now.

I also want to note that the duplicates audit as a whole has been completed. Most of the duplicate names and conflicts date before my involvement, so they have been unaltered, and others were added intentionally. TapuShipping was incorrectly given to Nanu & Acerola; it has been removed as it conflicts with TapuShipping - Tapu Koko & Tapu Lele and Nanu & Acerola is open to be named again. Additionally, the following pairings had conflicting names and have been resolved:

Gladion & Kiawe - BlackenedEdgeShipping over FlamesOfHellShipping by submission date
Guzma & Cynthia - NaturalRebirthShipping over RelicSkullShipping by real-world usage
Guzma & Saturn - SpaceCaseShipping over SphenebulaShipping by submission date
Hapu & Selene - Rockycoreshipping over MudsdaleShipping by submission date
Leon, Piers & Raihan - PunkDragonShipping over PosseShipping by real-world usage
Molayne & Professor Kukui - SteelTreeShipping over BiggestFanShipping by submission date
Piers & Raihan - eBoyShipping over RiseUpShipping by real-world usage

All affected names are now free to be reused.

Still no official ship name for Goh and Chloe?
Yeah, I've noticed this one has been hotly contested, and some feathers are gonna get ruffled no matter what. The two frontrunners at the moment are GoSpringShipping and VermilionShipping. VermilionShipping conflicts with Blue (game) & Lt. Surge, but it's also far more popular. I've reached out to some Goh x Chloe shippers for more opinions, and after some consideration, I think this is gonna be another one of those cases where there's just nothing we can do. Goh & Chloe is going to be added as VermilionShipping.

Is the original Neverending Romance website going to be updated, or are new ships going to go somewhere else?
I don't actually have any way to update the website, but I'd love to be able to. For now, the ships go on the list in the first two posts of this thread.

Does Kiawe x Kahili have a ship name? How about PontiacFirebirdShipping if it doesn't? (FirebirdShipping is already the name of, like, a Yu Gi Oh ship, and even if they're not the same fandom, I don't want too much search confusion. BTW Pontiac Firebird is a type of car.)
FirebirdShipping is already the name for James & May, so this was a good call. There's no rule against naming ships after those from other fandoms. I don't recommend it for the reason you mentioned, but there's absolutely no way to keep track of every name from every fandom.
Wow I contributed to the Pokémon fandom by naming some ships. I feel honored.
Also welcome back! I was worried you wouldn't be coming back.
FirebirdShipping is already the name for James & May, so this was a good call. There's no rule against naming ships after those from other fandoms. I don't recommend it for the reason you mentioned, but there's absolutely no way to keep track of every name from every fandom.
Wow I didn't even know that. I agree that it's hard to keep track of the names of every ship ever. My reasoning at the time was that is was prominent enough in the Yu Gi Oh fandom that I wanted to avoid a clash. Then again, there's always bound to be overlap somewhere.
I don't actually have any way to update the website, but I'd love to be able to. For now, the ships go on the list in the first two posts of this thread.
Sounds good to me!
Wow I contributed to the Pokémon fandom by naming some ships. I feel honored.
Also welcome back! I was worried you wouldn't be coming back.

Wow I didn't even know that. I agree that it's hard to keep track of the names of every ship ever. My reasoning at the time was that is was prominent enough in the Yu Gi Oh fandom that I wanted to avoid a clash. Then again, there's always bound to be overlap somewhere.

Sounds good to me!
lol university has a funny way of sucking up time but at least that's over for right now one of these days maybe i'll actually put my education to good use and streamline some of this data management but lol evidently not right now

Yeah, there's good reason not to name a pairing after another fandom's, but it's completely unenforceable. There's about 31,000 names on our fandom's list alone. I can't imagine all of them are unique to us.
sorry to be the first person to submit more ships but i have a lot hoarded so here goes

ColdCoffeeCakeShipping - Barry, Paul & Miette
Schrodinger'sCatShipping - Bill & Grimsley
CafeDateShipping - Barry, Conway & Miette
TriggerWarningShipping - Nicky (Hoenn) & Sawyer
RedGyaradosShipping - Chili & Shane Seeker
GlossaryShipping - Buck & Conway
PokerShipping - Arlo & Grimsley
ShadowRealmShipping - Arlo & Zero
HydroplaneShipping - Elio, Gladion & Edmund
CrewmateShipping - Mr. Briney & Drake (Hoenn)

edit: clarified which nicky
edit 2: clarified which drake lmao
Last edited:
A couple new ones from me!
CassiniShipping - Archer, Cyrus & Saturn
SilvologyShipping - Gary Oak, Goh & Horace
UltraResearchShipping - Dulse & Toren
Also I'd like to add that I've seen a lot of people call Steven x Cynthia DarkSteelShipping rather than LoliShotaShipping. Idk what the policy is for two names for one pairing, but I just wanted to put this out there because I didn't see DarkSteel in the list but I did see LoliShota.
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