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New DP Title


Jun 11, 2004
Reaction score
From Serebii:

Episode 478 (DP 010): Pokétch Unavailable?!

I just realized we have yet to see the Poketch, and I guess they gang are in Kotobuki City now (meaning Hikari's Contest will follow shortly).
When Hikari wears the Poketchi, I guess Brock's guidebook will disappear again.

This reminds me of the episode where Max spilled juice on the PokeNav and had to repair it at Devon Corp.
But, this episode could possibly have gay clowns.
What? xD
I'm clueless about Poketch so I'd like to know how gay clowns would come into this. o.o
To get the Poketch in the game, you have to talk to three people dressed up as clowns in Kotobuki City, they each give you a coupon or something and when you have three of them, you're entitled to a Poketch.
So will we be seeing clowns in the anime or will the anime ignore this, just like they're ignoring the new features of the Super Contests?
Would it really be so hard to wait until we see how they work before you start bashing them?

Isn't it odd how you were going on about how 'new' the similar principle was back when it could have been May doing them.
We haven't seen a single DP contest in the anime yet. How do you know for sure they'll ignnore their features?

D/P #7 made it quite clear that Hikari is training Pochama to do appeals, but she's not doing any training to teach it how to dance.

Considering they don't even call them Super Contests in the show, I wouldn't call it a stretch to say they're going to work exactly the same as the AG Contests.
Hoenn contests had a distinction from Kanto contests. Just because we have only seen one aspect of Hikari's training so far does not mean that it is all there is to contests. It's not as if we have seen her do any training for contest battles either.

Absense of evidence is not evidence of absense.
Hoenn contests had a distinction from Kanto contests.

Using a different Pokemon in the appeal than battle isn't really a striking huge difference. Besides, GameFreak altered the Contests greatly for the new games and it would be a shame for the writers not to include the new features and just make them carbon copies of May's Contests.

Just because we have only seen one aspect of Hikari's training so far does not mean that it is all there is to contests. It's not as if we have seen her do any training for contest battles either.

Absense of evidence is not evidence of absense.

If they're showing her training for basic appeals, and not mention a word of dancing in all of D/P so far, I doubt they're going to include the dancing. Having two appeals in each Contest, (one traditional and one dancing), in addition to the battle segment in addition to showing all the rival coordinators doing it in the same Contest would be a tight squeeze.

Seems the only thing they're keeping is Hikari dressing up, (which is mostly for fanservice, to be honest), but not including anything else.
Please note: The thread is from 18 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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