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Pokémon anime turns 10: Series has experienced changes during run

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Dreams of electric Bulbasaur
Nov 13, 2005
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The Pokémon anime celebrated its 10th anniversary on Sunday, marking nearly a continuous decade of never going a week without Pokémon. How far has the series come in 10 years?

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The Pokémon anime celebrated its 10th anniversary on Sunday, marking nearly a continuous decade of never going a week without Pokémon. How far has the series come in 10 years?

Read more on Bulbanews

Not counting the months after the Porygon ep. Or every Christmas. Or everytime the Baseball decided it was more important. Or the fact that it seems every other month seems to see at least one week skipped for various reasons.

Not counting the months after the Porygon ep. Or every Christmas. Or everytime the Baseball decided it was more important. Or the fact that it seems every other month seems to see at least one week skipped for various reasons.


Try reading the whole article next time:

The only sustained period without episodes was after EP038 caused 700 Japanese children to suffer seizures and related conditions on Dec. 16, 1997. The series was off the air until EP039 aired on April 16, 1998 and has been airing with sporadic breaks that last no more than two weeks.
Interesting. I don't think any of us ever expected this show to go on for 10 years back when it first started. Its almost scary thinking if it will go on for another 10 years at this rate...especially if it still follows Ash and co.

There are some things the article neglected to mention. It could have talked about how since AG started, the show was revamped to include a videogame heroine with her own quest, something we didn't have before. It talked about May/Dawn, but it didn't really state how now the show is no longer focused only on Ash like Kanto-Johto were. I think the impact of Contests and the female heroines from their respective gens a bit more in that article as well.

I think that was by far the biggest change in the format of the series. The fact that the writers split the demographic of the show between Ash and the female protagonists and included more shoujo storylines in the Contests deserved more the article focused on.
Good article, but too brief.
And I particularly liked the last bit.
Jessie is dead sexy.
Dear Scott85:

Argy said:
In their respective debut episodes, Haruka and Hikari explicitly stated they were 10 years old. You know what I'm talking about. Isn't Musashi a little closer to your age? Tsk-tsk.

Yours Truly,
Chosen of Mana​
Try reading the whole article next time:

The only sustained period without episodes was after EP038 caused 700 Japanese children to suffer seizures and related conditions on Dec. 16, 1997. The series was off the air until EP039 aired on April 16, 1998 and has been airing with sporadic breaks that last no more than two weeks.

I was only saying it in response to Bulbabot's headline posting. Hence quoting it instead of the article. :p

I didn't have the chance to read the article until earlier tonight. Tis good, and the ending is very much spot on. :p
This was a good summation, though by the end it did feel like you were using it as an excuse to list of some peeves.

With Jessie, part of her character she thinks more of herself than is the actually the case.
Yep, an editorial is the editor's opinion column. :p
Chosen of Mana wins the thread, where as Argy wins at editorials. XD
Well, it would have been better if something is said about the English dub, and that the editorial refers to the anime in a broader, more global context rather than sticking to the Japanese version.

And as for Satoshi/Ash's age, if he matured in real time, he would be almost as old as me too, yet I heard that the anime hints that he's still 10 Oo .
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