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Review S06 EP25: All Things Bright and Beautifly!


Jan 2, 2003
Reaction score
Japanese Episode 013: "Pokemon Contest! Beautifly's Magnificent Battle!"
American Episode 013: "All Things Bright and Beautifly!"


Today's the anime's first Pokemon Contest. Ten bucks says the scene with Jynx gets cut out.

Post your thoughts about the episodes here. Also, please avoid posting spoilers for events that happen in future episodes since this isn't the Anime Spoilers forum.
Whoo hoo! I get ten bucks!

They also used some digital paint on the Team Rocket fantasy to get rid of everybody's "Heil Hitler" pose.
OK, I can see changing the salute (which I'm sure means something different in Japan, as I've seen it several places. Maybe it brings the Romans to mind instead...any word on that?), but why are they pretending that Jynx doesn't exist?

...for that matter, why was Jynx in it to begin with? It's not what I'd call 'graceful'...

Jesse shouldn't be doing that badly. Seviper is a graceful creature, and TR is nothing if not ingenius. But it was nice to see Jesse so emotional afterwards.

Wow, a cracked-out fantasy that didn't have the Boss? Wow...but then they showed the judges and one of them had an orange suit. So I guess they have to do *something* with all that hideous fabric...

Ok, "Chaz"? What the heck kind of name is that? And why does he sound like Ken Ichijouji with a cold?

More new voices this time around, which is always nice. If it's old VAs, they at least *sounded* new.

Ever notice that the art style on the extras seems to be changing? I can't really describe it, but...

Brock's pickup lines are getting worse and worse. "Is your mother an artist? Because you're a work of aaaaaart..." Wow, I never thought Edgar Figaro would look like a mack daddy by comparasion.

And speaking of gratutious FF references, I must say that I want to get a Pokémon with Iron Tail and name it Fratley.

Say, is it just me, or is Beautifly not that...well, beautiful? It looks rather plain to me.

So those are Pokéblocks, eh? I pictured them being bigger. They probably taste like dried fruit and melt on your tongue.
{Note: Since I had to type this post offline, I didn't read any possible previous posts. I'm probably not going to edit this after I read those posts. So, I apologize for any redundancy on my part and lack of input when it comes to points made by other posters. :-(}

"Awesome" episode! ;-) This epi really struck a chord with me. I guess I liked how Ash wasn't so much the centre of attention. I mean Ash is cool and all, but after repeatedly seeing him blast TR and catch new mons, a new focus is certainly refreshing.

I really love contests so much more now! Of course, I liked then very muchly before, but now I feel just like Haruka May. It seems so amazing their attacks and how dazzing they can really be. It was interesting how the anime had prelims and then a final.

Beautifly's eyes were absolutely breathtaking, even on the bad TV is watching. I also noticed Beautifly had more than four attacks (I loved Morning Sun), and maybe even Venomoth did, too. In battles, especially in tournaments, I've kept track and all those Pokémon only had four moves. Also, what was the the Venomth's coordinator's name? Sometimes it sounded like "Jazz" and other times like "Chaz."

I also noticed that when they say "Who's that Pokémon??" Misty's/Rachel Lillis's voice still says it. Maybe everyone else has noticed and I'm slow. :embarass: Oh well, it's always our little reminder of beloved Misty. :-D

I loved how amazed May was at the contests. It's so great to see her increased interest! I really want to see her Pokémon participate. I also simply adored how Achamo obeyed her and she "saved the day" (I hate that phrase) so nicely! The Advence Adventure music was playing just for her and Achamo! :-D Can you tell I like Haruka May? :p So yeah, I loved all those aspects of this epi so I won't keep raving.

Jessie's and James's first outfits were really cool. They looked kinda Asian, ne? I felt bad for Seviper, and even a little for Jessie in the beginning until people started booing her. :p It was hilarious when Seviper sweatdropped so much it was like I waterfall. :lol: I had never seen an anime quirk quite like that before. But Seviper looked waaaay too big after then contest when Jessie was hugging him. It was kinda strange, if you ask me.

As for Pikachu and iron tail, I have one word and one phrase: "TREECKO!!" and "TAILS KICKS BUTT!!" Okay. Riiight. Anyhow, Treecko was really the key here. Grass attacks work well against Roxanne's types, and IIRC he taught himself iron tail (or maybe it was some sort of slam). Although it was funny to see Pika lift up the rock and good to see Ashy-kun finally train his Pokémon, it seemed totally illogical to do...that. It's true that it would be nice for Pikachu just to know Iron tail, but it didn't need to be so urgent.

Should I start to give episodes scores? If so, 10/10!
I haven't gotten to see it yet, but what's the part with Jynx you think's going to get cut out? :confused:
Poor Jynx. Gets no respect, and no luv. ;x; *hugs hers*

... well, anyway. That answered my question from the last episode perfectly. Of course PokeBlocks would be fit f'r humans ta eat, since they're really just berries in square form. But, still, nice to see it shown.

I agree that they were alot... smaller than usual, though. They ain't drawn that small in the TCG.

I like the contests, and how they were handled. Seeing the attacks rendered so beautifully was really lovely. Sparkly things! \*___*/ Hee.

But yeah. ^^; The two parts of the contest were done nicely, IMHO. First comes the Pokemon's introductions - only rather than just having a high level of a personality-trait like in the games, the Pokemon and coordinators actually have to show-off! Keen. <3 And then the "appeals" half being done as an actual battle was certianly more exciting than the games!

I think Beautifly is more 'cute' than 'beautiful'. But, ii, seeing it pull off Flash and Morning Sun, it certainly did seem beautiful.

Kinda sad Jessie didn't get anywhere, though. ^^;; Honestly, though. Sacred Fire? >>a Seviper's pouring-down sweatdroplets were adorable and quite priceless XD;

And, again, so happy to see Torchic being useful in battle. Also liked Pikachu's Dramatic Battle Entance... which was promptly ruined by Iron Tail not working. Waha.

But hey. Iron Tail! <3 Good luck, Pikachu! >w<
Yeah, this was a great episode!

And first of all, let me say that I loved the part when Beautifly went on top of May's head like that near the beginning. That was funny! LOL. ^_^

Oh, and I also thought it was strange that, once Ash found out from Chaz that the Rustborro Gym was a Rock gym, he didn't think of Treekco. Or at least, it didn't seem like he did....

Anyway, I loved how May got so excited when she first heard more about the Pokemon contests. That was cool!

And, of course, the part when Chaz showed Ash that little demo of Iron Tail, by having his Sentret use it on that rock was really cool! And I loved the part when Pikachu was moving the rock with its tail. That was cool too!

Oh yeah, and when May and Max were inside the Contest area (or whatever you call it), and May kept saying "Awesome" and then Max said something like, "Couldn't you extend your vocabulary a bit?", that was so funny! Hehehehe, lol.

And I also liked the part right after that, when Ash told Pikachu to use Iron Tail, and Pikachu was hitting the berries with its tail. And then it hit Treecko's stick back, and Pikachu's tail lit up. That was really cool! :-D

And I loved the part when Janet's Beautifly used String Shot for the judges like that. That was cool.

And I really loved the part when Janet and Chaz had their contest battle! The music that played then was so cool! I know it was a remix from the games, but I can't think of which song it was. Anyone know?

Oh, and I loved how they played Advance Adventure soon after that song, even if it did seem to be a little shorter this time. *is obsessed with the BGM*

And I also felt a little bad for Jessie when she didn't do well in the Contest. But, uh....hehe, that was kinda funny when she started calling out all those attacks Seviper didn't know and it sweatdropped so much like that. LOL.

Oh, and that part when Ash told Pikachu to use Iron Tail and it didn't work was really funny! ^_^

And I also liked the part at the end when May was holding the ribbon that Janet won and said that she wanted to get one someday too. That was cool!:-D

Overall, so much stuff happened in this episode that I couldn't possibly fit it all in paragraph form. But, that's okay, because an episode this good deserves a perfect score (hah, just like Janet got, lol).

Rating: 10 out of 10

Oh, and I almost forgot, when I was looking at pictures of this episode one time, and I noticed that Jynx was in this episode, I thought to myself, "I hope they don't ban this one too! I really wanna see it!". And so, anyway, I'm really glad that they just cut out that scene with Jynx instead of banning the episode.
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Excellent episode, I loved how Masato was getting annoyed with Haruka's constant use of the word "awesome", Musashi's contest entry was hilarious, and it's nice to see some actual gym battle preperation, as well as setting up a nice little sub-plot with the iron tail thing. As for the contest itself, it was, as a contest of that type should be, quite beautiful to watch.
Please note: The thread is from 21 years ago.
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