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Review S06 EP35: Gone Corphishin'


Jan 2, 2003
Reaction score
Japanese Episode 023: "Roughneck of the Beach, Corphish Enters!"
American Episode 023: "Gone Corphishin' "


Hei Hei! After we see Musashi drinking orange juice out of a wine glass (???), it'll be time for
another pokemon capture!

Post your thoughts about the episodes here. Please mark any spoilers for episodes not that have yet to air in America in spoiler tags.
Well, she drank milk out of a wine glass before, you said, so...

Aah yes, here we have another example of TR abuse. They get blasted off, what, three times? And they didn't do anything! The *worst* thing they did in this episode was to gobble up the food--but hey, the Twerps *did* leave the food out for their quarry to find, right?

So say...how big is Corphish? When it shook Pikachu around by the tail, it was *huge*, but when it was shaking Ash's hand later, it was rather small.

Crabhammer? Last time we saw that used (last eps notwithstanding) was in the Viridian Gym (which begs the question of why a ground trainer had a Kingler to begin with, but that's another episode entirely)

OK, I know Ash was reciting a poem about Sandslash, so what was it? (they could have at least tried, you know. They've attempted to translate those before...) And of *course* Max carries around a poetry book with him. Now then--are those all poems that Oak *wrote*, or did he just compile them?
Crabhammer was used in "Stairway To Devon" too(the Crawdaunt)
it was funny when the twerps got knocked away by Corphish and
yes TR didn't do anything and they got blasted off 3 times
and for no reason and that book didn't have poems from Professor
Oak it had poems that were rated good by Professor Oak and Ash
caught a pokemon.

Oh Ash! How can you not know what Crabhammer is? You have a Pokemon that knows it, and you saw a Crawdaunt use it less than two weeks ago. -_-;;

That boy has the mental capacity of a gnat.
A pretty good episode. I loved all the stuff with TR and it was nice that they didn't go through the whole "robot of the day" fight sequence like they do in every other freakin episode. I get tired of them sometimes. It was cool to see a Loudred, its one of my favorite hoenn pokemon. I loved how James and Meowth were trying to psyche themselves up at the beginning while Jessie was just relaxing and then Corhpish blasted them off. It was a great opening sequence. I really liked how Ash had his pokemon train, it was really unique. May was hilarious with her Pokemon contest poses and how she was whiny for most of the episode. And I loved her and Masato's commentary on Ash/Brock and TR. "the shame" lol XD. The battle with Corhpish was ok, I guess. I like Heigani's japanese voice better. overall: 3 stars

Kingler used Crabhammer in the whirl cup battle against Misty
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I loved this episode! It was really good! ^_^ And the beginning was funny with Corphish blasting Team Rocket off like that. And I loved how Ash trained his Pokemon by using the waves. That was cool! And it was funny when May was trying out her Contest pose and used 2 Pokemon, although you can only use one in the contests. Oh, and it was really funny when all of their clothes kept getting dirty! LOL. And when their tent started moving like that it was so funny! I guess that Corphish really didn't want them to camp there. Oh, and I loved how they stayed up all night to see what it was! I liked it when Ash said it was great training for concentration. And that was funny when May was scared so she grabbed onto Max like that. LOL. Oh, and when Corphish made them all go into the air, that was so cool! I didn't think it would be that strong. And I liked it when Ash quoted Professor Oak's poem, "If it happened once, it'll happen once more." That was cool. Oh yeah, and I really liked the part when Ash and Brock said, "The shame". That was funny! And it was really funny when Team Rocket started ate the Pokemon food and then fell in that hole! Jessie and James said, "Look, it's the twerps!". And Ash was like, "The twerps?". That was so funny! And I liked how Team Rocket started saying their motto, and then Max said, "And they still insist on doing their motto?". That was funny too. And I liked how Team Rocket said "The shame" just like Ash and Brock did earlier. That was funny! Anyway, I loved how later, when Ash was battling Corphish, and Pikachu used Iron Tail, it stopped it. That was cool. Although, I didn't think it was gonna throught Pikachu right at Ash like that. Wow, it's pretty smart! Oh, and I loved it when Treecko battled. It was really good! Oh, and it's so cool that Ash caught Corphish! Yay! Now he has 4 Pokemon with him! ^_^ And I loved the part when Ash was shaking hands with Corphish and then it threw him! That was so funny!! :-D I hope he was okay though. Overall, this was a great episode, and it was very funny. I really loved it. But, it wasn't as great as last week's episode, so I had to drop it's rating down by one.

Rating: 9 out of 10
This episode was great, one of the best in Hoenn yet. It was very entertaining and humorous with tons of nice, non-typical moments. Including:

Wobbuffet sunning himself with Jessie. ^_^

May's pre-planned but ill-conceived choreography with her Pokemon for contests, involving her dancing and her Pokemon performing somersaults upon coming out.

Forretress helping out with the wash and digging pitfalls.

The whole group being thrown into the sea by Corphish and ending up in their underwear, or whatever May had on under that blanket.

Jessie, James, Meowth and Wobbuffet emerging from the sea covered in seaweed and feeding upon Pokemon food... wierd (well for Jessie and James).

I liked Corphish's voice, it really was surprisingly similar to its Japanese one and definately better than the one in the previous episode it appeared in, even if it still isn't quite as good as the original. I don't think May and Max meant that this Corphish was the same exact individual as the one Ash fished out earlier, only that it was the same species.

The Sandslash scene had something to do with one of Professor Oak's poems, which apparently don't make much sense in any language but still probably made more sense in Japanese. ^_^ But what kind of logic is "if it happens once it will happen again?" Still it was cute to see the two Sandslash playing with each other.

One of my favorite scenes was near the beginning with Pikachu and Ash standing near the waves declaring the training they shall undergo. As they speak we see little Lotad walking along behind them and seconds later both Ash and Pikachu quickly kneel down and wash their faces in the water in its leaf.

Poor ignored Taillow got some nice little scenes in this episode as he tried his best to train with Ash.

Ash's training strategy was quite intelligent and I loved how Treeko came up with his own version of it, to stay put and take an attack so the opponent can be caught off guard. I also loved how it sweatdropped when May and Max remarked that it wasn't improving or training at all. Pokemon definately understand human speach.
To me, this episode was pretty lacking. The there were three things I liked:

1. Seeing all their clothes hung up. Then you know they exist. Yeah, I'm weird, so sue me.

2. Either May or Max said, "How low can we sink?" when they were digging pitfalls. A pun, that was actually good. Pokémon has way too many puns. Although I did like the whole Ash-tachi copying TR with pitfalls deal.

3. When May said, "After Ash's miserable loss at the Deewford Gym..." I couldn't agree with her more. :p Great line.

And according to the R/S dex, Corphish's 0.6 meters.

Rating: 7/10
One thing I seem to have missed - where did May's sudden Steven-rabu come from? o_O; And, uh... what part of his "battle strategy" is considered contest-worthy? I mean, he called out his Aggron, told it to use Hyper Beam, and that was that. No fancy special effects, just one scary Aggron with one scary attack. w_o; Yeah, you'd get points in a Tough contest, maybe... but I don't think that's what May's going for just yet.

I adored the fact that Pikachu and Ash's motivational speech at the beginning was in exactly the same style as James and Meowth's, from not five minutes previous. Dramatic wave in the BG and all. So cute! XD

By that token, I loved the "the shame!" parts, too. XD;; Pokemon: humour through repetition.

Kauri said:
One thing I seem to have missed - where did May's sudden Steven-rabu come from? o_O; And, uh... what part of his "battle strategy" is considered contest-worthy? I mean, he called out his Aggron, told it to use Hyper Beam, and that was that. No fancy special effects, just one scary Aggron with one scary attack. w_o; Yeah, you'd get points in a Tough contest, maybe... but I don't think that's what May's going for just yet.
About the only connection I could make was that May was going for a smooth and shiny entrance, just like Steven trains Steel types that are smooth and shiny. :)
The episode was great! May's so cute when she's scared. :p Listen to the experienced travellers (and your inexperienced younger brother) May, you'll learn a lot. :p Ash posing in his boxers was funny, as was TR saying their motto even though they were at the bottom of the hole this time. :-D And Brock said that they've been falling in TR's traps for years, so it proves that they've aged. The way they drew out and captured Corphish was great too. :) I also liked Ash's "feel the waves" training method.

GREAT episode overall. I missed a lot, but I don't feel like covering all of it...besides, you guys already did. :p
Kauri said:
One thing I seem to have missed - where did May's sudden Steven-rabu come from? o_O; And, uh... what part of his "battle strategy" is considered contest-worthy?

Originally, she bases her battle strategy on Brawly's fighting style, not Steven's. I guess the dubbers got the two names mixed up for some reason.
I haven't seen the episode, but what does Corphish's voice sound like? I bet he sounded really cute like he was gargling on some water. ;-)
This episode was like some messed up version of Jaws where the ocean was the safe spot!
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