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Review S06 EP37: A Mudkip Mission


Jan 2, 2003
Reaction score
Japanese Episode 024: "Secret Pond! A Horde of Mudkip!"
American Episode 024: "A Mudkip Mission!"


Both the character of the day and the Team Rocket mecha look weird today. Oh yeah, and
Brock gets himself a Mudkip.

Post your thoughts about the episodes here. Please mark any spoilers for episodes not that have yet to air in America in spoiler tags.
It seems kind of stupid trying to save a bunch of baby Mudkip from a dam collapsing because the water wouldn't hurt them much, plus they could always find their way home.
Although it was filler, there were a couple of good things about it:

~absolutely adorable baby Mudkip (I love cute baby animals, so sue me! :p)
~James crashing into the fence and the dam
~can we say, "All's well that ends well"?

Yes, I know I'm easily amused. ^_^
Okay, TR. It's a plank fence that's only about chest-high, so it's not like you're faced with a seven foot tall chain link fence with barbed wire at the top. Don't you think, maybe, climbing over it would be a good idea? But oh well, it was just a set-up for the running gag o' the day. Poor James. XD;

My god, the Mudkip were too cute. They were all so tiny and had a cute little voices that reminded me of Cyndaquil. ;_; *melts*

I rather liked the scene after 'Swampy' introduced himself, and Ash was being all buddy-buddy. :D That was randomly amusing. And the TR mecha was certainly... different-looking. "Mudkip Maiden", my foot. (though, admittedly, the line "We're big enough, thank you!" made me giggle stupidly, eheh)
I liked this episode a lot. The water type starters ALWAYS end up as my favorites and Hoenn is no exception. Mudkip are pretty cute, and I laughed when I saw the Swampy's hair. :p

BTW, about the Mudkip Maiden... I thought Team Rocket was trying to impersonate Swampy's grandma.
The "Mudkip Maiden" was probably their WORST mecha yet it was only
designed to take the Mudkip it couldn't even defend itself James was
treated badly he got pushed into the fence hard which isn't funny and
has anyone noticed that James kept on saying the phrase "All's Well
That Ends Well" throughout the episode those Mudkip were kinda cute
*hugs* Ash was all over Old Man Swampy(the pun in his name is obvious)
what's up with that May kept on doing her reporter act which annoyed me
to no end but she got her Just Desserts when the Mudkip squirted water in
her face LOL Brock is given a pokemon again(the last time was on "The Lotad
Lowdown") and it's another episode that focuses on Brock(like "The Lotad
Lowdown") this is more like a semi-filler overall good episode.

This was an amusing episode and it shows that, if they try, the writers can make Brock actully interesting, instead of his normal one dimensional self. I loved May's news reporter bit throughout the episode, and how she kept getting water gunned by all the mudkip ^^. Mudkip is uber cute and hands down the best starter pokemon in RS. TR was super cool in this episode. I LOVED their opening scene with the fence. I loved that Cacnea got lots of screen time in this episode and kept smacking James around. That was hilarious. TR's robot today had to be the UGLIEST robot EVER!!!!! It was really cool how they beat it though. I loved the scene where Brock saved the Mudkip from the water fall. The one thing that brought this episode down for me ws Mr. Swampy. I hate that name, it just didn't really sound right to me. I found him to be really annoying. Anyway, overall I give the episode 3 stars

Also, since when has an episode where a MAIN character catches a pokemon been considered a filler? This was definitly not a filler episode, and I'd alos say it was more of a straight out plot episode, since it seemed to have a little more substance to it than the last new episode that aired.
Indeed, although I have yet to see this episode, why are people calling it a filler? A filler is when nothing important happens. Something important happened here: Brock caught Mudkip. Therefore, the ep is not a filler. Taming of the Shroomish was a filler. A Mudkip Mission is not.
Yeah, I don't know why people are calling it a filler. I guess just Brock catching a Mudkip wasn't enough for them....

This was a pretty good episode though. I loved May's Expedition thing that she did! That was funny! LOL. ^_^ And I loved the baby Mudkip! They were so cute! And I agree with what Kauri said, about how after they introduced themselves to Swampy, Ash got all buddy-buddy with him. That was so funny! :-D I really liked that part! Oh, and I also liked the part where they were looking at the Mudkip eggs and they got to see that baby Mudkip hatch. That was cool! And I liked how Swampy kept saying all of those things that he wasn't supposed to say, like when he was talking about the dam. That was funny! And when Cacnea made James hit that fence, that was funny too. Oh, and that robot they had was so weird....do you think they just made it themselves? Anyway, I liked it the part when Team Rocket was blasting off and Meowth said, "All's well that ends well", and then James said, "Meowth, that's my line! You stole my line!". That was funny! And, overall, this was a great episode and it's so cool that Brock has a Mudkip now!

Rating: 8 out of 10
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Eh, it was okay.

The plot was decent enough, and the baby Mizugorou was cute and all, Team Rocket's mecha was oddly disturbing, and the old guy was.. um.. not just right.

But I feel they're doing too many catch/evolve pokemon-episodes right now, which means a lot of filler later.

Mizugorou isn't exactly my favourite pokemon, and the one Brock ends up with doesn't have a very interesting personality either.

But it was okay. A bit better than the last one, which tried to squeeze three different plots into one episode and didn't succeed very well. The next episode, however, is a lot better.
Teh best. episode. EVAH. =D

Now, I will point out the good things for you people to see them with your own very eyes! May, in the whole episode, was hilarious. The expedition team thingy rock teh house. Considering the whole thing was true, that's how documentary people do that kind of stuff...and go Haruka May when she was helping them up because she got up with her Silcoon. Poor her...getting squirt by Mudkip. And there was other stuff too but I'll leave that for you to find. ;-)

AND DID YOU SEE THAT?!?!! Team Rocket was playing stupid questions and stupid answers! I knew filling up three threads would pay off. :p Although it wasn't good, it was hilarious when James crashed into the dam and left an exact outline. That was the best mecha ever! And when Meowth said "mechanical" it kinda sounded like he said "mecha"...at least to me. Its dance moves and the acupuncture thingies in the nose can not be beat...ever though it wasn't a good robot, it was hilarious.

Ash buddying up to Mudkip man was so funny! And his follow-up line was just so... :lol:

And now we know about starter Pokémon. That could make it not a filler in itself, even if Brock didn't get Mudkip. Although I don't get why someone wouldn't want a Mudkip just because it was larger than the average size.

FYI, the Mudkip babies probably would've died if they were swept away. There's ducklings that are raised in the Kyotou mote (not by humans), and every June during the typhoon season, some of them are swept down in to storm drains (which requires them going down a waterfall first) and their chances of living after that are very small. It's really sad, actually. :-(

Say, did Brock say something...worse....than being swept away when he was saving the Mudkip from the waterfall?

Rating: 10/10!
Rocketshipper said:
Also, since when has an episode where a MAIN character catches a pokemon been considered a filler? This was definitly not a filler episode, and I'd alos say it was more of a straight out plot episode, since it seemed to have a little more substance to it than the last new episode that aired.

I have a question--why does it matter if it's a filler episode or not? It seems like, on just about every Pokemon message board out there, that every review thread contains at least half a dozen posts saying "filler" or "non-filler." Are we supposed to be keeping track of this or what?

Honestly, my enjoyment of an episode doesnt' depend on whether it's a filler episode or not. If it's entertaining, then I'll give it a good review. If not, then I won't. It's as simple as that.
Yeah. I agree, Dogasu. And I don't really care either whether it's a filler or not, just as long as it's a good episode. Then I'm happy. ^_^
Please note: The thread is from 4 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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