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Contest Sinnoh Frontier Brains


May 3, 2007
Reaction score
Which of the Sinnoh Frontier Brains is your favorite? And which do you think is the best?

Not including Caitlin, since she's not the brain of the Castle. That would be Darach.
Palmer. The first rival's father to appear in games (Giovanni wasn't confirmed until HG/SS) and start the tradition.
Just occurred to me that I didn't elaborate on my own choice. I picked Darach.

He's probably the nicest guy in any of the games, period. It's literally his job to be sweet and polite to his challengers and to his employer (although guess who doesn't seem to show any sort of gratitude for that).

Even in the manga he's great, he gets so fired up and so passionate and excited! Maybe a little creepy too, but that really only adds to his charm. Not every butler has to be stuffy and boring and unenthused.

Add to that his DEFINITELY not too shabby looks and well. You get the most underrated character in the entire series.
Thorton. I like his attitude, appearance and constantly changing team.
Thorton would be my second choice. I love his attitude, especially in the manga where he's super srs and then just loses it when he...well, loses. |D
I've always been a fan of Darach and Caitlin, even before G.V came out. They did have a sort of refined air about them, which I liked, took their job seriously and were actively involved in the proceedings of their facility, which was very nice.
You mean Darach took it seriously. o-o Caitlin just sort of....sat there. And barked orders. D:
Haha, I really love them all, they're so unique. In the end I chose Dahlia because she has an awesome design plus her Frontier Facility is one of the most entertaining.
Argenta, since I love her design and the fact you can't predict what Pokemon she will use against you.
Please note: The thread is from 3 years ago.
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