An video was uploaded alongside this update to the Pokémon Trading Card Game's official Japanese YouTube channel, giving an overview of the newly revealed cards.
An additional update posted to the site also revealed a new Pikachu promotional card, which is being distributed to participants of the Official Remote Pokémon Card End of Month Tournament on October 27th.
Images and translations for all cards revealed today can be found below. Translations for all cards previously revealed for Ancient Roar and Future Flash can be found on Bulbapedia.
Ancient Roar
Card # | Card Image(s) | Translation |
SV4K 006/066 | Bounsweet HP: 60 Quick Blow 10+ Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 more damage. Weakness: x2 Resistance: None Retreat: | |
SV4K 007/066 | Steenee HP: 90 Spinning Attack 30 Double Spin 40x Flip 2 coins. This attack does 40 damage for each heads. Weakness: x2 Resistance: None Retreat: | |
SV4K 020/066 | Tsareena ex HP: 310 Icicle Sole Put damage counters on 1 of your opponent's Pokémon until its remaining HP is 30. Trop Kick 180 This Pokémon heals 30 HP and recovers from all Special Conditions. Weakness: x2 Resistance: None Retreat: | |
SV4K 037/066 | Nacli HP: 60 Rock Throw 10 Stone Edge 20+ Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 20 more damage. Weakness: x2 Resistance: None Retreat: | |
SV4K 038/066 | Nacli HP: 70 Corner 10 During your opponent's next turn, the Defending Pokémon can't retreat. Weakness: x2 Resistance: None Retreat: | |
SV4K 039/066 | Naclstack HP: 100 Rocky Tackle 80 This Pokémon also does 30 damage to itself. Weakness: x2 Resistance: None Retreat: | |
SV4K 040/066 | Garganacl HP: 160 Ability: Energy Halite Once during your turn, you may attach a Energy card from your discard pile to 1 of your Pokémon. Then, heal 30 damage from that Pokémon. Land Crush 140 Weakness: x2 Resistance: None Retreat: | |
SV4K 058/066 | Spinda HP: 80 Ability: Tangled Feet When this Pokémon is Confused, if any damage is done to this Pokémon by attacks, flip a coin. If heads, prevent that damage. Dizzying Step 100 This Pokémon is now Confused. Weakness: x2 Resistance: None Retreat: | |
SV4K 071/066 | Scream Tail HP: 90 Slap 30 Roaring Scream This attack does 20 damage to 1 of your opponent's Pokémon for each damage counter on this Pokémon. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.) Weakness: x2 Resistance: -30 Retreat: | |
SV4K 074/066 | Slither Wing HP: 140 Stomp Off Discard the top card of your opponent's deck. Burning Turbulence 120 This Pokémon also does 90 damage to itself. Your opponent's Active Pokémon is now Burned. Weakness: x2 Resistance: None Retreat: | |
SV4K 085/066 | Professor Sada's Vitality Choose up to 2 of your Ancient Pokémon and attach a Basic Energy card from your discard pile to each of them. If you attached any Energy in this way, draw 3 cards. | |
SV4K 090/066 | Roaring Moon ex HP 230 Frenzied Gouging Knock Out your opponent's Active Pokémon. If your opponent's Active Pokémon is Knocked Out in this way, this Pokémon does 200 damage to itself. Calamity Storm 100+ You may discard a Stadium in play. If you do, this attack does 120 more damage. Weakness: x2 Resistance: None Retreat: |
Future Flash
Card # | Card Image(s) | Translation |
SV4M 017/066 | Vanillite HP: 60 Chilly 40 Weakness: x2 Resistance: None Retreat: | |
SV4M 018/066 | Vanillish HP: 90 Frost Smash 60 Weakness: x2 Resistance: None Retreat: | |
SV4M 019/066 | Vanilluxe HP: 150 Ability: Frosty Room Your opponent's Pokémon with 40 HP or less cannot attack. Icicle Missile 110 Weakness: x2 Resistance: None Retreat: | |
SV4M 026/066 | Toxel HP: 70 Whimsy Tackle 60 Flip a coin. If tails, this attack does nothing. Weakness: x2 Resistance: None Retreat: | |
SV4M 040/066 | Toxtricity ex HP: 260 Knocking Hammer 70 Discard the top card of your opponent's deck. Gaia Punk 270 Discard 3 energy from your Pokémon. Weakness: x2 Resistance: None Retreat: | |
SV4M 048/066 | Porygon HP: 60 Data Flick 10 Flip a coin. If heads, move an Energy attached to the Defending Pokémon to one of your Opponent's Benched Pokémon. Weakness: x2 Resistance: None Retreat: | |
SV4M 049/066 | Porygon 2 HP: 90 Power Ball 50 Discard an Energy from this Pokémon. Weakness: x2 Resistance: None Retreat: | |
SV4M 050/066 | Porygon Z HP: 150 Ability: Bug Turbo Once during your turn, you may flip a coin. If heads, select 4 Basic Energy cards from your discard pile and attach them to this Pokémon. If heads, discard an Energy from this Pokémon Energy Attack 40x This attack does 40 damage for each energy attached to this Pokémon. Weakness: x2 Resistance: None Retreat: | |
SV4M 071/066 | Iron Bundle HP: 100 Ability: Hyper Blower Once during your turn, if this Pokémon is on your Bench, you may switch out your opponent's Active Pokémon to the Bench. (Your opponent chooses the new Active Pokémon.) If you do, discard this Pokémon and all attached cards. Refrigerated Stream 80 If the Defending Pokémon is an Evolution Pokémon, it can't attack during your opponent's next turn. Weakness: x2 Resistance: Retreat: | |
SV4M 078/066 | Iron Jugulis HP: 130 Hoaming Headbutt This attack does 50 damage to 3 of your opponent's Pokémon that have any damage counters on them. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.) Baryon Beam 150 If this Pokémon has a Future Booster Energy Capsule attached, this attack can be used for . Weakness: x2 Resistance: -30 Retreat: | |
SV4M 086/066 | Professor Turo's Scenario Put 1 of your Pokémon into your hand. (Discard all attached cards.) | |
SV4M 089/066 | Iron Valiant ex HP: 220 Ability: Tachyon Bits Once during your turn, when this Pokémon moves from your Bench to the Active Spot, you may put 2 damage counters on 1 of your opponent's Pokémon. Laser Blade 200 During your next turn, this Pokémon can't attack. Weakness: x2 Resistance: None Retreat: |
Scarlet & Violet Promotional Cards
Card # | Card Image(s) | Translation |
120 SV-P | Pikachu HP: 70 Firece Spark 30+ Flip a coin until you get tails. This attack does 30 more damage for each heads. Weakness: x2 Resistance: None Retreat: |
- Sources
10月27日(金)発売の拡張パック「古代の咆哮」「未来の一閃」から新カードの情報がトレーナーズウェブサイトで公開されたぞ!アマージョexやポリゴンZなど、強力なポケモンたちが多数登場!さらに、SAR(スペシャルアートレア)やAR(アートレア)のカードも!最後までお見逃しなく!<ポケモンカードゲームの最新情報や対戦「オフィシャルリモートポケカ 月末大会」開催!ニュース詳細 | ポケカ公式
「オフィシャルリモートポケカ 月末大会」開催!10月27日(金)に「オフィシャルリモートポケカ 月末大会」を開催します。参加賞として、プロモカードパック、紙製プレイマット、プロモカード「ピカチュウ」を