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Twilight Academy [Non Pokemon RP]

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Dec 10, 2010
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Twlilight Academy

No, you will not know me, but I write you a letter now, from the stony, castle like walls of Twilight Academy. A school where only those who we believe have true potential come. Some come to study, others come to become better or to fufill their ambitions. Some may even come to get away from their usual daily lives that have over the years, become so tiresome and boring. I write you the letter because I think you are worthy of entering my school, my home, your home.
Of course, you do not have to accept my invitation but I hope that you would, at least, consider it before declining. And if you do not accept, please if you wish to ever come send me a letter, and I will take it happily.
I do ask though for you to fill in the application form that I have sent in the envelope with this letter. As it is very important for me to know your details and any other information that I may need throughout your time in the Academy.
Yours faithfully,
Miss. C. Hope

Subject; only if you chioose to be a teacher (more info for teachers further down the page)


Twilight Academy, is a school, where only those with true potential are taken to learn, not only from the teachers, because they are not the only ones who teach, but from from each other too. But recently some of the academy's secrets have been unlocking themselves.....and some people are worried. Things go missing never to be found again, and most importantly the headmistress' strange attitude towards it all. At first it was believe one of the fifth yer students was the cause, but when they left last year it was obvious it was not...What's going on at Twilight Academy....would you like to find out?


Really guys, I don't expect you to fill the whole RP with five paragraph posts just one or two will do, but one thing I really hate are one liners...please try not too!

Swearing is allowed but y'know try not to swear as much.

Romance will be kept to PG-13

Violence is allowed but don't make it too gory, I'm a bit squeamish and I know some other people probably are too so respect them and don't get too detailed. Also try not to kill anyone else, I'm sure they'd rather you didn't too :)

Godmodding is NOT allowed

Stick to the Bulbagarden rules, please, I hope you do in all RP's anyway

Oh and also my usual RP thing, failure to follow these rules will result in a warning from me via PM. If you fail once again it will become a temporary/permanant ban depending on how severe the act was. This will be announced in thread too so all the other RPers will know to inform you if you post while I'm away.

Subjects Teachers can teach:

Art/Music Teacher (you will have to teach both or share your lessons with someone else, your choice :) )

Right ok, I hope you all read that if not, don't worry I'll be able to tell :) Please Sign Up though! :D

My SU(s)

Name: Crystal Hope
Age: 24

Appearance: she has shoulder length wavy blonde hair. She normally wears a navy blue jacket with a whit blouse and navy blue pencil skirt. She also wears grey tights with navy blue heels. She has emerald green eyes and rosy cheeks. She doesn't enjoy wearing make up though but likes wearing jewelry. She isn't noticably tall and wears heels only to boost her height and not for fashion purposes. When she is not working (which is hardly ever) She wears jeans a T-shirt and a beaded scaarf. She will sometimes wear a beige jacket depending on how cold it is.

History: When she was younder Crystal went to Twilight Academy herself, and decided from that point onwards that she wanted to work as a teacher. When she left school and trained to become a teacher she was surprised to find that the previous head teacher of the school ahd left and that she had left a message specificly asking her to become the new Headmistress. Shocked she decided to become Headteacher....only to find the true reason why the previous Head left....Now she feels like she has to make things right again in the school before she leaves. She doesn't want anyone else to feel like they have to clear up the mess two people haave made....

Interests/Hobbies: Crystal enjoys eading and writing, she likes to think she is a good novelist and hopes that one day she will publish a novel of her own. She likes watching Dramas on TV and meeting new people, although she finds she doesn't have much time for that when she is working at the school.

Dislikes: Crystal dislikes bad behaviour in the shool and people who are rude and mean. She also doesn't like sport or wearing designer clothes because she believes they are unecessary.

Other: Nothing


ebansu (I will post my SU's soon, I just don't have enough time right now, but I will be the Headmistress and I will have two students)
Transparent - Blaire Almos
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Name; Blaire Almos

Age; 16

Gender; Female

Appearance; Blaire has long blond hair that is almost always in a ponytail. The ponytail reaches to the end of her back. Blaire is tall and skinny, and she weighs and average weight. She's very pretty. She has sparkly blue-green eyes, and her skin is very pale. She usually wears an orange tanktop with removable straps and dark denim jeans (unless there is a uniform). She also sometimes wears a sweater of any random brand and colour.

Personality; Blaire is kind-hearted, but when she's angry, you'll want to be far far away. She's good at persuasion. She is one to comfort most and it is rare to see her hurt somebody. Blaire is also very lazy, but will complete work correctly.

History; Blaire grew up in a normal family as the oldest child with two brothers and one sister. She's been an athlete ever since she went to her brother's games, but she IS very lazy.

Interests/Hobbies; Reading, Swimming, Baseball/Softball, Drawing, Japanese anime, Writing, Litsening to music

Dislikes; Math, cruelty, most insects (She mostly hates spiders), loud noises, small spaces (she is claustrophobic), cold weather

Other; ..........
you're accepted! Thanks for joining, I wont sort out houses until this thing starts so I can try and evenly divide you up :D Also there will be a uniform :) But you can wear your usual clothes out of school hours, weekends holidays, days off, whenever really as long as it isn't during lesson times! :D I've now posted the SU for Miss.Hope the headmistress....will post my two students soon, but I may just make one...it depends.
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Leonardo Daedalic
Leo is 191 centimeters tall and has a lean, lightly muscled build. His blonde hair is kept relatively short and is usually styled by the wind – meaning, not styled at all. His eyes change color dominance between gray, blue and green depending on certain factors.

His clothing tends to change between two basic attires. One being a simple light t-shirt with a brown vest that has his companies logo on the back of it – A pyramid with riches in front of it, studded gloves and simple jeans and Vanz shoes. That outfit is usually reserved for cold areas.
His other outfit is meant for the warmer temperatures and simple relaxation, and is his preffered outfit.
This outfit consists of a short-sleeved dress shirt, which is usually open, and the same kind of jeans as his other outfit. His shoes tend to differ in the warmth, and he’s known to simply walk around barefoot.

For Accessories, he wears a simple silver ring around his right hands’ middle finger and a silver chain necklace with a silver cross pendant, which has a green gem embedded in it. He also wears contact lenses which can also function as sunglasses to shield his eyes from harsh light. On some occasions, he wears black-framed glasses instead of his contacts, but that depends on how lazy his mood is.

Leo’s personality has many opposing facets, like the green gem in his pendant. He can be happy-go-lucky and kind, though he can also be extremely businesslike. The latter is usually his behaviour around people he doesn’t trust, or thinks of as possible enemies or generally bad human beings.
He is always quite adventurous and prideful, though he isn’t one to boast. He is incredibly self-reliant and enjoys nature and animals. He is honest to a fault, as he took a vow of honesty. His promises and oaths always have to be kept, no matter what, so he is extremely reluctant in giving them out.

In love he is old-fashionedly caring and protective and not the type to force his significant other to do anything against her will – unless its for her own safety or well being. He is incredibly loyal as well. He also doesn’t believe in simple flings or meaningless relationships, though he can be quite given to flattery without intentions.

He is also quite mischievous and enjoys fooling and tricking people, despite his oath of truth. He specifically made the oath so it won’t be broken in case of dishonest acts, such as cheating in card games. He believes that people who take other peoples belongings with violence are trash, but if you can gain an edge over someone by trickery, he doesn’t see any problems with it.

He has a short fuse, but it’s well hidden. Few things make him truly angry, though many annoy him.

Leonardo dropped out of school early, despite his high grades to start his own company - Daedalic Excavations. It specialized in rare and one-of-a-kind artifacts found in ancient tombs, though it also sold copies of them to tourist traps. Daedalic Excavations has also served as a detective agency for a short while, and the company was basically changed around quite a bit on Leo's whims. When he received the letter to Twilight Academy, he decided to go, as he had heard a thing or two about mysterious things happening there. The place also had a lot of history, so he was intent on finding out as much as he could about it. A man can never have too much knowledge after all.

Water - anything related to it, fishing, swimming, surfing, sailing, rain, etc. Nature, literature and music. History and psychology are also interests of his. He also enjoys mystery and adventure a lot, as well as RPG's and old fashioned weapons and horseriding. His interests have made him more then a fair shot with a bow, a deft swordsman and a horseman capable of shooting from horseback. He can also make weapons from wood - swords and bows, as long as he has the bowstring.

Unfaithfulness, abuse of trust, bullying, worry about too many things, dogma, forced religion, people who think they are better then others, people who don't use reason.

He's generally a free spirit, so he'll have trouble with too many rules. Especially if he thinks the rules serve no real purpose.

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Dash, if you're 25 and a teacher thta's fine but if you want to be a student then you're going to have to change that part, also if he is a teacher what would he teach?
whoops, my bad >.>;;; Edited. The company was started when he was 15, so it doesn't need to be changed :D
Llednar I've reserved you a spot ;D and Dash good now you're accepted! thanks for taking the time to edit!
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