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What features from the old games would to like to return in future installments?


Prince of the Red Book
Feb 18, 2011
Reaction score
Simple enough. Of all the features that didn't get carried on into 5th gen, are there any in particular that you'd like to see again?

Before it turns /thread, try to say things aside from the Pokewalker/Walking Pokemon/Touch Screen Menu/Auto-run/Pokeathlon from HGSS. I think most people would say those things. :p

I'd like to see different sprites for the two paired versions return, like from the original GS. Of course, with 649 Pokemon and many different forms that are all fully animated, it's kind of a silly thing to ask for, but hey. :D It's just another thing to look for if you decide to get the other version.

(Apologies if a similar topic was already posted, I looked some pages back and didn't see anything. I wasn't sure if this should go here or in the Older Games section since it's kind of both old and new.)
Pokemon avoiding pokeballs.Mewtwo did that in Yellow and it made catching alot tougher and better.
Pokemon following the trainer around like in HGSS

they kinda said not to bring that up. :/

I'm not entirely sure what I would like to be brought back. Everything I didn't like from the first generations have been removed or improved in later generations.
Pokemon following you (an on/off option would have been nice)

Auto-run (Seems kinda strange that they took that away, it was really comfortable)

Using the touch-screen to open and close the menu (bag, pokedex, save) instead of having to press X.
It's not a huge thing but it kinda made the touch-screen and pen more useful since you could operate everything much faster.
^^ its not as much as ''they took it away'', as its ''it wasn't there'' because BW and HG were being developed at the same time, by different teams, so the BW one probably didn't know about most of HGSS features...
You mean the one were everything was in one "pocket" and you had to throw something away every time you found something new?

Yeah a lot easier....

The information above......
...is sarcasm
I agree with ^

I like the extra pockets that keep everything organized. I kind of hate how the BW bag is. The main pocket seems so jumbled.
Having the Vs Seeker again, having poke balls in a seperate pocket instead of with other items, having berry pots
Being able to grow berries in general. Maybe in the R/S/E remakes. But, that's a discussion for another thread.
Having Pokemon follow you, the ability to rebattle trainers and gyms (this really should just be standard by now) and secret bases.
How'd I forget secret bases!? That was hands down one of my favorite features in RSE. (DPP, too, to a lesser extent.)

I also miss Pokeblocks/Poffin making, partially because it was fun to yell at my friends for messing up when we made them together. xD Edit: Ninja'd. o3o
In Grey, or whatever game comes next, I'd like the ability to plant berries again without having to use the Dream World. The DW servers won't last forever, and I'd prefer all of Gen V not be crippled for those still playing on the day they're finally taken down.

Also, the VS Seeker needs to be brought back ASAP.
VS Seeker, more differences, the organized bag from Gen IV, and 2d overworlds (3d ones look ugly when they are using sprites, remember the PSX/Saturn days?)
I would like to see the top-down look like RBYGGSCRSE. The bizarre pseudo 3D layout of B&W is turning me off for sure.
Please note: The thread is from 14 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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