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  • Hello. About my RP, Pokemon Friends! "Trainer Transformation!", you wanted to register, right? Well, there is still a chance to register. I told FredFredBurger, someone who reserved a spot to make a registration form. And I stated that if he/she does not create one in the next 15 days, his/her reservation will be dropped and there will be ONE space for ONE Trainer. And the faster, the better, so if his/her reservation is dropped, you should create a registration form right away, or reserve a spot.
    I'm saying this, since you actually wanted to join my RP. And I'm giving you a chance. Thanks for looking at this VM.
    yes you can, as long as its different and not exactly the same.
    oh and that fish was sick, it died. now I think another of our fish caught it, and one of our brown fish is turning pink.
    Travis Touchdown, from No More Heroes. He's a satire of gamers, which is what makes him so much fun. He loves anime, and his main goal is to kill all the other assassins so he can be number one, like most people who play video games. That, and so he can hook up with a hot chick named Silvia. He's childish, violent, and irresponsible, but he's also hilarious because of all this. Check it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsKPKvNf_Y8
    Really? What was it like? We talked about it in class today, from what Ms. Powers says, half the place is going to be blown up by nuclear power plants.
    Oh, that's neat. We have foreign exchange students too, I kinda had a crush on the German one, he had this awesome accent. Who'd you trade them for? We got this one jerk who kept on groping chicks, shipped him to Zimbabwe.
    A song? Do you sing, or play an instrument? Actually, you should respond at your leisure, seeing as how you're multitasking. I can wait.
    He acts dumb, but achieves his ends by doing so. Imagine smartness as less a line, and more a circle: If you act dumb enough, you go out the opposite end into genius.
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