Blackjack Gabbiani
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  • Hey, BP, if you want to know where that thread was that Red Torterra was tirading about its under the Wireless Garden, its called "Shaymin up for Grabs." But anyway, have you played any Platinum yet?
    Nah, we didn't record yet. I posted in the thread though.

    And I have no clue who's in charge of this thing. But I agree, it looks like people are just making suggestions, like you said in the thread. =/

    If no one volunteers to lead the cast, I think one of us should do it.
    Aww, I'm really sorry about this, Blackjack. I would have made sure you found out about our Bulbacast discussion thread sooner. But to be honest, I have been really busy with my personal life lately. In fact, I barely have enough time to post here nowadays, with everything going on in my life. My family is going through a difficult time right now, because of something involving my sister. =(

    Don't worry though, she's okay physically. But she has a mental illness though, and she had to be placed in the hospital recently.
    Oh I just call it "Repression" since it's worse than a normal recession yet not enough to be a full scale Depression.
    I'm primarily an AIM user, but I also have Yahoo and Skype. Unfortunately, I have to go to a meeting soon (didn't plan on it!), so it might be another hour or two before I'm able to actively talk. I've also got a Livejournal to be hassled on too, if that would be easier. I've got all that contact info up around somewhere. Otherwise you can PM the suggestions and I'll look 'em over when I get back! Up to you, really!
    Ok, I am speaking for the entire group when i say this... go to the Group A Discussion thread under Bulbacast Switchboard
    ok , and the butterfree is a legit pokemon from leaf green. I found it when I was in the Viridian Forest. It was so cool!
    ohh, hmm in that case im not sure.. ill think bout it, cause this one was hatched so its really rare.. and yes purple pupitar is like AWESOME
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