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  • LOL, I guess the amount of times you can mention N isn't..."NfiNite"...? Ah, the beauty of puns... Sorry, just had to laugh about that. :D
    IsshuShipping is awesome!:blush: Ah ha ha... I wish I could be so sure there'll be more members...:eh:
    Ha ha, yeah. I was shocked when I saw an IsshuShipping group and saw you started it! I was going to at one point, but glad you started it! Yeah, it needs to spread more! It's too good to pass up! Wonder if there'll be any more members...
    Oh God, make the faces STOP!!!! They'll probably taunt me in my dreams...

    Well, GOOD, I'm glad you see how fantastic my group will become. If only you'd wise-up and see the light. Reggie is awesome, and I pity you for not realizing it. One day, you shall SEE THE LIGHT!

    At least join the Paul group! You're embarassing me with you're lack of taste!!! :lol:
    FOUR MEMBERS IS A LOT!!! *huff puff* We're slowly but surely growing, spreading the Reggie love!!! XD

    Oh, I knew you'd see that. Seriously, I think I've seen more faces in a single post of yours than in all the other posts I've ever read COMBINED. It's madness, I tell you!

    W-Well, I"m good at finding PreciousMetal pictures, so THERE! I've not had much luck with Reggie, though...*sigh*
    Argh!! (and where did you find that picture of N?!)

    Well, my Reggie Fan Club is now 4 members strong, so yeah... I'm sure there will be more...of course there will...Hahahaha...(*strained laughs*)
    You know, you're free to join my group *hint hint*... I need more rabid Reggie fans. You know you want to... ;)
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