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  • Sorry for the late response. I was going to ask you wait until I found a second sub, but I've found my second sub, so I'll send you a role.
    I have psychic powers of course Yeah I love it xD I like all the gundam like feels it has while still being slightly more realistic I would say, plus the characters and fights are pretty fun xD

    On that note, are you excited for the new gundam series?
    oH and kenny was diagnosed as a sex addict too so that means that ryoag's one as well

    who'd have guessed
    Really now? Maybe I will check it out then ...

    One of the shortest? How short are we talking? o.o
    i cant believe you rolled my favorite character and i lynched you for it (is this why you said shingo was seme)
    Ah, I haven't, but I recognized that other guy from the trailers I've seen. xD

    I kinda wanna watch Gundam X ... dat BFG tho. o3o
    that is COMPLETELY circumstantial evidence and i cannot accept it in this court of law (it's an honor, rio-sama.... i'll remember ur generosity forever, and your coolness will live on in my heart for ages to come <3 fu CK those things are always so cool 'cause it rly gives a sense of finality wtf) tbh ryoag should be the water starter for the next generation and it'll be the most op pokemon ever anD YES... ryoag shall pay for their treachary ):<
    excuse me, you cant arrest me without evidence, and you have yet to present any that i'm cute /: (but u and ryoag are high-schoolers and ur cooler than me so i have to Disagree tbh........ yeaH he always bought this, like, sense of light-heartedness to the whole thing with his personality and he was always so goddamn good and i just. heck yeah buoy) IT WAS A TYPO I THINK YEAH.... one that i made while we were on dn, iirc, and it just kinda escalated to this bc it was such a ridiculous-looking name 0: and trUE i can't even type ryoga as in the character w/o typing ryoag first....... damn u ryoag ):
    evidence is everything in a court of law :// (TRU.... im cooler than all grade schoolers combined :I and yeah omg i kinda wish he'd join games again bc he was always so rad to play with ): and niCE that's almost as good as hig & ryoag)
    i personally think you're more kawaii desu ne than princess kenny don't tell her i said that tbh (2cool for school........... and fuCK i knew you'd say that tbh)
    it's basically what everyone should aspire to be tbh (not sweet talking if it's true ;) buoy uses that smiley all the time tho)
    I need III pictures but I don't have a tumblr so I can't really look for them there, and I can't seem to find many on the image sites I usually go to. Think you could help me find some good ones? Screencaps and fanart are both fine. xD
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