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  • Fuck Yeah!

    Though I wonder why it would take until late July to bring over. I know there would have to be some tweaking done since the menus and default settings are in Japanese, but they already have the English track on there.

    Oh well, best not to complain and just be happy it's being shipped overseas in the first place~
    Like fine wine it grows better with age.

    Tbh I'd be more likely to read it if it was in a book rather than online. Not that I haven't read scanlations, but it's just more convient for me nowadays to be able to pick up a book and read rather than turn on the computer, go online, and wait for the pages to load. I'm sure it's a great series with all the shows, references and connections it has, but not enough to make me want to archive binge it.
    I just realized they have little bits for favorite type and favorite gym badge on there now. Couldn't decide on the former, but the latter was easy.

    Er, somewhat. Sadly Jensen isn't as well-known as say, Tom Cruise. Oh well, more for me~

    Kakuna have taken over your profile page, bwhahaha. :evil:
    Oh that. Since I used to have Dean as my avy I figured it was the same with her. Also "About Me" section.

    It's so true! xD
    Depends on the mod. Some need it more than others.
    A Yaoi avy screams guy to you? xD

    I ship that kid with a lot of people, he's my little black/orange dress of this fandom.
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