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5:19 AM
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  • I think that is reallyy possible for me...
    8PM EST is for an hour after midnight (For me its now around 11PM)
    Also, I'm in horrible weeks (exams) so I'll not be only that much...
    Maybe we wait until after my exams...(22th June)

    Thanks anyway ;-)
    We really need to schedule this better haha. Just let me know a time tomorrow (since its past midnight I guess technically today) and hopefully we can trade tomorrow. Preferably a time at night is good.
    I'm on GMT -6:00 (or CST if that helps) but morning and evening are both good. (If you're on right now, I can do that too.) just give me a FC and a time to be on.
    For the moment I haven't got much time (I have exams... until the 22th)
    My time zone is GMT+2 (CET)...
    When would it be possible for you?
    Anyway, I'll pm you with the list of pokemon I need cloned later. I need to get all my pokemon together. My friend has a few of them, and I still have some people I was going to trade shinies with. :) Also my internet time is random so we will have to set a time that we can both jump online. ^^ Anyway, I think I've cluttered up your vm box enough, Night. :)
    Yeah, as long as it's used just for checking ivs or cloning I'm perfectly ok with the AR. :3 I'm a bit of a breeder myself, but I use metalkid's iv calculator to check the ivs. Sometimes I get lucky with decent ivs.
    Yeah that's basically what it is with no harm to your game/system done. I learned the hard way why hacking is bad news for your games. When I was young I hacked my original pokemon silver so much that it just wouldn't save anymore. :( After that I stopped using hacking devises of any kind. I don't want to lose any more of my games, and I don't want to risk my system either. XD;
    Ah, so it's like a prediciton program? I don't hack, in fact, this was the first time I've cloned a poke. Hacking just creates bad, untradeable pokes. If I were do something like that I would probably just buy a game to experiment with that was brand new so I didn't screw up my saves. I'm too paranoid something would happen in my main games.
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