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  • Thanks a bunch! I doubt I'll have much luck (after all, it took 12 tries to get my DW Poliwag to give me another one), but one can hope, right? Thanks again.
    Great! I'll get mine and get rolling. I believe we exchanged them a while back, but just in case: Nova, 0562-4743-3930. See you on the air.
    Sorry, I don't get VM notices in my email, so I just happened to come on by chance. But then again there is a terrible lag between messages arriving and me knowing about them to begin with. Can't win it seems...

    Anyway, yeah, I could trade now. Just VM me when you're ready to go (I'll stay on this site, so to make it easy).
    It's okay. I forgot to set my alarm anyway, so I slept in a bit. So it wouldn't have mattered either way. We'll try again later.
    I was wondering what happened. But now it's my turn. We'll have to do it tomorrow. Sorry, but my DS needs to recharge, and my eyes are getting a little sore from looking at screens all day. But, if you can catch me early tomorrow, say 9 PM for you, 7 AM for me, we can trade then. I'm usually up around 6:30 AM anyway, so odds are you can catch me then. Sound good? Hopefully we'll get this trade off the ground soon. See ya.
    No biggie. The beach is always fun, so it's no big deal. Sorry for not getting back to you right away. Went to bed early due to a headache, so I missed your message.

    Anyway, I'll be pretty much at my computer all day (give or take), so just drop me a line when you're on and we can begin.
    Hi, kiera2, it's me. Not to be a bother, but are you still up for that trade? I have your DW Vulpix ready, and it even has an Egg Move. Whenever you can, let me know when you can trade. Later.
    Are you the same kiera2 on IGN? If you are, I read about your earthquake stories on IGN, and I send my condolences to you.
    If Satoshi himself personally said to allow this thread to be made and didn't agree with my argument, because of his rank I'd probably end up allowing it. However, that isn't what happened. Besides, your accomplishment ended up somewhere.
    Yes, we do. However, each moderator is assigned his own section and they make up rules for that section to better that section. You post was valid, but the location was wrong. It has been moved into the Diaries of Black and White thread and unlocked. I even threw a public congrats in there.

    If you feel I acted in the wrong on this situation, you may take it up with the Conduct Review Board.
    Which is all fine and good, but as Satoshi himself said, this isn't his section. My decision takes priority over his. I'm in the process of moving your thread in the travelog though.
    Now I'm not saying it isn't awesome. Or that you were in the wrong. The problem is two things.

    1. The thread would have become a massive, "Yeah! woohoo!" thread, which is kinda pointless.
    2. We already have an official progress thread. This could very easily have fit there.

    Now, I congratulate you on an accomplishment that was daunting to me, but we do have to make sure everything is in its proper place. If you don't want to put it all together again, I'll move everything over to the travelog for you.

    Again, great job.
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