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  • JUst noticed a continuity error: How come Misty got to Route 1 without getting through Mt. Moon? Because she said she's never been there, but she must have if she wanted to get there... Or did she passed Saffron and Vermilion into Dilett's Cave?
    hmm...i usually just get up and go do something or else read a book. it's not like you're looking to copy someone else's work but sometimes reading helps you think up of stuff. good luck!
    Crossroads, you mean the one by Robert Johnson, right? I'm so sad I didn't live at the right time to see Clapton, Baker and Bruce performingit live.
    I just read the Coffee Man part in Chapter 3. Nice touch! And so funny.

    Will/did you include a chapter for the Pokémon Tower hostage? I want to see the ghost of the dead Marowak!

    The only thing that I'm not liking is the Pokémon yelling their names like in the anime (I always found that annoying), but in litarature, since you can't see the Pokémon's face, it should be the best way to give them a bit of personality...
    Well I loved how you mixed the games' scenario with that of the anime ("three boys walking down railway tracks") and manga (how he met Pikachu). And LOL, "Tangela'd up in blue" and "Do Magnemites dream of electric sheep?" (why didn't you use Mareeps?) really made me smile. not to mention the chapter titles. can't wait to read the "On the Road" chapter!
    Does Out of the Blue come from Neil Young? Or just a coincidence?
    Welllllll, I've always loved "The Punchy Pokemon." 'Course, first you'd have to do a "Primeape goes Bannanas."
    Thanks, I've heard that one before. It seems as though when you end things with statements such as "Whoa. That was deep. :p" you can detach yourself from whatever you just wrote to some extent. I like that. :)
    So, what's new?
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