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  • Yeah, I am. It's predictable, and that's unforgivable. Though the M-rated stuff by that same author is "wow," you know? :3

    Oh my gosh, That's What You Get is awesome! DX Best AU ever! ...but, as I said, ongoing we only have two XD Considering how often this one updates, it can't be considered "ongoing."

    The light is so pretty :) The ultimate truth...! (I'm still wondering what's up with Team Plasma and N and that amusement park... and the DS pen XD)

    The fact that I'm also aware of that doesn't speak too well of me. One that is conscious of their own modesty should be able to get rid of it; it's a nuisance D: But yeah, I've heard in my life a lot of "revenge" abuse of the mod/admin powers XD It's not the first time I'm staff somewhere, and sometimes I named staff... I've seen it all (and yet, this community is so big I'm still quite intimidated :( The incongruity hurts)
    It's not that good, but it's quite better than L&B. We have a severe lack of Gold/Silver stuff... and Admitting is the best ongoing fic on that ship. There's a load of one-shots that are of far higher quality, though, you know? But one-shots end when you finish reading them, hence my love for Admitting XD (if you don't find it nice enough to read, don't worry, it's OK)

    Wow, I hadn't seen it as a robbery! I think you might actually be right; that's evil and villainous! XD

    Don't worry :p I just grew temporarily tired of getting so much attention; I'll be better tomorrow morning :)
    Yeah... I was thinking of listing it under the Horrible Fanfic namespace at TV Tropes, but that would only call more attention to it, and I don't want that (gosh, if only Admitting grew in popularity and killed L&B, I'd be happy!) And it's OK you don't read it; you preserve your sanity and faith in humanity XD

    They're an evil team, not a group of pop teen stars! XD They're not supposed to be "scandalous," they're supposed to be villainous and threatening and, well, evil...! (LOL XD)

    ...yeah, I'm a mod. At the fic's section. I've not stopped hearing "congrats" and "woah ur a mod!1" messages all day XP I was hoping you'd not notice, but I guess the italics gave me out.
    Yes, I know. This is where we all begin calling upon the Bile Fascination trope to defend ourselves; we truly have no other reason to read that fic anymore... XD

    Woah, strip?! XD At an amusement park? With families (read: sheltered children) present? Scandalous! XD

    Yeah, I know. And the relevance issue is at... well... I wanted to prove that people don't have a long memory in respect to the media. I mean, if that girl wasn't under a rock or wasn't suffering of severe media amnesia, she would have realized that movie werewolves were created by Universal to begin with, and that Twilight is, well, "not very good and original literature" XD
    Oh, it's just a short chapter about how Gold finds Silver burning like a real vampire under the sunlight at the park, while walking Crystal's dog which was a Bidoof or something two or three chapters back XD ...it made no sense.

    Well, I maintain my position about Lyra up to this day, I think I can do the same for Iris D:

    What if they got confused for staff at the park? They're dressed quite outrageously, you know? XD I don't think they'd want to go...

    OK, maybe you're right... but maybe you aren't. Haven't you heard that people has a limited memory as to what they see in the media? The ultimate example of this is a fangirl/troll that wanted to sue Universal or something over their Wolf Man or whatever movie because werewolves are meant to be as hot as Jacob from Twilight (she even sent a pic of the poster; he's all oiled up, as if ready for a porn movie, no wonder he wowed her)

    ...no, it isn't an innuendo, I believe. Just look at it again. It's just there.
    *sigh* I guess you're right D:

    ...and have you seen that our favorite author finally updated? It's crappier than ever, too XD (on similar news, Admitting updated; I had a heart attack XD)

    Palm-tree-hair girl having something to do with the legendaries... gosh, I hope you're wrong DX She's fugly, I don't want to see her ever!

    Anguished Team Plasma members: "Master N! Why ever would Zekrom be at an amusement park? D:"

    ...anyways, this reminds me of
    Yeah, I know XD I also got confused, then I realized it couldn't be and spent a good minute or so laughing. I liked the DS pen... XP
    What idea? D: *closes all work windows, opens main doc and error doc* ...but I'm working on the M-rated goodness as soon as ch.5 is off the list XD I haven't updated in a month! I feel like trash...

    But what does palm-tree-hair girl do, anyways? XD

    I bet he's just having fun! :D Especially if you listen to the crazy theories of N escaping or something like that, when he's meant to be Team Plasma's leader/chosen one...

    Oh God yes! D: *drools* I love the talking cutscenes! I mean, I'm sure I'm not the only one... And I don't care if we don't battle him, actually; I'm happy enough with him spamming the game all over with his presence, even past defeating everything defeatable XD
    Yeah :)

    Gosh, I hope I have time for that XD ...nah! I will have time for that; everything else, go to the freaking waiting line! :mad: *readies fingers*

    WTF, was that palm-tree-hair girl in there just now?! D: *gasps* ...And, wait a minit, do you meet N at an amusement park? *blind* And if that's N as a kid, that's just sooo cute! :D (and, hey, animation is now much, much better in comparison to previous gens; I like that, and I hope it's not only for promos :3)
    I also consider him a big brother now D: It's all ruined XD

    Hee hee hee :3 Today, I got some progress done on ch.5 of Garnets and Cherries. Gosh, my inspiration may be returning at long last! :D (please, please, God, say yes! DX)

    ...and no. Link, plz, plz! D:

    Nah, I want to let her know her book is much better than Twilight, but that I've considerably grown up since I read her novel and I now know everything that makes it up; this is why it's up on TV Tropes (you don't approach that place unless you want to know the ultimate truth about a given work)
    I already told you that XD I kinda did initially, but only that, and we got along better as big-bro/lil-sis or father/daughter, really (the last one makes no sense outside of its context XD)

    Yeah, I didn't show it to you. I want you to read the finished product, woman :p

    She, the author is a she. She wrote a good vampire fiction novel back in 1990, with (are you ready for this? Don't fly out of your seat!) sparkly vampires that were actual vampires and a smart girl. You can consider Twilight a parody of this novel, actually (a bad, BAD parody). Anyways, yeah, that's a good idea :D It totally should!
    He's like three or four years older than me XP And yes, we have to thank life for these amazing coincidences :D

    And, come on, I told you I had just written the best intro/prologue bit since Kisses' own some days ago! XD That intro is going to The Only Logical Conclusion, definitely! :D

    ...anyways, *sigh*, I'm TV Troping again D: I just created the page for one of the most important novels I read during my early teenage years, too (and I'm now wondering whether or not I should tell the author, who has a blog and everything! 8D)
    Nah, he was hot
    Wait, what? XD Woman, what are you reading/watching?! XP (and remember that I mentioned an awesome intro some days back? It's for the M-rated fic; it's going forward, slowly but it is! 8D)
    Yeah, I know XD I remember I was like "WTF? o_O"
    It's not that easy. As I've mentioned before, I'm too busy with the uni D: ...but I'll try. I had already started chapter five two weeks ago or more, but... well... Either way, I'm back to it; the idea is already all planned, now it's only a matter of getting the words down! :D
    The true reason Garnets and Cherries materialized was because
    This is actually written down in the FF.net Author Notes for the first chapter XD

    And, hee hee hee, since the fourth chapter there have been no new ones D: *cries in despair*
    Yeah, RL is funny XD Like the true reason I decided to publish Garnets and Cherries... It's so amusing. Do you have funny anecdotes like these? XD

    Gosh, I'm very... I-don't-know-what over the whole deal of my graduation D: *sighs, sits down* I think I need to calm down or something... I can handle this; I'm known for my epic academic skills... *breathe in, breathe out*

    ... :) *sighs*

    Hee hee hee XD I guess I'm glad to hear about that...? XP

    Wow, congratulations! :D I hope you'll get to enjoy your class a lot and stuff!
    Hee hee hee XD So it was pressure? I thought it had blown because of other more interesting stuff...
    Hey, I gotta go to the uni; I'm effing graduating this semester! DX I can't just sit down and write now... :( And don't think it doesn't make me feel bad; I feel specially sad over Garnets and Cherries...

    ...bipolar! D: *uses ChessShipping repel* (well, that's hypocritical; I'm also a multi-shipper, as you know XD)

    Well, and did you get your transfer? :D It's important that students feel OK with their teacher, after all, otherwise learning is... difficult.

    And yeah, my birthday was last Friday.
    Are you sure that blowing-up-a-tube was wrong? XD Wasn't it specified in a document or something that it should happen? (...just telling you because, yesterday at Electronics, we had to set our diodes on fire and tear them apart with a pocket knife if they survived)

    Hee hee hee, I was doing that last Sunday, and... well...
    But then I had to go to sleep and next morning I was back into my writer's block mode :(
    No, darling, in chemistry you do no potions D: ...and if you are doing cool stuff, your teacher is doing it wrong XD (just saying)

    ...gosh, I'm so tired right now :( And suffering a lot, too. I've been stuck with a severe case of writer's block these last few weeks; it's so annoying XD
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