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  • He is turning on his DS he says if you are up for it he can battle right now. His FC is on his about me I believe and I just texted him yours. If you cannot battle at least you will Have each others for when you do lol
    Hey, I'm apparently your opponent in the HWL tournament. I know that's another week away, but when, abouts, is your best time to battle?
    Round1: I predicted the electivire motor drive/ discharge strategy but he fire punched my ferrothorn before I could power whip and accelgor's bug buzz wasn't enough to kill it.
    Round 2: I round killed the electivire but my router skipped and disconnected us (I've gotta get that fixed) and in the makup round he won.
    Battled against PlatinumMew, and no disconnections for this round. yays XD I won the two out of three matches.
    Oh I see. I don't use a Sp attk charizard anyway. XD If I can get my charizard set up he can hit pretty hard with physical moves. I know right. I was laughing hard since the team wasn't a serious team anyway. XD It helped to have fakeout on all my pikachus though to stall for time.
    okies, I can pm you for a battle on either of those days then. :3 Oh I love charizard, and persian. I didn't know charizard was NU though. I always thought he was OU. XD Oh this is funny, but I once used a mono pikachu team on pokemon battle revolution for silly fun, and actually beat someone with an arceus on their team. They DC right away after our match was almost done, and I still had two pikachu left alive. :) pikachu is awesome, but agreed his defenses are low.
    Ok, would Monday or Tuesday be a good time to get in some practice battles? I will be a little busy over the weekend. Any advice would be extremely helpful. I know I like using current favorites, but I would love to do some neverused pokemon favorites too. Do you have any ideas for a NU team? :D Oh nice, I do watch youtube a good bit for let's plays. I will watch a few pokemon matches too of the side. ^^
    ok sounds good. I would love to have some help with balances in different teams. I tend to never train defensive type pokemon. If it wasn't for tyler, and a few suggestions from the other group members I wouldn't of had any defenses in my team. :D I still have to train most of my pokemon to level 100 that I eved, but my trainer's badge team and a couple of others are level 100. I also would like to see if connection issues wont be a problem for me as well. Oh, I do like most of those water types. It's also cool to see a qwilfish being used too. Some of those water types are so underrated. :3
    oh cool. I also want skyrim, but I am to poor at the moment. :'D I'm glad he did enjoy it. I was enjoying myself too until wifi started bugging out. btw Would it be ok to have some practice matches with other people? I'm sure you know this from jarcel already, but I am newer to wifi battling. Oh a mono water team sounds cool. :D What pokemon are used in it?
    Yeah, I am not so great at singles battles. :) The best thing I could do is put up a good defense until his ghost, and fighting types came in. His team is well built. I just hope battling me wasn't a waste of time for him. XD I hope I did ok though doing a mono team. I do notice all the others are mixes.
    Thanks prophet. :D And I am not disappointed either cause of what we did in our battles was awesome. I was a little nervous at first though. I'm glad killshot won. He's team is awesome! ^^
    we kept getting disconnect with every attempt but since he was close to beating me one round out of the many we tried we decided killshot to be the winner. :)
    Round 1: Wizel destroyed me
    Round 2: I won, but barely
    Round 3: Communication error while I was winning 3 to 1. We agreed to give that round to me.
    Would you tell him that I will be on later on today. My sister is taking me to see the Avengers at 12:35 then we are going swimming. I will say is will take a few hours, but I will try to get back as soon as I can. ^^
    Ok I am finally ready for my battle with killshot. Jarcel said contacting you would be the best way to get in contact with him. :)
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