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  • Hey I noticed you posted that you have a level 1 Dratini =D Would you mind trading me one? I can offer any starter Gen 1-5, Zorua, Eevee, Togepi, Gible, Bagon, Axew, or Deino.
    Oh dear. Dreadfully sorry about that whole time issue. Contact me tomorrow (day off), and I'll trade with you then.

    Sorry for that. As consolation, you get a free rarecandy holding Zorua.
    Thats very true. I mean, its not like people of other beliefs are our enemies or anything. What they choose to put their faith in is really their business, not ours.
    Well, I gotta go now mate. Thanks for the trade, and the chat! Have a good one. :D
    You make an excellent point, though, even if you do sound slightly Woodtock '69. :p
    Wow, a Theology major. Well at least you have some actual study behind your faith, unlike those southern evangelists that try to organise Koran burnings and such.

    BTW, I just saw that you posted in my trade thread. Sorry for being so unattentive. :p
    Hmm Ive never thought of them that way, to be honest. I just thought of them as hateful people who really dont deserve the lives they've been given. But you're right...forgiving them might actually do some good.
    Dont worry about sounding preachy, mate, I know exactly where you're coming from.
    And you're right on the monry there. Modern civilisation tends to focus on what people do/earn/believe/look like, rather than just accepting everyone as equal.
    I mean, there are certain groups of people, such as the KKK, for example, that should not be tolerated, but on the whole, more tolerance would go a long way.
    Well thats incredibly admirable of you. I know what you mean, though. For an apparently civilised world, theres alot more hate than there should be. We are all people, no matter how we differ.
    Thankyou so much for your condolences. It was a tragic, unavoidable accident, but its still nice to know there are complete strangers willing to support us. It really re-afirms your faith in humanity to know people like you areut there. Thankyou. :D
    Kabuto, Omanyte, aerodactyl, lileep, anorith, cranidos, shieldon, archen, tirtouga - dinosaurs resurrected from fossils.
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