Blackjack Gabbiani
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  • :birthday:

    And I'm sorry to say this. But you're obviously busy; I think I'll have to cancel my order...
    Eh, I didn't have the money, so you can just hold those for whoever else wants them. The ZIP was 78596.
    Okay, so I'll check out:

    -$20 Snivy plush: X1
    -$10 Black Butler pencil board (don't ask... ^^;): X1
    -$6 LoZ: Spirit Tracks figures: X3

    What would the total be?
    Like I said, people suck. The Legal System is driving me crazy, and things are getting way too hectic. I may or may not post about it in my blog.
    I never said it was, just that it sounded like it. Any way, it was just a joke. Also, I can't send the Gamecube (people suck) so just go ahead and move on, pretend like I never bothered you. Sorry.
    Hi Blackjack. I just saw on your VMs with someone else that you don't get notifications when someone wants into the Team Rocket club, so I'm just giving you a heads up that I sent a request in yesterday. Thanks in advance! :cheers:
    2 questions:

    1. Those Spirit Tracks figures. Are they 6 dollars each, or all together? ^^;

    2. Are they those choco egg things?
    Ah, I see. As a matter of fact, I was just about to inform you that it may take me a while to get it sent. Money's been a bit tight...
    Hi Blackjack, I requested to join the team rocket club and was wondering when you would let me know if i'm in or not, sorry if I am sounding impatient
    Does this mean you want to read it or no?

    And it may be easier to post a topic on the Writer's Block forum so everyone can have their input. And besides, writing a large piece of text is not possible with VMs.
    So how can I help with your fic?

    And yes my fic does have Team Galactic and Jirarudan but it is a crack/war fic.
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