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  • AHAHA. The Ghosts of Pearlshippers Past. I like that idea. xD

    TOTALLYYYYYY. (btw, how many times have we had these crazy ideas? 8D)
    :DDD Yes. We should, definitely. If they don't canonize it, I'd go over there *with you* and beat them to a bloody pulp. >:D
    Hello. This is my daily 'friendly checkup' in order to keep my friends list up to date. You have 1 week to respond
    Hey, why aren't you ever on the Advanceshipping thread anymore? =D

    Don't worry, Ithink we're starting to regenerate topics.
    Sure do ^^ I love soccer, its so much fun. Vollyball's good too, Im not so bad at it myself. Deffinitely not good enough for the school team or anything, but oh well. Sports are all for fun, right?

    That happened to me today! My BFF had to go to her art class :( Augh, gotta go!
    Soccer in 10 minutes, actually.

    Why is it everytime we have a chance to chat I have to do something? @_@
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