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    Also, I need to challenge gyms more, so if you want a challenger I'm up for that. Or I could go off and try to get some practice first, which would be much smarter, but yeah.
    It's no problem. Not like I would have replied straight away anyway lol. Whenever is fine.
    I lol'd at that .gif.

    Anyway, if you're on and wouldn't mind, I could use a Ranger test. <3
    It's pretty bad. How in the world I'm able to keep a clear mind, and stay calm through my job I'll never know. We get some pretty horrible customers. And yeah, I hate when I would be cleaning in some spots, and customers would come up. Worst of all is when I need to clean by the door exiting the store.
    Sweeping floors can suck too though. I've had to clean parts of the store at times, for when inspections were coming up and whatnot. It's so annoying.
    Grocery can be pretty bad, because of that holiday food shopping. Gotta buy for the family and everything. I'll probably be pretty busy come December, because of Christmas, and New Years.
    I was posting in mine for a good while, but then I didn't know what to do to Cottonee without damaging it further, so I kinda just gave up. They will probably never post. The event was a good idea, people just got too lazy. We'll see if I swing around to join that or not, or if I'm busy. I should have less hours in the fall and winter (a win/lose, cause working less can be good, but then I also get some less pay) but I'll also have some new games to play at that time.
    I honestly don't think I'd be able to do it.

    Yeah. I always PM myself rolls so that way I'll have them no matter where I am. You know, even if he didn't reply more than once in the three months I had the thing.
    Which is why, despite wanting to, I'm not going to school. I only have 2k in the bank, from paying 1k to taxes so far, and spending 1k on things like food, and such.
    And to think I even posted for you on my birthday.

    All that needed's the thing keeping me from going to school. It's just too much, and my job doesn't nearly give me anything that I'd need.
    And whose fault is that?

    Think of it this way, that will be a pretty decent tax return. Every week I lose at least $80 to taxes more or less, and it's a pretty big chunk, since I've already paid like $1000 in taxes.

    Well, he isn't sure if he is having it yet, cause he wants to make sure with his parents first, but he hadn't even decided on it until last night which is why I didn't find out about it til then.
    Yes I did, and it's what you all deserved.

    Us too. We're suppose to be cutting back, and diving hours evenly so no one hits 40. They're also suppose to be sending us home early if possible, so that we don't get paid for standing around doing nothing, but still I hit 40 hours, and have only been sent home early twice, which in the end resulted in me still working 39 and 1/4 hours for that week. You can't complain though, right? I mean you need the money more than I do atm.

    Yeah, besides he didn't make a mention of this possible party until last night anyway. If I know work though, I'd be out by 9 the latest.
    I took off Thursday and Friday, cause my dads birthday is the 21st, and my moms is the 25th, so they're celebrating both between then, by going to ac with a few of my bros on Thursday, and then the regular birthday stuff on Friday. Thursday seemed like a good day to take off, since no one will be around, so I take care of the house and such, and Friday is for the birthday stuff. I'll find out today at work what's gonna happen, when I see next weeks schedule. I don't even know what the frig they're doing there, cause none of us are suppose to be getting 40 hours at all, but on many weeks I keep getting 40 or more hours, this current one included, so.

    Well if you can even call it a break, and not just me being permanently gone like I said.
    It kinda is. My friend said he is probably gonna have a going away party Monday or Tuesday, since he's leaving for college, but I'm gonna have a lot of trouble going, cause I had requested Thursday and Friday off, and I don't really wanna miss him.

    You should find another ranger. Nothing against you in the least bit, or rangering, cause I still enjoy that. It's just, urpg, well, I've seen too much stupid crap lately to wanna be there in the least bit.
    Extremely helpful, actually. For your comment on writing in first person, I'll admit that I have never written in that form... mainly because I don't care for reading stories done that way and so find it hard to write them in turn. As for the rest, like explaining how Akinai got to the Pokemon world and/or still has powers, plan to write that in a later chapter (whenever that will be X.x)
    I'm not leaving BMG yet; just URPG. I didn't exactly make that clear in my leaving post, but whatever, I guess. I'll miss you too. Thanks.
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