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  • Hi Muddy, not just yet. I'm still finishing up the last couple of lineup changes that I need to do before I can open it up. It should be ready sometime this week hopefully.
    Oh yeah. xD Sorry, I've been a little busy lately with one of my good friends wedding coming up next weekend. We can start it soon, though! :3 Most of the time-consuming stuff is over with lol
    Oh, cool beans. Been looking forward to see how it goes XD No pressure on posting, though--irl totally comes before anything URPG!
    Wow, thank you so much! I'm working on a second part right now, but it's sort of just dragging itself along in the mud right now, haha. But I'm glad you liked what I have!
    Ahaha, whichever you want, is fine. I just want to catch me some pogeymanz and have a partner with me. lol
    I miss music class a lot. It was probably my favorite. I liked math a lot too, and English of course. And yeah, that's one thing I didn't like so much about high school--I wanted to take different classes, not the same ones all those years XD
    Sometimes I think the teachers conspire to make a ton of homework all on the same day XD And my class is going okay, I guess. It's a Creative Writing one, so there's a story due every week basically. It's a bit taxing but fun at the same time. I'm probably writing more now than I ever was before, so can't complain there XD I'm sure you'll get a routine in for yours soon. What classes are you taking?
    Oh, sure, that's fine. I can post in claims right away. You did catch three things, so it's definitely not a waste. I'm not sure if there's anything else great on your list left anyway! I'll mention you when I post to close.
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