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  • Well at least things will turn out alright in the end, that's all you can really ask for I guess.

    I haven't actually been URPGing much recently, I keep an eye on the Park and recently I've been eyeing off this supposed Gym redesign but asides from that I just try to poke fun at Monbrey as much as possible.

    What brings you around again? Craving for chainicly goodness? =P

    (oh fuck that was horrible)
    Oh dude that sucks, what's happening?

    Life for me is pretty good, I landed a decent job and currently have more money than I ever have before. I miss Winter something painful but at least I'm saving up to go see her again so I have no complaints.
    Please, I got a 3DS a whole month-and-a-bit ago! #hipster #swag #yolo #donthatemecauseyouaintme
    I've been fine, thanks for asking. Remember to not roll into trouble and don't talk to any shady characters in the war room Buoy.
    "Hello KidBeano. It appears that you have not posted on our forums in several weeks. Why not take a few moments to ask a question, help provide a solution or just engage in a conversation with another member in any one of our forums?"

    Hello another member, I am engaging you in conversation.
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