Kakuna Matata
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  • Hotpockets are great though xD

    For me it's just that I'm really bad at doing things that aren't what I want xD I like to do the things I want instead of the things I need.
    So far, I've had sooo many projects rather than tests! The only class I *actually* need to worry about is math, because it's seriously hard and in June there's a state test I need to take of it! To be honest, I actually have a few free periods, and I'll have two more once I'm done with government and economics, since they're only half a year courses! :D

    After a week or two after hatching, the chickies were brought back to the farm they came from! :3 I wish I could be in a barn full of chickies! Such fuzzy fuzziness!!

    Oh and yeah....:/ I wish there was someway I could stop them from doing that experiment (my class didn't do it, but others did)! Maybe I can write an anonymous letter or something! There were also (already dead) fetal pig dissections and I was so glad my class didn't take part in that.

    Your cats are so cute and elegant!! x3 Their markings look so familiar...are they Bengals?

    I kind of like both plushies and figures, but plushies (especially Pokedolls) are a lot more appealing to me! xD

    Hahaha same!! I kept throwing mine around and the black paint on it chipped off! >.< D-don't you worry! Once we become billionares, we'll get all the Gen 1 Pokedexes you want!! :D

    I'm hoping Jinora *will* visit Aang in the Spirit World! :0 A-and wait. The 4th book is coming out October 3rd, next Friday?!?! WHAT?!!? Oh my gosh, I seriously didn't even know until you told me!!! Was it even advertised on Nickelodeon?

    Yeah Lucina has really nice alt colors! :D I think Ike has a Chrom alt color. I'm really excited to play as Duck Hunt Dog, FRobin, and of course, Ness! He's always been my main! :D Oh and I heard it SSB Wii U might be released in late November or so? If that's the case, I really need to get a job as soon as I'm done volunteering!
    I'm a little confused by that question. Websites or RL locations? o-o
    I'd refrain from inflatables most likely. Instead, I'd focus on lights and other things. (Both Halloween and Christmas.)
    I used to be able to play games in cars, but with lighted screens I can't do that anymore. Meh, switching the radio channel when it begins to flicker is always a good way to keep myself busy. Or thinking about shipping things. That works too. =p

    It is, isn't it ? It was the hometown of Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre, born in 1787 and passed away in 1851, who was considered as one of the fathers of photography. The term "daguerreotype" process of photography was named after him too. :)
    3DS one is probably the one I'll be sticking to for a while. :/
    Oh, that's a shame. Don't think I'll be doing anything too fancy this year though. Maybe I'll get to decorate next time.
    Not yet. I need to think about it though.
    I was referring to both however. How I'll celebrate Halloween on Bmgf and IRL. October also has Smash and possibly other things to look forward to.
    Frozen meals can be good sometimes xD

    Eh, it's kind of a pain too cause I can't do all the things I want D:
    Ok fine... then Momo-kun! I guess the fanfics have gotten some new ships into my mind xD Yeah, I find it a little weird though, Rin and Haru seem more like brothers to me.
    It wasn't very late for me, episode 10 just flew by for me xD The Free Shorts? FrFr! Yeah I've seen them. :)

    I really like Mega Gallade, I was so sad that it didn't happen in XY xD Looking forward to M Gallade and M Lopunny, I still want my Mega Milotic/Froslass/Latias/Latios though...

    Haha yeah!!! I wasn't used to cropping backgrounds, and I was so freaked out when it moved so suddenly xD
    Oh No! It was perfect. A lot of understanding from it. Arigatou gozaimasu :ksmile:
    Sorry for replying this late, I wanted to reply you in my computer 'cuz doing this on a tablet is a pain.

    I ended discovering that they don' really care about gay people (like, not so much prejudice neither love them), because of yaoi genre and the number of important people in Japan's history that were gay. As long as you don't PSA, annoy people in the streets and talk everytime you need rights it's okay(these apply to everyone). The only thing that really puts them down is how society sees them, as onne, the very stereotipically view on gay people, you know, like, very fabulous and diva-like.

    Wait, you knew music theory?! Well.

    That was indeed funny. Also, they're my favorite Brotp, though I can't deny they are cute as a couple.

    But, what do you do when you're in public, and can't use this site? D: (+points if they are stupid, I love stupid kids. xD)

    I think I'm entering the shipper stage where you ship almost everything, and this doesn't have a cure. D:
    I don't really like furry couples if it's human and animal, if it's animal and animal then okay. Wait, there are furries in Fire Emblem?!

    2014 - the year of the lift. xD
    I'm more concerned about not being able to move much. And as long as I don't read anything that is IN the car (panels outside are fine), I don't get motion sickness. I've had this perk since I was 8 years old, for some reason.

    I said near Paris, because my hometown's name isn't well-known at all, especially outside of France. D: (It's "Cormeilles-en-Parisis". The last -s is silent)
    What do you normally eat?

    Almost xD I just started but I have afeeling I'll be by this week.
    That just kinda stuck out to me. PLEASE JUST LET ME BE YOUTUBE FAMOUS OKAY.
    I like SH4, SH3 is still my favorite but SH4 was pretty fun. It's weird that originally it wasn't even going to be a Silent Hill game though.

    Idk, I just think as a game it doesn't seem all that appealing. I would much rather have a new Pokemon Snap or Stadium type game. I like fighting games for the most part but, yeah, idk. ;O
    I swear that the announcement thing that all the pokemon sites had said that Iris' VA was gonna be there or something?? Who knows.
    I just really really love customizing characters so while it wouldn't be THAT big of a deal for ORAS, I hope they continue it for the main main series games.
    I wonder if all starters will have megas eventually? It seems kinda odd that they'd just do them for Kanto/Hoenn.

    At least you have a job ;-; I don't and I never have had one. I AM SCARED OKAY.
    Yup, I heard Bleach is ending as well, but I don't read/watch it so~ TOKYO GHOUL WILL TAKE THEIR PLACE (even though the manga just ended, for now, and the anime is kinda...bleh), Attack on Titan is gonna still be big so there's that~
    Yeah, I'm happy for him. ;D but idk my mom's bf is just kinda...annoying tbh. He has that smart ass/cynical personality which just gets on my nerves? I'M NOT SURE, I just normally don't get along/like males anyways so it's just...yeah.
    I haven't started Wind Waker for WiiU either! I really need to jfc.
    I know what you mean, I need to get caught up in a lot of stuff. I need to marathon my animes and beat my games. I am still on Kingdom Hearts, smh.
    Do you have a twitter? O:
    Honestly, yes. I hadn't played the Souls series at the time when I was Dovahkiin. Hahahahaha. You should look up some videos of the games.

    The reason for that is the fact that Dark Souls is just a spiritual successor to Demon's Souls. Demon's Souls was released in 2009 as a PlayStation 3 exclusive. When it came time to do a sequel, MicroSoft wanted in on it too. However, Sony owns the Demon's Souls IP, therefore FromSoft couldn't make a multiplatform sequel called Demon's Souls 2. So they created Dark Souls. It has the same controls and mechanics as Demon's Souls, but the story isn't connected. Which is why the third game in the series is Dark Souls II. There is some story that carries over from DKS, which makes it more a sequel than DKS was to DeS. (DKS is Dark Souls and DeS is Demon's Souls, in case you get confused.) I hope that cleared things up.
    It is, isn't it ? =p

    Sounds fun. I don't know what would be its french equivalent.

    I'll go back to my place tommorrow morning. A 4-5 hours trip back to near Paris shall be long !
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