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  • Here's a longshot, so tell me what you think:
    I've got some interest in a pokemon RP again, and while I probably won't go making a nuisance of myself in whatever passes for URPG chat right now, I thought it would be worth a shot to continue the old Park Mini Run that I had with you a couple of years ago.

    For the record, it's no longer the only thing I have to do with my free time, and I'm quite a bit more mellow.
    Mostly, I just wanted to know if you had the time and interest to continue it and see it through, or if I should go ahead and drop it, and ask for a regular run with one of the newer rangers around.

    Regardless of the answer, thanks for the time and headache spent on me thus far!
    Hai WV! Just wanted to ask about monthly theme. Safari it's usually a part of the zoo so does the safari zone in Pokemon count as the zoo theme?
    If it's enough zoo-like, like mons in cages, etc, then it'll be fine. But if it's like in the wild thing, that's straying from the theme a little bit. Use your best judgement. If you wish, you can make a paragraph or two arguing on your piece why your theme fits the prompt too when you post your art.
    Sorry for bothering..again. Do you have time at (if you're in EST) at 3 or 4 PM to end the battle?
    Probably? I don't generally know my schedule down to the T, but I'm on spring break right now, so I'm on most of the day unless I get up to cook or clean or do whatever errand. And don't worry about bothering--you're not!
    Hey! I have spring break too!
    Hi! Wanted to ask, what UTC are you in? We wanted to end the battle but I don't know if you will be free.
    I'm in EST. I'm usually on a lot, so we'll probably catch each other eventually.

    And I don't know about "free" Rangers, as Felly and I are the only active ones right now, but if you sign up, one of us will take you. There's nobody else waiting right now except someone who has to modify his sign-up. It might be a couple days, but we'd pick your run up soon.
    Thank you! I hope I will do a begginer RP.
    A beginner run is a great start to the Park! I look forward to your app.
    If we're talking from Tuesday on, I know I won't be able to do it around New Years. But any time soon after or before should be alright. I'll be around most days.
    Okay. I'm sure we'll catch each other then.
    Yoyoyo. When do you wanna do this battle? Just give me a date and a time, and I'll make it work.
    Well I'm supposed to be going somewhere tomorrow and Monday, but really any time my Internet is working would work. I'll be on more prob Tuesday on, Internet permitting. It was sketchy before, but so far the net has been behaving. I hope it keeps it up haha. Any specific times that would work best for you? I'm in Central time zone right now.
    Happy Birthday, Winter!

    Also I have a lovely Jaw Fossil that I heard you want. Figure I'd mention it and see if you still want it/what you're willing to give for it.
    It's not important to go over every little thing, but when one of your players has a question... I don't know the specifics, but "Hey, what about this pokedoll?" "Sorry, we're past that point," seems like a bad way to GM.

    I don't particularly "want to linger here," as opposed to somewhere else, I just have a very very small area of the world revealed, if that makes sense. I don't know anything about any place except for what you've described-- one of the greenhouses kinda, the ranger station, the hedge-path kinda, and this flower garden kinda. I'm working with a very sketchy outline of the setting and doing my best to fill in the details-- things like sun filtering through leaves, or pine needles being on the path. All I have to go on is what you tell me. I can only make up so much because "The Ranger Controls Everything."

    I am completely stuck. Stopping to describe pokemon play actions back at each other (endlessly?) seems like a bit of a waste of time. I'm sure it's perfectly valid but it's not what I signed up for. That's one of the bits you gloss over, because it's not important. Unless it is important, like if you were going to use that to demonstrate the nature of the pokemon-- which I only know because you suddenly straight-up told me.

    I talked to the ranger, I interacted with the pokemon. I have run out of things to do. I am playing skyrim, but the whole map only consists of one room.

    Since our characters have had basically no interaction so far, and even flat out asking for guidance in-character is just ignored, there's really not anything for me to go on. I can make a post now, that says, "No, I'm not interested," but that really makes it a slot machine more than an RP. I pay my money, you roll the dice, until I'm all out of rolls.

    One of the runs I did read was Liam's, where instead of marveling at pokemon as they passed, or having any real reaction to any of them, he just turned up his nose, and kept walking. None of the posts (outside of combat/fleeing) were about anything. It was: "You found a pokemon." "I am not interested" "You walk away. Now you found another pokemon." "I am interested. I fight it." "You catch it."

    It was horrible, I can't imagine anybody wanting to spend their time like that. Again, I'm not expecting this stupid little one-off to be so profound as Dostoevsky, but maybe we could make it a character study-- an RP, instead of the same canned lines.
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