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  • OH MY!! You're right! Ages ago since the last time you were here. Lots of things have happened of course, both in this site and in real life, haven't they?

    So what about you? You were in a band as far as I remember, am I right? Myself, I got a steady job and I'm trying to set up an amateur dub studio for doing some fansubs... oh and OMG!! I went to see Macca on concert. That was great indeed. And I'm close to completing my National Dex in SoulSilver. Yes, very busy, but very happy too. And I hope you're doing fine as well.
    Hey there Zephy. Remember me?
    I was wondering if you could recommend me some DS games for a long car ride (40 hours).
    I'm thinking about picking up Miles Edgeworth and Etrian Odyssey II, but if you have any other recommendation they would be greatly appreciated.
    Ah, thank you, Zephy ;D I actually have a pair of those glasses XP They're probably obliterating my eyes, though XD
    Re-playing through my new copy Platinum. I lost my old copy of that and HG on my way to the US (I left them in the airport lounge).
    0.o sounds like it. Though I'm not one to talk. I got my ass handed to me at least 15 times by one level in Mario Galaxy. No enemies, just moving floors with holes in them, little electrical fences every now and again, inconsistent jumping mechanics, and a bleak, empty void below me. *sob*
    I've been all right...I didn't manage to pass my Italian class last spring, so I'm a little down about that, but I'm knocking out a couple of creative writing classes this summer. Other than that, I've mostly been kicking back and playing video games.
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