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Bulk Up or Focus Energy

Kanto Ryder

sinful selections
Dec 28, 2006
Reaction score
Which one is move effective, Bulk up or Focus Energy, or Swords Dance? (I restarted my Emerald and picked Torchic this time), I'm building my moveset and I don't know which one to keep.. Can you all recommend a moveset please. I was also thinking about keeping it a Combuskin instead of Evolving it because Blaziken looks to much like a human lol

Ok heres my Ruffdraft Moveset

Bulkup/Focus Energy/Swords Dance
Counter/Double Edge/Return/Facade
Seismic Toss/Megakick/Sky Uppercut/Focus Punch

or something like that..
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Well, the usefulness of the two aforementioned moves depends on what you're planning to teach your Torchic and what battle style you prefer. Focus Energy isn't an amazing attack by itself, but if you plan on teaching your starter Slash and Blaze Kick later on, Focus Energy will complement those attacks with a higher than normal critical hit ratio tacked onto moves with an already high propensity for critical hits. Bulk Up is, in my opinion, the better overall move as the dual boost to Torchic's (Combusken/Blaziken) physical stats is generally superior to a higher CH ratio.

Overheat...is another judgment call. If you do teach Torchic Overheat, at least half of its total moveset should not use the Special Attack stat. You could perhaps overlap on attacks (I.E. having both Flamethrower and Overheat) as a final resort effort should Blaziken be in dire straits, but generally you will want a fully versatile moveset at its disposal.

As for a moveset, I'd recommend Sky Uppercut, Flamethrower, Thunderpunch and Quick Attack. Simple, but effective.
Oh, yeah your right about the bulk up being better, I forgot you can keep using Bulk up. I think I might make my moveset, Sky Uppercut, Flamethrower, Bulk Up, and since the Pokemon is fast, theres no real point of having a faster, weaker move (Quick Attack)over having a stronger move (Slash, or some other move, atleast my opinion...
Quick Attack is deceptively useful. You may find yourself in a situation where Quick Attack is the move that helps you fell a faster Pokemon preparing to drop the finishing blow. The move's use lies in the situation where you need just a little more when you're slower or paralyzed.
Please note: The thread is from 18 years ago.
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