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D/P cards-Kisandaa?

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It's Korobooshi!

EDIT: Look real to me, even have the Pokedex entry on it which WPM reported would come back this set.

EDIT2: I know some Pokemon don't get a Sugimori art on their cards, but isn't it odd the one Pokemon without a Sugimori art doesn't have it.....

Edit 3: More pics...


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Eww. The new design and the rat thingy are fugly. I'm very suspicious of this though, since the Korobooshi art is very very similar to the style of someone well-known in the fake card community.
Yeah, the fact Korobooshi, the one without a Sugimori art, happens to be obscured and in 3D......

Also, I don't think a Pokemon has ever been revealed in a card first...
Ooh.. please let that new pokemon be real. I am so adding him to my team come D/P.

I like the white borders of the cards, hopefully that'll carry over.
(Most likely not, since it's been standardized as yellow but I always remain optimistic.)

And it looks like the starters are promos.
Ah, phooey, we blew up the thing's bandwidth. Luckily, I saved it to my comp to zoom in on it.
WPM just put on his site that he has sources that tell him they're fake.

They're fake. And I am laughing at how you just put up an article on the cards. Who's in the TCG business again, Archaic?
Are you sure...the fact you don't mention a name leads me to believe you think you do, when you don't.....
I know who it is. ;) I'll post up the evidence once they come online. I don't want them to get bashed, which is why I did not name them.
I don't see the promo tags on the cards Habunake posted. Corrolation?

Where did you find these ones Habunake?
On Pokegym, wheir these cards originated.

No offense WPM....but your Secret Sources and unnamed friends.....almost as bad as the "my uncle works at GF" stories...
And now I believe you, so sorry for "bashing" your previously non-existant evidence.............

This isn't an update thread for your site, maybe you could show the proof here?
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