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DP23 title & summary


Jan 20, 2006
Reaction score
DP23 title:「爆走ハガネール!ビッパの村を守れ!!」
(Roaring Steelix! Protect the Bippa Village!!) airs 15 March.

Source: Pokeani

Summary: Ash & co. find an injured Bippa in a forest and are about to take it to the nearby waterfall when Team Rocket appear. However, behind them there is a very angry Steelix on a rampage...

btw, updated Summary of DP22 (the first part of the 1-hour Pokemon 10th anniversary special): Ash's Aipom get saved by Jessie, and Jessie asks Ash to lend Aipom to her in return so that she can use it in the Pokemon Contest...

Source: Dengeki DS
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If that's true, great, another fucking Steelix.

How many times can they put the same damn Pokemon in an episode? Steelix is like Arcanine, the writers have some fetish with putting Steelix in a new episode every few months.

Otherwise sounds like a filler for Bippa, it seems the D/P fillers have begun, or rather, began with the Magikarp/Feebas ep.
Begin the speculation on if Beadull will be Ash's water type. I highly doubt so, but I know the speculation will begin anyways.
If that's true, great, another fucking Steelix.

How many times can they put the same damn Pokemon in an episode? Steelix is like Arcanine, the writers have some fetish with putting Steelix in a new episode every few months.

What on Earth are you talking about? o_O Steelix has only ever been in one or two fillers, Arcanine has only ever been in two or three and Arcanine has only been in like 6 episodes total.

Steelix was only even in AG 3 times, once as a filler, once as Masamune's powerhouse and once as Brock's evolved Onix.

They're hardly overexposed and hardly appearing every dozen episodes or so as you seem to have it.
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What on Earth are you talking about? Steelix has only ever been in one or two fillers, Arcanine has only ever been in two or three and Arcanine has only been in like 6 episodes total.

Steelix was only even in AG 3 times, once as a filler, once as Masamune's powerhouse and once as Brock's evolved Onix.

They're hardly overexposed and hardly appearing every dozen episodes or so as you seem to have it.

What? I'm talking about Steelix overall.

Steelix was at Jasmine's Gym, in the Raikou special, Harrison had a Steelix in the Johto league, it was in the episode where Ash caught Torkoal, Morrison had a Steelix, Brock's Steelix, and that's just off the top of my head.

I remember people complained when Steelix was featured heavily in two leagues in a row, (Harrison and Morrison's Steelix).

Instead of using the same Pokemon over and over, why not use a lesser seen Pokemon like Nidoking or Nidoqueen? When was the last time we saw them in an episode? I think it was "The Bicker, The Better" with Ash/May in a tag battle, and that was over 100 or so eps ago.

As for Arcanine? Not even counting the amount of times we saw it in Kanto-Johto, we just saw the thing in two episodes in Battle Frontier. It was featured heavily in the episode where May and Drew wanted to catch one, and again at the Battle Dome. We also see Arcanine again in the preview to next weeks episode with Officer Jennny.

Why do the writers keep shoving the same overexposed Pokemon down our throats when lesser seen Pokemon get the shaft? Instead of Arcanine for the billionth time, why not Ninetails or Rapidash? Those two Kanto fire types, especially Rapidash, barely get to be seen.

The writers also do this overexposed stuff with Alakazam, Skarmory, Azumarril, Sunflora, Gyarados and Geodude.

They definitely overexpose the same Pokemon over and over, how is this not obvious?
I think a lot of people just get upset when Pokemon from old generations get featured instead of ones from the current generation.

Alakazam, Skarmory, Azumarril, Sunflora, Gyarados and Geodude.

Agreed. And quite a lot of that list is comprised of overused Pokemon in PvP - Alakazam, Gyarados, Skarmory, Arcanine. I'm not sure if that's on purpose or not.

But Geodude isn't a choice on the writer's part. It's just that all the Rock-type Gym Leaders have at least one.
You can also add the Machop, Machoke line to that list.

The sad thing is another Shinou Gym leader has a Machoke, doesn't he? Meh.
They do show Gyarados a crap load, like every time they go on the water. And for Arcanine, that's all Gary used and there was that kid that melted the whole stadium, and it was used in like 30 other episodes, if they want to use a dog that spits fire so bad they should at least use Houndoom or something different for a change.
Arcanine had a whole filler to itself in Johto in "The Stolen Stones." That was another thing that annoyed me about Johto, making whole fillers just to showcase old Kanto Pokemon that were seen before. As if Johto fillers weren't obnoxious enough, (we had like 10-12 fillers between each Gym and since there was no Contest arc back then, there was nothing else to keep us entertained during the wait), making even more fillers just to showcase old Pokemon got annoying very fast, especially since they tended to not be very good.

I really hope D/P doesn't go down this path, the pacing has been very good so far with no real filler as of yet, but they have been making new episodes without any new debuts. I'm still hoping there's more to the Magikarp/Feebas ep then we know so far, and at least Bippa is in this ep, but they really need to flesh out the debuts more and showcase lesser seen Pokemon like AG did in most of Hoenn.
Rhydon also is the Background Warrior, the thing appears alot (it battle Tyson like...two times in the Hoenn League)

I have to admit the complaints about Steelix are rather amusing sometimes. And come on, you have to admit next week's Jenny's emaciated Arcanine is kind of cool---especially when you have a giant freaking Salamence AND a Gardevoir in the same episode.

But yeah, they could have introduced Dosaidon in this episode, but it's not a big deal.
Maybe they show these pokemon a lot because they are popular and marketable.

The "overused" pokemon that gets on my nerves the most is Electabuzz. It annoyed me how in the Orange league both Rudy and Drake had one.
People complain too much.

And besides, with all the awesomeness coming in these episodes (the Hunter plus Salamence and Gardevoir next week, and then Bippa and possibly Beadull in this new one) shouldn't there be enough to make up for the "overload" of Arcanine and Steelix?
And besides, with all the awesomeness coming in these episodes (the Hunter plus Salamence and Gardevoir next week, and then Bippa and possibly Beadull in this new one) shouldn't there be enough to make up for the "overload" of Arcanine and Steelix?

And Drapion.
Well, there's a certain matter of appeal. Remember, the anime is an advertising device, so it's only natural that popular Pokemon will get shown more. Whether Steelix or Arcanine are particularly popular I don't know, but big, powerful Pokemon definitely have some appeal.
Well, Tyranitar is a big popular Pokemon. Why not have that instead of yet another wild Steelix?

The last episode where Tyranitar had a big role was very early AG when TR released Arbok/Weezing.

I don't think we've seen Tyranitar in a big role since, and that was 200+ episodes ago.

The writers have so many Pokemon choices to use now if they need extras, yet they keep chosing the same ones over and over again.
Please note: The thread is from 18 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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