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New Ending "Dotchi ~ Nyo?"

Re: New Ending

The new ending theme "Dotchi ~ Nyo?" Emerged from the October 1 broadcast of the Sun

Spell-like rhythm mother begins the road to summer-style intro and mysterious Middle East "- Dotchi Nyo?".
It's kind of like the nickname, and completely different form the type of Pokemon names and moves, Pokemon misleading, confusing, Pokemonsongu declaring the world is fun.

Moreover, this ending is a new fun and I'll multiply!
At the end of every song "♪ Today is a good one?? Is Ue? Is this you? Is this right hand? Is drinker?" I'm out weeding out the quiz. Guess I expected to challenge Zehi in front of the TV!

New ending theme
"Dotchi ~ Nyo?"
Song: Mr. Araki and Momomiruku
Lyrics: two trillion Yoshikawa & Asakusa KIDS
Composer & Arranger: Araki Akira 6

I hoped someone else as a singer for a new ED...
Re: New Ending

We want a real translation not google. I hope it is interesting and not freaking HGSS advertisment.
Re: New Ending

My translation:

The new ending theme, "Dotchi ~ Nyo?" will start from the October 1st episode!

The spell-like song will have a Middle Eastern-style intro and a mysterious jar-like rhythm. Despite the song's title, it has nothing to do with the pokemon* or the techniques of the same name and is instead a confusing and puzzling - yet fun - pokemon song. In addition, this ending song adds to the fun by asking a quiz during the final lyrics ("Which one is it today? Up? Down? Right? Left?") Be sure to try to guess the answer in front of your TV every week!

*"Dojotchi" is the pokemon known as "Dunsparce" in the U.S. and sounds similar to the word dotchi (which means "which?"). The nyo part is also similar to Nyoromo, Nyorozo, Nyorobon, and Nyorotono ("Poliwag," "Poliwhirl," "Poliwrath," and "Politoed").

New Ending Theme "Dotchi ~ Nyo?"
Sung by: MooMoo Milk and Araki-san
Lyrics: Yoshikawa Chouji & the Asakusa Kids
Composition & Arrangement: Araki Keiroku

My guess is that it'll be all about the Jouto starters.
Re: New Ending

"Dotchi ~ Nyo?"

What's the meaning of that?


*"Dojotchi" is the pokemon known as "Dunsparce" in the U.S.

Isn't it Nokochi? maybe I'm wrong but for some reason I was sure it's Nokochi...

or the techniques of the same name

That's the name of an attack? what attack is it?

this ending song adds to the fun by asking a quiz during the final lyrics ("Which one is it today? Up? Down? Right? Left?") Be sure to try to guess the answer in front of your TV every week!

So... after the song there'll be some kind of quiz? or is it during the actual song?
Maybe the video of the ED will have little changes every week and we'd get asked to find the difference? the up/down/... might mean a certain Poké will appear on a different side every time?

Yes, I know we might not have the answers to all of that yet but it's interesting...
Re: New Ending

Well as long as its HGSS advertising with Dunsparce I'm cool.
Re: New Ending

dotchi (which means "which?")

Does the "nyo" part has any meaning? or is it just there?

The nyo part is also similar to Nyoromo, Nyorozo, Nyorobon, and Nyorotono ("Poliwag," "Poliwhirl," "Poliwrath," and "Politoed").

While they said it's not related to the Poké... it's suspicious the song's title just happened to sound similar to the names of two Johto Poké (and Poli actually appeared recently)

Sung by: MooMoo Milk and Araki-san

Sung by MooMoo Milk? XD
I guess it's for more Johto advertising...

Well as long as its HGSS advertising with Dunsparce I'm cool.

It'd be funny if the ED would really focus on a Dunsparce after how neglected it was... but apparently it's not related to it

I guess we'll have to wait until it airs to understand more about this
Re: New Ending

Aw damn, this is going to be another one of those impossible-to-translate pun songs, is it?

Fun times.
Re: New Ending

hah this could be fun
soumds a little like hyakugojuichi with some kinda quiz attached
do do do dogasuuu dodo dodo sarrr! lol
Re: New Ending

Sounds like a fun new song. :) I don't know about the quiz part though... I guess we'll just have to see how they handle it.
Re: New Ending

I told you they would change the ending but keep the opening as the same. I've been waiting for a new ending for a long time- too tired of the Gizamimi song.
And people wanting a new opening for otherwise recurring characters? The only thing that will change in High Touch 2009 is replacing Ambipom with Cyndaquil.
Re: New Ending

I really wanted a new OP too... even if for a short time ("Spurt" was for about half a year which I assume is the time left until the end of Sinnoh... so I thought it's possible)
I guess that's why they waited with Ambi in the OP... they couldn't have Buizel the only one without another Poké by it so they waited until the group get a new Poké
Re: New Ending

I really wanted a new OP too... even if for a short time ("Spurt" was for about half a year which I assume is the time left until the end of Sinnoh... so I thought it's possible)
I guess that's why they waited with Ambi in the OP... they couldn't have Buizel the only one without another Poké by it so they waited until the group get a new Poké

It wouldn't make sense to have the remix of the current opening for about a month and then change it to something else.
I guess this is also why Ash released Gible as soon as he got it. The group can't have an odd number of pokemon. Won't fit with the song.
Re: New Ending

It wouldn't make sense to have the remix of the current opening for about a month and then change it to something else.

I'm sure High Touch 2009 was here for longer than one month...
Also, Together 2008 was in DP79-95 - just 16 episodes, and changed to High Touch

I guess this is also why Ash released Gible as soon as he got it. The group can't have an odd number of pokemon. Won't fit with the song.

I doubt they decide by such things
They could simply not update it into the OP or add it to all scenes except the pairs scene
Re: New Ending

*head desk bang*

That's it I'm not watching the series until they back off on the Johto stuff and go back to the status qua.
I guess then your not going to watch it till the next gen then.
Re: New Ending

Yay! New ending~
Not that giza mimi pichu wasn't cute...she's had her time, plus it's been eons since the movie was released.

Aw, I actually wanted it to be a human centric ending. Oh well.
Re: New Ending

I'll miss the Pichu song, but it was fun while it lasted. I knew they were going to change it soon once Chimchar evolved. I'm sure the new ending will be good too.
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