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New Heroes Are Born Costume Event launches in Pokémon Masters EX, plus debut of Barry's new Sync Pair with Heracross in a set of Costume Scouts

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Barry and Selene in their new Special Costumes, with their sync pairs Heracross and Scizor
While we haven't gotten an explicitly Easter-themed event in Pokémon Masters EX, April is still bringing with it a brand new Costume Event, New Heroes Are Born. Also launching today is the first of two new Costume Sync Pairs featured in this event, as well as a Welcome Back Rally for returning players.

Costume Event: New Heroes Are Born
This new event sees Barry and Selene getting roped in to some costumed heroics at a battle event being held by The Masked Royal and Crasher Wake. This event is available in-game now, and will continue through until May 16th, at 10:59pm (PDT).

By completing battles during this event, players can earn Event Voucher Z items, which can be exchanged for a variety of valuable items including 5★ Scout Tickets and Power-Ups, Special Skill Feather 27 and 28, Skill Items, Sync Orbs for Barry (Special Costume) and Selene (Special Costume), Lucky Cookies for Barry (Special Costume), Selene (Special Costume), and The Masked Royal & Incineroar, and a Strike Move Candy Coin. Players can also obtain Gems and Event Medals for completing special missions during the event.

Costume Event: New Heroes Are Born - Event Medals
As usual for events of this type, players will receive bonus rewards if they take on event battles using teams that feature specific sync pairs. The more of these sync pairs that players place in their lineup, the greater the bonus received. The applicable sync pairs and reward rates are as follows:
These bonuses stack additively, so having a team consisting of Barry (Special Costume) & Heracross, The Masked Royal & Incineroar, and Crasher Wake & Floatzel would grant a combined +140% (x2.4) rewards.

Players should also note the following when playing this event:
  • The number of plays available for Daily Extreme Battle 1 are reset every day at 11:00pm (PDT).
  • To participate, players must have completed Main Story Chapter 1: The More the Merrier (Normal) in single-player.
  • The sync pairs that appear as opponents in battle have different capabilities than those players can actually obtain.
  • All mission completion rewards must be claimed within three days of the mission period ending.
  • Leftover Event Voucher Z items will be automatically converted to coins at a rate of 10 coins per item at the end of the event, and sent to players' Present Boxes
Log-in Bonus
The New Heroes Are Born event includes a log-in bonus over 14 days. Players can receive these bonuses up until April 28th, at 10:59pm (PDT), so even if you're a couple of days late starting the event you'll still have the chance to receive all of the available gifts.
  • Day 1: Skip Ticket x 20
  • Day 2: Gems x 100
  • Day 3: Gems x 100
  • Day 4: Gems x 100
  • Day 5: Skip Ticket x 20
  • Day 6: Gems x 100
  • Day 7: Gems x 100
  • Day 8: Gems x 100
  • Day 9: Skip Ticket x 20
  • Day 10: Gems x 100
  • Day 11: Gems x 100
  • Day 12: Gems x 100
  • Day 13: Gems x 100
  • Day 14: Skip Ticket x 20
Event Gem Specials
In conjunction with New Heroes Are Born, the following four Event Gem Specials will be available in the purchase gems tab of the in-game shop until April 2nd, at 10:59pm (PDT), offering discounted prices on paid gems.
  • April event gem special 1: Gems x300
  • April event gem special 2: Gems x1,800
  • April event gem special 3: Gems x3,900
  • April event gem special 4: Gems x7,000
Barry (Special Costume) & Heracross
New Sync Pairs

Two new Costume Sync Pairs will be making their debut alongside the New Heroes Are Born Costume Event. Barry (Special Costume) & Heracross make their debut today, while Selene (Special Costume) & Scizor will make their debut later this week on April 13th, at 11:00pm (PDT).

Barry's 6★ EX Outfit
Barry (Special Costume) & Heracross

Barry (Special Costume) & Heracross are a Bug-type Physical Strike Sync Pair with an expanded Sync Grid and an unlockable Tech EX Role. When raised to 6★ EX, Barry's outfit is changed to a black suit with blue highlights.

Their Guaranteed Triple and No Quarter Passive Skills ensure that their Pin Missile attack will hit opponents at least 3 times before Mega Evolving, and 5 times when Mega Evolved. Every time they manage a 5 hit Pin Missile, it activates their Spiral Megahorn attack, which can do massive damage to all opponents.

This Costume Scout give players bonus presents for the first three times players perform a Sync Pair Scout x11, awarding a Strike Move Candy Coin each time. This Costume Scout also include a daily discount, where players can perform a single scout for x100 paid gems. This daily discount can be used 1 time per day during the entire length of the scout.

In addition to the regular Costume Scout, players can also take advantage of a Barry Costume Tiered Scout. This scouts has ten tiers, each of which is a Sync Pair Scout ×11. Players are able to scout once on each tier by using Paid Gems, with the amount of gems increasing with each tier. Additionally, Tiers 5 and 10 of each grant the player special tickets to use in the associated Barry Costume Featured Ticket Scout and Barry Costume Guaranteed Ticket Scout.
  • Tier 1: 300 Paid Gems
  • Tier 2: 900 Paid Gems
  • Tier 3: 1,500 Paid Gems
  • Tier 4: 2,000 Paid Gems
  • Tier 5: 3,000 Paid Gems - 5★ Great Scout Ticket E
  • Tier 6: 2,000 Paid Gems
  • Tier 7: 2,500 Paid Gems
  • Tier 8: 2,500 Paid Gems
  • Tier 9: 2,500 Paid Gems
  • Tier 10: 3,000 Paid Gems - 5★ Master Scout Ticket E
The Barry Costume Scout and Barry Costume Tiered Scout will run through until May 19th, at 10:59pm (PDT). The associated Barry Costume Featured Ticket Scout and Barry Costume Guaranteed Ticket Scout meanwhile will run through to May 26th, at 10:59pm (PDT).

Welcome Back Rally
Welcome Back Rally

Players who have not logged in for 30 days or more will be able to take advantage of a special Welcome Back Rally until April 28th, at 10:59pm (PDT)


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