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Sword and Shield Countdown Thread

Only six days left for me, before I can go and claim the version that has my lunar wolf legendary!
6 Days
We are now 6 DAYS (PST) from November 15th.
I had the same...um..."conversation" when I went to pay off my preorder. The guy was way too eager to tell me his thoughts on how he didn't like how the dex had been halved. When I tried to tell him I liked the new Pokemon so it didn't matter to me. He just scoffed and said "there's not a whole lot of them" so the gen was going to suck.

I left the game stop much like the haters gonna hate gif.
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Usually the guys at my local gamestop talk about games other than the one I'm buying.
It's usually like that at both of the ones in town, too. But since this was right after the leaks, I guess it was fresh on his mind. Either that or he was trying to warn me, not realizing I had been reading the non-story leaks for 3 days straight and have become immune to dexit criticisms.
Thankfully, the guys at Vertigo (which is Not-Target) tend to not ask questions. Except to question me if certain games exist (try asking for Story of Seasons in my country and you'll get funny looks).
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