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The Rise of Darkrai TV Premiere

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Professional Asshole
Jan 26, 2008
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I just swiped the TV from my little brother a minute ago to watch Cartoon Network (the first time I've ever done that ^_^), and as soon as the DP anime went on commercial, they aired a much-anticipated(?) preview of the 10th Pokemon movie, The Rise of Darkrai.

Of course they had a series of awesome clips and such from the movie, but what surprised me the most was the end: The movie is scheduled to air on Cartoon Network February 24, 2008 at 7 p.m. (US EST). Would it really air on TV a month before it goes to theaters?
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Maybe it's just a sneak peak. No way it can be on TV before it goes to theatres!
I think they did the same with the Manaphy movie, airing it quite a while before it was released on DVD? I guess to hype it. I don't think it would have any negative effects, like less sales for the DVD.
We got to hear the voices of the critical characters, although Tonio only speaks one line. They sound good.
Did that guy say 'theaters'? THEATERS? If I interpret that correctly, that would mean that Pokemon is back in American movie theaters! Hooray! Either that, or I'm misinterpreting this.
Lickilicky was mute!

That was a fine trailer they showed, very exciting.
Wait, so this movie's really going to be in theatres?
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Did that guy say 'theaters'? THEATERS? If I interpret that correctly, that would mean that Pokemon is back in American movie theaters! Hooray! Either that, or I'm misinterpreting this.

Man, I'm just praying this is true. I had pretty much given up on PUSA giving the new movie a theatre run, but if what that guy said is true, I'll be one happy Pokemon fan!
DP is getting pretty popular, so if any Pokemon movie were to air in theaters, it'd be this one. If this is airing in theaters, that may be a good setting for a Darkrai event.
I really think they just screwed up about the "going to theaters" bit. But, hey, who knows?

Anyway... Feb 24th is my birthday. :D I got all excited when I saw that. What a nice birthday present from Cartoon Network? XD

EDIT: Oh, silly me. "Birthday" isn't spelled "bitchday"! o.o;

And I forgot to mention: that commercial they put together was awesome. It even gave me goosebumps.
"Don't forget Pokemon the Rise of Darkrai debuts months before it hits theaters right here on Cartoon Network." by random kid on Fried Dynamite.

I have it on tape. That's what was said, you didn't mishear it. Though I have to wonder what this means.
As of late, the traditional release sequence (theatres->video->TV) has been falling by the wayside.
It's been falling because the last four movies haven't been in theaters, so most of the movies were debuted on TV instead.
That's cool about the theatres thing, but I'm a bit skeptical...

I'm also wondering if it would hit Canadian theatres too.
Makes you wonder if PUSA is really going the extra mile here. I wonder how people would react to a Pokemon movie in theaters who haven't watched the show in ages.

They'd be like, "Hey, who's the new girl?" and like, "Hey, doesn't Ash sound a bit different?"


Seriously though, I don't know how they could get it into theaters unless its a limited release like Movie 4 and 5 were. Who would go to the theaters to see a movie that already was released on TV?
"Mommy...how come that girl has Ash's Chimchar?"
Well, I hope it's not limited. Getting to a decent theatre around here is annoying enough, and limited releases? Forget it.
Now that I think about it, it'll probably just be a limited release. Cartoon Network is playing it this month right? Why would a movie primere on TV then go to national theatres. Dosen't make much sense too me.
Of course, I'm hoping I'm wrong.
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