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Today's update to the official Japanese Pokémon TCG site reveals new cards from the upcoming Shiny Treasure ex High Class Pack

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Alakazam ex reprint plus Students of Paldea
An update on the Pokémon Trading Card Game's official Japanese homepage has revealed a selection of new cards from the upcoming Shiny Treasure ex subset, the first High Class Pack for the Scarlet & Violet series of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. Cards from these sets will be released internationally in a future, as yet unannounced expansion.

An video was uploaded alongside this update to the Pokémon Trading Card Game's official Japanese YouTube channel, giving an overview of the newly revealed cards.

Images and translations for all brand new cards revealed today can be found below. Translations for all cards previously announced for the set can be found from the Bulbapedia page for Shiny Treasure ex.

Card #​
Card Image(s)​
SV4a 051/190
Frigibax SV4a 051/190
Frigibax HP: 70 :W:

:W: Collect
Draw 1 card.

:W::C: Beat 20

Weakness: :M: x2
Resistance: None
Retreat: :C::C:
SV4a 130/190
Varoom SV4a 130/190
Varoom HP: 60 :M:

:C: Rev
Select 2 basic energy cards from your discard pile, and show them to your opponent. Then, put them into your hand.

:M::C: Headbutt 20

Weakness: :R: x2
Resistance: :G: -30
Retreat: :C:
SV4a 170/190
Technical Machine: Crisis Shot SV4a 170/190
Technical Machine: Crisis Shot
The Pokémon this card is attached to can use the attack on this card. (You still need the necessary Energy to use this attack.) If this card is attached to 1 of your Pokémon, discard it at the end of your turn.

:C::C::C: Crisis Shot 280
If your opponent has more than 1 prize card remaining, this attack does nothing.

Translation/Localization Note:
かじば when written in kanji is 火事場, or "scene of a fire", but we've seen examples of it being translated as Crisis on past cards such as Machamp (Lost Origin 88). いっぱつ meanwhile is 一発, which is roughly "one shot/charge/explosion/blow/punch". The word has been translated inconsistently in attack names in past cards, including "One-shot", "Shot", "Blow", "Impulse", and "Strike". We've gone with Shot here per the most recent card, but going by the cart art and the implications of 火事場, something like "Explosion" could easily fit here as well.
SV4a 178/190

SV4a 179/190
Students of Paldea SV4a 178/190
Students of Paldea SV4a 179/190
Students of Paldea

Search your deck for a Pokémon without a rule box, show it to your opponent, and put it in your hand. Then, shuffle your deck. For every Students of Paldea card in your discard pile (not including this card), search for an additional Pokémon.

Translation/Localisation Note:
The above is a direct translation of the somewhat convoluted card text. We suspect the localisation of this card will be something more along the lines of the following, which produces an identical effect while being more straightforward.

Search your deck for a number of Pokémon without a rule box equal to the number of Students of Paldea cards in your discard pile (including this card), show them to your opponent, and put them into your hand. Then, shuffle your deck.


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