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Unwell [Catching Fireflies Finale] {Start-up}

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throat to the stars
Jan 31, 2011
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Catching Fireflies

'All day staring at the ceiling,
Making friends with shadows on my wall,
All night hearing voices telling me,
That I should get some sleep,
Because tomorrow might be good for something.'

- Matchbox 20,


@Mouthful of Pi, @-Gray-, @bpj1999, @JakkuEbansu, @samedwards, @Oblivion, @Guardian of Johto, @Sushi~.

Part III of the Catching Fireflies Saga.

Welcome to the beginning of the end, kids. If you aren't familiar with CF I suggest you at least skim the 'Basic Plot' section. If you're returning it's basically the same as it has ever been - but we're going back to Alveus for the final stand against the Adduco.

You ready?


Most adults are already dead; an unknown disease has wracked Alveus - you'd be incredibly lucky to survive until 21. If you want to be older you must request so specifically.
No Godmodding/ Bunnying/ Mary-Sues/ Rule-Breaking.
I retain the right to deny any/all applications that I feel are not up to standard.
No 'species' other than those already listed.
The rarer powers are only given upon request.
Mild swearing is allowed, violence is encouraged. If fights need to be overseen please request. Death happens.
Maximum of six characters.
More rules may be added if needed.


We'll be going from the end of CF2 again, ignoring the events in the first CF3.


Living alone on an island for the most part of one's life didn't exactly leave them well equipped for change, Semper realised, as he shot what he supposed was Alveus a confused look. Things had changed, he'd known they would've, but to have changed to this extent was a miracle unto itself.

Well, he said miracle but to be fair it was more of a nightmarish change than the pleasant ones one would normally associate with the word. Nonetheless this was not the Alveus he recalled from his memories, and he found himself suddenly aware of exactly how little he knew of the country, now.

This place had been his home for years, but he found himself unable to recognise anything. He supposed that was what happened, ut even still it was a shock to his system, and not a good one.


Cinna surveyed his work-force, a grimace marring his features as he shot those who seemed to be slacking a glare. Tapping his fingers on the desk impatiently he smirked imperceptibly as they begn to visibly increase the speed at which they were working, fear of their leader's wrath enough incentive to force them into working faster.

Of course it probably wasn't fear of him so much as it was fear of his powers, Cinna told himself, before frowning ever so slightly. Not that there was much to be afraid of anymore. He'd stopped summoning so many illusions lately, and even when he did they were small, and blurred slightly as though one was looking at them through fog.

If anyone had noticed they didn't comment, but it seemed Cinna's Gifted powers were abandoning him.


"Let's go, then," Tai remarked to Gary, smirking almost maliciously as she cracked her knuckles, "I have certain things I'd like to see to." She grasped his hand as instructed, aware of how his powers would function in terms of travel, having been forced into circumstaces where she had had to work with other Presul plenty of times.

Of course plenty could go wrong, she supposed, and probably would too, considering the fragile nature of time.


It took her roughly 10 seconds to get past the barrier guarding Alveus. 2 seconds to teleport there, 3 to get her bearing and 5 to casually disarm every Adduco guard in the area. She frowned slightly. It would've been faster if the guards hadn't been so spread out; teleporting longer distances took more time.

Not that she'd been trying to set a record or anything, she told herself (althought she had), but she really had to get this over with as quickly as possible. Which was exactly why she should probably get a move on rather than loiter here, thinking nonsensical thoughts.

Yes, that would be best.


ohmygodthisisthemostoverduethingeveri'msosorryi'mtheworstgmever ;____;
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Cole stood onboard a small ship, waiting as Alevus grew larger on the horizon. He was busy cracking different codes, giving fake orders to any Adduco on the coastline to move further inland.

Well, we're all clear for arrival, he thought distractedly. But it's going to be one hell of a fight once we get further in.
Jakku yawned tiredly.
Him and Kiba were taking turns working the wheel of the sub, to get them back to Alveus on time.
He was now very, very sleepy, after an eighteen hour shift.
He turned as Kiba entered the bridge.
"Hey. You want to sleep?"
He asked gruffly.
Jakku remained still.
"We're almost in Alveian waters. I'm staying here."
Rolling over Domovoi grunted.

This afterlife wasn't all it was kicking to be.

He was lying on a raft going towards Adduco waters and saw the guards waiting at the port.

"Well, looks like I'll have company." he grunted as he got closer to the shore.
A small collection of three destroyed and abandoned houses, a little ways away from the border of Alveus. Some may call them little more than a twig in the vast sea that was the continent of Alveus.

But to a singular figure who was sitting on a rather large boulder situated near the center of the houses, it was his hideaway, and base of operations. That figure was Benito Sudario, much better known as Zaar. He was examining his malformed, dark purple skin with interest.

"Such a peculiar condition," he sad to himself. "Not even I know of the cause, nor the exact specifications of the disease. No, not a disease. They might call it a disease. But, when used properly...oh, the destruction one can cause..." He grinned as various ideas began swarming his thoughts. "That is all these powers can do, so that is exactly what I shall use them for."

"Although, I haven't been in a truly fierce battle battle in quite some time. That shall be rectified with utmost haste."



The manic scream could most likely be heard from a considerable distance. Its source was an individual, located in the remnants of a city. He was shouting at another person, an Agon, who gave him a smirk. "I was just passing through," he said, a snobbish tone in his voice. "But what are you going to do about it? I could probably beat you into next week."

"What could I do?" the other person said. "WHAT COULD I DO?!" Upon repeating his words, his hands lit on fire, signaling his status as s Fire Elemental. The Agon's eyes widened in fear as he started backpedaling, trying to distance himself from the now-provoked Elemental. "I could burn you alive! I can burn you alive! AND I WILL BURN YOU ALIVE!"

With that, he let loose a feral shout, and fire flew from his palms, hurtling towards the Agon, who had been backed up against the corner. The projectiles hit their mark, setting the Elemental's victim ablaze. He immediately began flailing about, trying in vain to put out the fire, but in short time, his nerves refused to function, and he fell to the ground, still on fire.

Once the flame had settled, the Elemental dragged the Agon's body over towards a warehouse of some sort, before absent-mindedly tossing it. The warehouse had numerous corpses in its forgotten depths. Their eyes had melted, their skin was roasted, and their mouths were open, perfectly capturing their last scream as they died at the hands of Josef Kaiser.
Cole's small motorboat arrived at Alveus's dock, coming to rest against the somewhat rotted wooden boards. Cole emerged from the boat, looking around for a few moments to confirm that his hacking had been successful. It apparently had been, with the entire coast clear of life for a few miles in each direction. He turned to a few other ships on the horizon, gave a quick 'all clear' signal, and strode onto dry land.
Evan wasn't sure what had happened. Everyone on his team had left him, and Eliot was died. He was particularly curious about what happened to Eliot: He just died for no reason. For someone who had been with him for months, Evan was underreacting. He had left the corpse, and built a makeshift raft to go home.
Semper's make-shift raft docked with all the grace of a herd of elephants, sending him flying into the sand as it jerked suddenly to a stop, the forward momentum forcing him to plow head-first onto the shore. Spluttering slightly as he rid his mouth of sand Semper wiped his mouth on his sleeve, spitting onto the floor in an attempt to rid his mouth of the foreign taste the sand had brought. He grimaced when he realised it really wasn't working too brilliantly for him, and that he could gradually feel his mouth getting drier and drier.

Sighing in defeat he glanced towards the shore, surprised to see the Adduco seemed to have left the area alone. Gaze shifting to his left he noticed a boat pulling up to the coast, ignoring it in favour of taking advantage of the lack of opposition he was being faced with and stalking towards the only buildings in sight. He figured he'd find shelter for the night and then work on finding his way into the capital, and then onto the Resistance. He was sure that some of them would be remaining at least.
Zaar had taken notice of a young man landing...well, crashing would probably be a better descriptor, onto the nearby shore.

Wait a minute. Crashing onto shore? That couldn't be right, those blasted Adduco were making sure that nobody went out to sea, nor allowed people back in. It was highly unlikely that he was a foreigner, due to the aforementioned barricades. How could he have...

His pondering was cut short as the person began making his way towards Zaar's encampment. He gave a scowl, and immediately jumped off of the boulder he had been sitting on. So much for this place being out of the way. Although, being the only kind of structure for a good distance didn't help any. But, then again, it's not like anyone who entered came back out alive.

He dashed to the wall of one of the houses, waited in absolute silence, until the individual was within a short distance, then he made his presence known. Stepping out of his hiding spot, he walked right into Semper's path. "What do we have here? Has someone lost their way?" he sneered, voice like ice. He didn't know who this person was, but they probably wouldn't be too much trouble to dispatch.
Semper halted slightly mid-step, veering out of the way to avoid crashing into whoever had just walked out in front of him. Rolling his eyes he glanced up at the man, raising an eyebrow and snorting. "Not exactly, he remarked, his tone equally as cold, a slight sneer seeping through in his voice. "I know of my destination but I need to find somewhere to stay for the night given it's distance from this point." Semper wasn't really sure why he ws botehring to explain himself to this person; he clearly wouldn't help him, so bothering was just a waste of time.

Deciding he had better things to do than engage in such pointless conversing Semper tried to push past Zaar, apparently just wanting to leave as quickly as possible, ignoring the fact that the man was clearly not in a great mood and therefore likely to be somewhat volatile at the moment.
Zaar's right hand immediately morphed shape, turning into a collection of vine-like protrusions, halting Semper's progress. "I don't know who you think you are, but this is my territory. And I most certainly do not take kindly to trespassers," Zaar said, his voice developing quite an edge. "Especially ones who think that they can shove me aside like nothing. I wouldn't advise you to take even one more step in this direction, because all I need is a single touch to turn you into a rotting carcass."
Domovoi's raft was beginning to sink and he knew he had to dock very soon.

Finding a heavily guarded Alveus port, he reluctantly docked knowing that he had no choice.

"Reveal your identification or I will have to fire." A stocky Adduco bellowed as he wielded a deadly looking turret.

"My name.... Is Domovoi." Domovoi said at the last second throwing up his cloak to reveal his skeletal upper body and face.

Using the element of surprise he jumped up into the guard post and sliced him in two.

Then manning the turret he gunned down the rest of the port security, gaining bullet holes in his clothes but they all missed his skeletal framework.

Putting back on his cloak, he walked into the remains of the burning Alveus harbor.
Jerking slightly to a stop as he realised that whoever this was was rather adamant at not letting him by Semper's gaze slid upwards to face the man. He raised an eyebrow, apparently bemused by the fact that whoever this was thought they could actually halt his progress. Of course he was even more bemused by the fact that the man thought he would actually win in a battle, to the extent Semper audibly snorted, eyes half-lidded in apparent boredom as a slight grin stretched his face. "You'd have to be able to actually touch me to do that."

This would probably be a waste of time, Semper realised, but at least it would probably be a good fight. He hadn't had one in a while.
Gary shuddered at the touch of Tai's hand but nodded uncertainly.
He rolled his shoulders back, and felt the rush of time energy course through his veins when suddenly he heard the cry.
"Hey stop!"
Damon thundered down the slope, brandishing his modified pistol.
Gary opened his mouth to speak, but in surprise, his powers activated.

There was a blast of light and suddenly Gary and Tai were lying in what looked like a long marsh. He coughed and spluttered as mud filled his face, and he managed to paddle himself into a standing position.
"Ugh..." he said, spitting out a clump of weeds, "What the hell...We haven't travelled back in time...I would know...We're in Alveus though..." He looked up into the sky and smelt the Adduco's scent of industry, "Their factories are nearby, I can smell them...We're definitely in the mainland..."
He bent down to lend a hand to Tai.
"Well shite," Tai remarked dryly, grimacing as she lay on her back, mud slowly seeping into her hair and turning the previously bright, peacock-blue colour to a sickly brown. She sat up, raising a hand to cover her eyes from the sun, and let out a long sigh. "Well this is just dandy." She ignored Gary's hand in favour of simply shoving herself to a stand, trying and failing to wipe some of the mud off her clothes. Rolling her eyes when she realised she couldn't she pulled out her skateboard, relieved to find she hadn't lost it at some point, and sat on it.

Not as that it would do her much good, but the fact that the thing could keep her floating above the mud and not sitting in it was always helpful. "At least we're here, I suppose," she commented, gaze flitting to run over the land nearby, "it could be worse." Double-checking hr headpiece was still functioning correctly she tried to clean at least some of the gunk off it, before realising it was probably a mostly useless endeavour. She supposed she could always find somewhere to clean it later, though.

"I suggest we find somewhere that we can change, before we do anything. I don't know about you but I'm not exactly fond of the idea of fighting anything in clothes this ruined."
Gary nodded in agreement, wiping his face of some excess mud, and flicking it away with a swipe of his hand.
"Where to go?" he asked in a folorn voice. "Seeing as every Adduco out here is out to get us? And...that guy..." he thought of the strange Anima running towards him before they'd been lost in the time stream, "Who was he...?"
Zaar gave a chuckle. "Very well. If you're going to send yourself to your death, I will have no quarrels with your decision." With that, the tentacles began shooting right for Semper. Zaar wasn't exaggerating. As he had proven multiple times in the past to other trespassers, one touch was normally all it took to infect someone, and death followed shortly thereafter.
"Um. Really, Jakku?"
Jakku smiled grimly.
He exited the submarine, wearing a two-sizes too big Adduco uniform.
Kiba followed, wearing the grunt uniform frustratedly.
"But, we can't really just walk in... Can we...?"
Jakku laughed.
"Watch me, Adduco."
Walking through the burning port, the skies turned black with smoke and futuristic cop cars came hurtling towards him and Domovoi was in fight mode, and fight mode usually meant massive causalities.

He picked an Adduco revolver from a dead body he gunned down earlier and his flaming skull burned several feet into the air as he shot the tires of 3 of the cars causing them to spiral in the air and explode.

Using the last clip on the fourth cars driver he had transportation.

Knowing that soon that the cops would be on him, he was tempted to stay just for the fight but decided just to leave.

He cackled as he broke the window with his head then entered the car and drove off turning on the sirens.

He was going to see if any of his friends came to the party.
Oh, great. As Cole's ship came to rest against the shore, he heard sirens and flashing lights farther down the port - oh, and fire too. It appeared someone was making a big entrance, but now the Adduco would be on Cole almost immediately. He turned to the closest house he could see - three stories, mostly intact windows and doors - and shot the lock off the front door, sliding inside and watching through the second floor of the window for any Adduco.
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