The Bulbapedia encyclopedia is always growing here at Bulbagarden! Every single day, hundreds of edits are made around the clock by enthusiasts all over the world! Let's take a look at some of our editors' biggest contributions that readers may have missed. Join us as we explore some of Bulbapedia's newest additions from August 2023!
A Wild Pokémon Appeared!
It has been a long time coming, but game expert Brin has finished analyzing the data, and Bulbapedia now has a very thorough database of spawn locations for Pokémon in Scarlet and Violet! It was a mountain of work, so please check out pages like Glaseado Mountain to see exactly how much effort this editor put in over the past few months. Great job, Brin!
Nothing is Better than a Picnic
Have you been on a Picnic? Try any new sandwich recipes lately? Well, that's exactly what games enthusiast FolksCallMeHilbert did at the start of August! Please, take a look at the now 136(!) pages we have on Picnic Items, and plan your next outing with your lovely Pokémon Partners! Maybe even pack some mochi too!
You're a STAR, Gorgeous!
In the category of lesser known Pokémon games, the newest set of Mezastar tags has been released, and we have you covered! Gorgeous Star nuva-kal created 70 pages on the newest tags released in Gorgeous Star set 1, introducing Paldea Pokemon to the world of Mezastar! If you are an enthusiast yourself, or just want to know what the heck Mezastar is all about, take a look!
A Pokémon for Everyone!
Do you know about Owner's Pokémon? In the Trading Card Game, some Pokémon cards are owned by a beloved Trainer from the games, an organization like Team Rocket, or even a real life person or location! TCG expert RotomAmiti gave this page a nice refresh, and updated the content to 2023! Thanks RotomAmiti!
Make it Rain!
We've updated out list of coins released within TCG products, so if you're a collector, or just think they're neat, check out the list! As a sneak peek, here's a coin featuring Pikachu eating ramen from the 2023 World Championships!
Something of Pokémonopolistic Nature~
Breaking News from the World Pokémon Ecological Society!
Self-proclaimed "fellow who loves Pokémon," games expert Jacob9594 compiled everything there is to know about ecologically similar Pokémon, also known as convergent species to fans. Study up on the subject so that you too can be an expert just like our favorite biology teacher Jacq!
Manga Mayhem!
Eagle-eyed readers may have noticed some significant changes in our manga coverage recently, as we standardize our terminology and organization to match the terminology published directly in the manga itself. Manga expert Minibug made over 2000 edits to Project Manga, changing the term round to chapter, and adding a brand new specialty infobox to the Pokémon Adventures chapters. Join us as we give this stellar contributor a chapter of applause! cough, sorry~
Thank you for joining us while we celebrate these newest additions to the Bulbapedia encyclopedia from the month of August 2023. All of our content is written by our valuable volunteers, so if you are interested in joining in on the fun, check out this handy page on getting started. We are always welcoming new editors!
A Wild Pokémon Appeared!
It has been a long time coming, but game expert Brin has finished analyzing the data, and Bulbapedia now has a very thorough database of spawn locations for Pokémon in Scarlet and Violet! It was a mountain of work, so please check out pages like Glaseado Mountain to see exactly how much effort this editor put in over the past few months. Great job, Brin!
Nothing is Better than a Picnic
Have you been on a Picnic? Try any new sandwich recipes lately? Well, that's exactly what games enthusiast FolksCallMeHilbert did at the start of August! Please, take a look at the now 136(!) pages we have on Picnic Items, and plan your next outing with your lovely Pokémon Partners! Maybe even pack some mochi too!
You're a STAR, Gorgeous!
In the category of lesser known Pokémon games, the newest set of Mezastar tags has been released, and we have you covered! Gorgeous Star nuva-kal created 70 pages on the newest tags released in Gorgeous Star set 1, introducing Paldea Pokemon to the world of Mezastar! If you are an enthusiast yourself, or just want to know what the heck Mezastar is all about, take a look!
A Pokémon for Everyone!
Do you know about Owner's Pokémon? In the Trading Card Game, some Pokémon cards are owned by a beloved Trainer from the games, an organization like Team Rocket, or even a real life person or location! TCG expert RotomAmiti gave this page a nice refresh, and updated the content to 2023! Thanks RotomAmiti!
Make it Rain!
Something of Pokémonopolistic Nature~
Staff member BthrussellUK has started documenting Poké Lids, known as Poké Futa in Japan. For now, take a look at the designs for each manhole cover, and stay tuned for future updates!Poké Lids, artistic covers for utility holes, have recently started to be spotted in some cities. Who knows if they are of Pokémonopolistic nature? It seems that not all utility holes are man-made; rumor has it that Diglett may be responsible for digging large enough holes to be mistaken for utility holes and some artists took it upon themselves to “mark” the covers to differentiate them from ordinary ones. Where will the next “mark” be?
Breaking News from the World Pokémon Ecological Society!
Self-proclaimed "fellow who loves Pokémon," games expert Jacob9594 compiled everything there is to know about ecologically similar Pokémon, also known as convergent species to fans. Study up on the subject so that you too can be an expert just like our favorite biology teacher Jacq!
Manga Mayhem!
Eagle-eyed readers may have noticed some significant changes in our manga coverage recently, as we standardize our terminology and organization to match the terminology published directly in the manga itself. Manga expert Minibug made over 2000 edits to Project Manga, changing the term round to chapter, and adding a brand new specialty infobox to the Pokémon Adventures chapters. Join us as we give this stellar contributor a chapter of applause! cough, sorry~
Thank you for joining us while we celebrate these newest additions to the Bulbapedia encyclopedia from the month of August 2023. All of our content is written by our valuable volunteers, so if you are interested in joining in on the fun, check out this handy page on getting started. We are always welcoming new editors!