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You Won't Feel A Thing [Part II of the Catching Fireflies Saga] [Start-up] [COMPLETED

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throat to the stars
Jan 31, 2011
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Catching Fireflies
You Won't Feel A Thing

I promise baby you won't ever,
You won't ever feel a thing,
'Cause I will take it on the chin,
For you,
So lay your cuts and bruises,
Over my skin.

- The Script,
You Won't Feel A Thing

Part II of the Catching Fireflies saga


Welcome to Catching Fireflies.

Catching Fireflies is set in a world that is not our own. In many ways it is different, in many ways it is the same. The world of the Fireflies is known more commonly as Alveus. The world of Alveus is inhabited by a small selection of people, each with their own talents, their own abilities. The world of Alveus is wrought by war.

Alveus is not split into sides. It is a free-for-all, and the victor will ultimately decide the fate of the world. Alveus is, however split into 'races' though races are not decided by ones looks but rather their skills or talents. These talents are not the mundane ones we possess though, the ones of our world. These talents are supernatural. Firstly, and most commonly of the people who exist in Alveus are the Inanis.

The Adduco reign has been momentarily vaquished due to those who protected the Gifted city, but now that the seas have calmed and are safe to travel on...they're spreading.


So, we're back :D

Those of you just joining should either start on one of the Adduco ships, if you have a reason, or a nearby island if you're not native to Alveus itself.

Oh, and just by the by. A lot of my sign-ups for CF are lying to you. I'll probably throw in something bizarre when you're least expecting it. So don't trust what they say. Ever.

Boats weren't nearly as exciting as they looked, Tai supposed.

They were a lot slower, for a start, and after you'd been on them for about a minute the rocking sort of got to you.

And not in a good way.

"Aw crap."

Yeah, she was not looking too good, it had to be said.

He sat calmly in the tree, staring out from his position on the island. No sign of life for miles.

But the seas had calmed, and hopefully that would bring him some sort of company.

That being said the island was fairly small.

Easily missed, he supposed as he glanced at the shipwreck in front of him to the left.

And the seas could still be dangerous, regardless of how much calmer they had gotten.
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Re: You Won't Feel A Thing [Part II of the Catching Fireflies Saga] [Start-up]


The submarine quietly bobbed forward , its main hatch was open and James was standing outside, leaning on the railing. He had put the submarine on auto-pilot after they lost the Adduco fleet in a sea-minefield. Now the ship was simply following the currents to one of the many islands. He glanced over to his side to see Tai leaning over, looking green in her face.
He surpressed a smile. Not everyone was fit for sea travel. He revelled in it.

{Ember}(Changed the name >.>)
The air shivered with heat as the last Adduco fell down in fear.
A group of Adduco had landed on the island Ember had been resting on and decided she would be a good recreational activity.
They were wrong.
They had managed to sneak up on her, but the moment one of them touched her, they were already doomed.

Now flames engulfed her body and she stood as a fiery goddess, terrifying and beautiful.
The Adduco looked both terrified and awed as she knelt down beside him. He was surprised that the flames didn't seem to radiate heat.
She took his face in her hands and leaned hers down to his, and the Adduco man thought he might have been chosen by this fiery goddess to be hers.
And again, he was wrong.
Flames, not a tongue, licked his lips. Oxygen was drawn out of his body to supply the flames with their needed energy. The woman pushed the Adduco down hard, keeping her fiery hand near his mouth.
Within seconds, the man had choked to death.
She touched the dead mans chest lightly and lit him on fire to join the rest of his squad as ash in the air. She would look for items of value later, when the stench of burning flesh would be gone. So she stood up, looking over the carnage she wrought. 9 burnt patches of grass with heaps of ash and bones, and this last man still burning. She smiled slightly at the look of hope she saw in the Adduco's eyes before she killed him, but then turned her face back into its usual scowl.
She wondered who these men were.
Raiding parties weren't uncommon on the many islands, but these guys looked more like... something more organized, but she couldn't find the right word for it; There was no military on the islands.

Ooc: changed Blaze's name to Ember, and I'm assuming James, Tai, Jakku and Kiba are still on the sub :p
Re: You Won't Feel A Thing [Part II of the Catching Fireflies Saga] [Start-up]

"...you mind me tailing you guys on my board? This...isn't going too well for me."

Not even bothering to wait for a reply Tai pulled the board out from seemingly nowhere (in reality it had been in her pocket - she wasn't sure how the technology worked but it did) and was off, free-falling off the side of the boat for a second before the jets kicked in.

Thank god for that.

While James may have been one for the sea the air was Tai's domain, as she relentlessly stormed ahead of the boat, somehow managing to perform tricks on the modified board despite how complex and dangerous a piece of machinery it was.

Frowning she shot back to the boat for a minute.

"Did I mention I'm part Adduco?"
Re: You Won't Feel A Thing [Part II of the Catching Fireflies Saga] [Start-up]

OOC: I'm not starting on an Adduco ship, let's just say he was trying to make a portal, and it backfired.

BIC: Nathan had teleported to an island. He got up, and brushed the dust off himself. "Stupid machine." He said.
Re: You Won't Feel A Thing [Part II of the Catching Fireflies Saga] [Start-up]

James arched an eyebrow. Was the boat really that bad?
The moment she got on her board, it was obvious though. It was.
He looked at Tai performing some tricks on the board and from the animated look on her face, it was obvious that she enjoyed it greatly.
When she floated back to the sub, James couldn't help but smile.
"You didn't actually, but I suppose it fits, partly. Didn't have you pegged for a violent control freak though the love for technology seems to fit pretty well." He said kindly. The salty air, the winds and the waves really made James feel good. It felt like a different world from the usual one, filled with war and death. Instead, the sea was a world of endless possibilities, hope and freedom.
Re: You Won't Feel A Thing [Part II of the Catching Fireflies Saga] [Start-up]

GM Note; the barrier around the island has been taken down, by the way. Now there's just a dome over Alveus with synthetic lighting brightening up the whole area. So Runners can get out and in but no-one else unless they check in with the border patrol :/
She snorted. "I don't know shit about how it works, but I can control absolutely any piece of machinery just fine. Like this board - d'ya think it came with instructions? ...It didn't, just to clarify. Nothing."

And so the rant began.

Tai really did like machinery though, even if she didn't care to find out how it worked.

Stopping mid-rant she grinned.

"How fast d'ya think the sub can go? I'll race ya' to the island over there."

She didn't bother waiting before she was off again, fairly slowly as though waiting to see if James would take her up on her offer or not.
Re: You Won't Feel A Thing [Part II of the Catching Fireflies Saga] [Start-up]

OOC: Now I see.

BIC: Nathan fiddled around with his tool belt. "I need to get food, maybe there's some coconuts?" He said, looking around.
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Re: You Won't Feel A Thing [Part II of the Catching Fireflies Saga] [Start-up]

ooc;; by checking through border patrol first (although to be honest unless you're working for the Adduco you're unlikely to get through without a fight) or by getting a Runner to help out/hijacking one of their portals P:
Re: You Won't Feel A Thing [Part II of the Catching Fireflies Saga] [Start-up]

James laughed. He was sure he'd lose, as the sub wasn't that fast be he didn't care much. The sun had only just risen anyway, so it didn't matter much if he woke Jakku or Kiba up, though Kiba could get a bit of a morning temper...
He jumped down into the sub and closed the hatch, then turned the engine on full throttle.
It roared to life with loud sputtering noises, and then the submarine began speeding up, pushing water around it as it went. Soon, the front of the submarine was slowly being pushed up because of the speed as he chased after Tai.
He sighed as he pushed the throttle full forward. This thing needed a control room topside.
Re: You Won't Feel A Thing [Part II of the Catching Fireflies Saga] [Start-up]

Jakku opened his eyes.
Unconsciously, he'd slept like a true raven, standing by his feet on the edge of the bunk.
It hurt in the morning...
Pulling on his clothes, he entered the control room.
"Good Morning Ja-"

"SON OF A (profanity deleted)! Who decided to throw me out of my bunk for a laugh!?"
Kiba ran in, shotgun in his uninjured hand, cursing heavily.
Re: You Won't Feel A Thing [Part II of the Catching Fireflies Saga] [Start-up]

The boat rocked from side to side. She sat on a bench playing tic tac toe with herself for the thirtieth time. "I'm bored," She moaned and tossed her notebook onto the deck, "Stupid boat speed up." She sighed pulling her knees up and wrapping her tail around them.
Re: You Won't Feel A Thing [Part II of the Catching Fireflies Saga] [Start-up]

James barely stopped himself from laughing, and instead focused on the window where he saw Tai flying, and the island getting bigger.
"Sorry Kiba, but we ARE at sea, it was probably a wave. Be happy though, we're heading to an island at full speed." He said simply.
"And good morning to you both, Tai went out ahead on her board, but we'll meet up with her on the island.
Re: You Won't Feel A Thing [Part II of the Catching Fireflies Saga] [Start-up]

"Flight. Seems like a nice day for it. Clever girl."
Jakku leapt upwards, directly through the airlock, and into the air, smiling.

Kiba looked up.
"...Show off. The day the jetpack I'm working on doesn't explode, I'm flying up there and kicking him where the synthetic sunlight don't shine."
Re: You Won't Feel A Thing [Part II of the Catching Fireflies Saga] [Start-up]

She smirked when she realised James was tailing her.

It was on, then.

Smirking she shot ahead, floating gently on the board. While she was obviously going to win it would be cruel not to give him a chance.

"Want me to see if I can boost that thing's speed somehow?"
Re: You Won't Feel A Thing [Part II of the Catching Fireflies Saga] [Start-up]

Jakku tucked his wings in, flying down at a blistering speed, before opening out and blasting alongside Tai.
He couldn't actually speak at this speed, it took up too much energy, but he laughed.
Re: You Won't Feel A Thing [Part II of the Catching Fireflies Saga] [Start-up]

Nathan pulled out his binoculars, to see two people flying and a submarine. "Things keep getting weirder." He said.
Re: You Won't Feel A Thing [Part II of the Catching Fireflies Saga] [Start-up]

Erizu also spotted the submarine and gazed at it for a while waiting for the boat to finally come to a stop. She played one more game of tic tac toe before dropping the full notebook into the water
Re: You Won't Feel A Thing [Part II of the Catching Fireflies Saga] [Start-up]

James eyed the island and radar carefully, and pulled back on the throttle. The area wasn't deep enough for him to go trough full speed anymore. He was confident that he could get the submarine close enough to the shore though, but then he noticed a cove on the radar. He turned and browsed trough the sea maps until he found one of this sector, and sure enough, the island had a perfectly usable natural cove, which could be used as a port.

He climbed out the hatch and shouted for Tai and Jakku to come back. If they were going to use this island and that cove as a temporary base, he shouldn't be the only one deciding it.
He leaned back on the railing and looked at a small cliff, about a kilometer away on the left. If his guesses were correct, there was an underwater way there, which led into a river and a lake on the island itself.
Re: You Won't Feel A Thing [Part II of the Catching Fireflies Saga] [Start-up]

"WE'RE GETTING CLOSER!" Erizu cried bouncing up and down, she leaned onm the bars stretching out as far as she could and pointed with one claw, "We'll be there soon! We'll be there soon!" The island was finally coming into view.
Re: You Won't Feel A Thing [Part II of the Catching Fireflies Saga] [Start-up]

Having decided she couldn't be bothered to wait for him Tai had disappeared off once again, hovering casually on her skateboard some distance away.

At James' shout, however, she immediately returned to the side of the sub.

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