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  • Noticed you have a Sakura icon so I decided to say hi. Have you read the latest arc?
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    Reactions: FANG-TAN
    Chaotic Inferno
    Chaotic Inferno
    You make me want to read it now more than ever... How often does it update?

    They'd be disappointing a lot of fans if they just stopped right then and there. I'd be pissed myself honestly.
    The magazine it's serialized in (Nakayoshi) is released monthly. What hurts more (if you can read Japanese like I do) is that it seems to be impossible to find RAW scans of the manga as it's released, so you have to follow English translations on top of that (which seem to be done using scans of a Chinese translation).
    Chaotic Inferno
    Chaotic Inferno
    That's rough. I guess waiting is my only option then. Though I haven't read manga in years so I have no idea where to read it.
    A little good news for you, although I don't know had you grasp the news already or not.
    Tonpo's Pokemon fan manga 王者の祭典 (Festival of Champion) had uploaded a new Chp.7 in Pixiv, again free for pixiv users to read. You may had a check when you have time.
    BTW, I'm also the fan of this fan manga. (^w^)v
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    Reactions: FANG-TAN
    Thanks for the heads up, I haven't checked his Pixiv this month. His stuff in general is so awesome. I think I actually enjoy Festival of Champions more than Special, haha.

    Aw man, I feel so sorry for Green's Ratta, this chapter was the saddest so far.
    My tear was also almost fall out at that scene when Green passed through Rock Tunnel. Looking at his expression at that moment, I feel his sadness and regret...
    I also agree that this manga is even much better than Special. Every little information in the game are connected together. Who can ever create such awesome story? None of the GenI manga sell in bookstore can be this good!
    It's the 20th anniversary of Pokémon. Anything you are doing for this particular day?
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    Reactions: FANG-TAN
    For the 20th anniversary, I'm planning on releasing some Clip Studio Paint illustrations I'm doing for the Pocket Monsters Rebuild manga project. Stay tuned.

    I may even release the first chapter this year. :)
    Yes, I agree! I actually prefer the first half the anime to the manga. It gives more weight to the girls' journey by developing the world and all of the characters and their relationships, thus making that amazing twist ending even more poignant. I prefer the second half of the manga to the anime, though; the second anime develops the invading countries more by having each of the girls getting abducted by their spaceships, but the new plot created for it was so boring and cliched. I also think the slightly poor animation for the anime makes the fights seem underwhelming, Madhouse should've animated MKR like they did CCS.

    Anyway, I do recommend watching the anime and the Dark Horse translation is better than the original Tokyopop one as well. :)
    Hey! Your anime blog actually inspired me to watch Cardcaptor Sakura in full for the first time (I remember watching a few episodes that awful Nelvana dub when I was younger) and I absolutely loved it. :D I really enjoyed how no one besides a few Clow Cards were truly antagonistic and that it everyone was so nice and kind to each other without it becoming too cloying. And the show being well-written and beautifully animated was just a bonus! :D
    Happy new 2015. year! Let it be prosperous, filled with love, care and even crazier than previous one(in positive pleasant sense of course). :)

    p.s. By the way i forgot to thank you for that link to vocaloid version of Pokemon video. LOl i admit that was pretty sweet and funny.
    Hey there. can you help me with the Fate/stay night torrent? I already got it but I have no idea what to do now. I realize this is long overdue.
    Yeah, I love Satsuki Mei's Digimon Infinity. His art is just super darn good where many called his Digimon artwork "The wild official". Just too bad his Digimon Infinity fan-manga was brought to halt for long. Why Bandai do not scout him to become the official Digimon designer? IMO many of his Digimon are 100x times better than the new official Digimons introduced within the recent 3 years.

    And I also knew about and follow 王者の祭典 as well on Pixiv. Another super passionate fan that proves to do a 100x better job and much more creative then any of the official scriptwriters/scenario writers. Who on earth can make the classic story where by story-writing POV the most cliche formulaic unremarkable stopping-the-villain-and-become-the-hero RGB story so exciting to read? I just can't find another RGB related fan-work that can create such excitement from an originally nothing special run-of-the-mill story and background setting.
    [2 of 2]

    I'll be much more excited if it was a complete new Digimon anime set in a complete different timeline or even complete different universe, nothing related to any of the old animes, having its own original characters and own unique story. That might then turn out to be a surprise that will excite every audience, as they don't know what to expect from the show, hence wanting to watch it further and follow it weekly. For any sort of series franchise, nothing is worse than second brew of tea. I take this from experience as I follow rather a lot of series animes and games.

    Although I'm really harsh when it comes to criticizing, but still, I'll watch the Adventure tri. for a try, as I am a Digimon fans. I just really hope Bandai could surprise me for good.

    And just a completely irrelevant sidenote. I really hope one day the Digimon Infinity on Pixiv can adapted to anime. That is the best original fan-made Digimon series I'd ever seen.
    [1 of 2]

    I heard about that, but didn't look further into the official website for more information yet. The current information I had in my head is merely protagonist is the same Yagami Taichi from Digimon Adventure, but this time he is a 16 years old high school student, going to the Digital World during the summer recess of that year to stop some crisis happening at that time.

    To tell the truth, I'm not really that excited for the Digimon anime for this time, because it feels like it is a second brew of the first anime. It is set to be a sequel, but all Digimon fans should knew the sequel is Digimon Adventure 02, where the story of Adventure 02 IMO concluded very well where it feels like an ending. If now made another sequel to Adventure but not Adventure 02, what will happen to Motomiya Daisuke and V-mon? If the anime is to include every characters from Adventure and Adventure 02, the cast will just be too big and story will rather be a mess. But if it leaves out the Adventure 02 casts, then can you really call that a sequel? Because according to the timeline, it is Adventure < Adventure 02 < Adventure tri. If the staff going to ignore 02, everything will just feel awkward.

    Rather TBH, when the time Bandai planned to make another anime based on Adventure, especially set in the same timeline using the same old cast, additionally the same story structure as its prequel, I can't expect the anime will become a success, and personally I can't be excited. The old success can never ever be brought back by simply rehashing the old things.
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