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  • I didn't know that the Pokéball thing became a gag after that, I supposed they'd give up after the first try. And yay, a new Layton game! I have looked for some info and have just seen that there's an extra called 'London Life' that won't come to Europe, which is kind of ironic if it's set in London and doesn't get there. They could just have left the English text and not translate it to the other languages if it was about the localisation instead of just erasing it. Anyway, I hope the game is a good as or better than the third.

    On the DS I also like the Phoenix Wright series which I like for its character variety and story. On other gaming systems I like the 'Tales of' series. It's not well-known in Europe because not many games have arrived, but they are one of my favourite RPGs. Then, there's Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts, but I haven't played them all. What about the videogame series you play?
    Oh. Yeah, I started in the Video Games and Pokemon News forums, but someone would always crash my idea with a better version, or prove my opinion wrong, so I decided to transition a bit towards F & G and the RM. I like VG still, I like to read the R/S remake discussion.

    So, yeah, I've seen you a lot in Welcome Centre and F&G.
    Well, we have Labour Day on the first day of May, which I suppose is similar to May Day. We also have three long weekends (in October, November and December), the "regional day" which varies in each comunity and then some places have holidays during local festivities (usually half a week or so).

    Yeah, I've also missed most of the Johto episodes and it's difficult to see them air somewhere, at least the first season of DP would be easier to find, but I think I'll wait because the channel that is airing Pokémon now is airing Battle Frontier after stopping BW by episode 25 (well, 27, they counted the two missing episodes), so probably they'll air the first season of DP when they stop BW again. By the way, I watched BW43 (Nyagotiator Meowth) the other day and it was really a twist to the story because I wouldn't have thought of Jessie and James doing that. I suppose he will go back eventually, but I'm not mad by the changes. What do you think about the change? I don't think anybody could be neutral about that xD

    I felt the same about the Lost Future! It felt like it was going to end but no, something else happened. The story was really good. To think that all that was artificial... Now we have to wait for the surprises of the 4th game.

    I also think France has a lot of manga too, there even was a big event dedicated to CLAMP (the creators of CardCaptor Sakura) two years ago. I'd like to visit France some day, but this summer I haven't been out of the country, I have only gone with some friends to nearby places. Anyway, I hope you had fun~ Lyon seems like a nice place, it's been in my to-visit list for some time xD, what did you do there?
    After making a quick calculation of the time zones, I found out that it airs at 11AM here, so it's a reasonable time :), I may give it a try with another important episode in the future but I'm still not sure if I'll be free in that specific timeslot, but I have many Thursdays off due to "long weekends" (don't know if it's that's the term, I just wikipedia'd it because in Spanish when you get many holidays together, it's called "bridge" xD). Do you have many holidays outside of the typical ones (December, Spring break and Summer) in there? I only remember a bank holiday in England on... August 30th, was it?

    As for how I normally watch Pokémon, I watch it on public TV with the English dub on. The channel that aired it at first only showed 2 episodes/week, but the current channel airs 5 episodes/week + 2 repeats of each one of those episodes, so they've covered most seasons already. If I like an episode a lot, I watch the repeat with the Spanish dub the following day. The season I've watched most episodes of... I think it's a tie between Galactic Battles and SLV, because as far as I know, I haven't missed any. What about you? I think you said you watched all of the first season, but I'm not quite sure xD. And it's really difficult to say which Layton game is my favourite, each one of them is unique, but I think that Lost Future improved the series a lot, so I guess I'd say that one is my favourite. Enjoy your gameplay! :)

    We should talk about Bleach sometime, but I don't quite remember all the details and don't know exactly what happens in which volume because I read it like three years ago xD Have you started reading it?

    How lucky~ I've always wanted to visit the Alps in Switzerland. Have fun!
    Yeah, I knew that in the UK only the first 14 episodes aired, that's why it seemed weird that Spain got the 15th (and the 16th last Friday). I want to see Meowth's episode too as I saw an image in the forums that looked interesting -and maybe a bit spoilerish-, but I'd prefer to watch the rest of the season first. Did you watch TV Tokyo from your computer? It may be a weird question, but I don't have a TV Card on my computer and don't know if it's possible, and I suppose that the videos in their website are blocked to other countries xD. The only Japanese episode I remember watching in Japanese was the one of the final of the Grand Festival (DP177), because it didn't come here in HD and the sides were cut and I couldn't find the English episode.
    Professor Layton!! I love that kind of games. I've been trying to complete the secret challenges -I don't remember exactly the name, I mean the puzzles in the extras menu- in Lost Future, but I'm stuck with some puzzles. They can be quite challenging. By the way, which is your favourite game of the series? I think the storyline in Pandora's Box was very good, but I also like that future thing in Lost Future.
    As for when I end my terms, it's quite strange. The first one ends on February 10th, but the classes usually end in mid-December and then we take exams starting in mid-January. The second one ends on July 6th and classes end by the second week of May.
    Well, it seems that I caught a cold, but it's nothing serious. I should stop having the fan on a lot, haha. I wish they had a rerun of SLV on weekends or something, I liked that season a lot! The League was epic in my opinion. I'm watching Black & White nowadays and today the 15th episode was aired, which I feared was not going to, but in the end it did! I'm also playing a DS game called 999 and SoulSilver and I'm almost done with my team. Oh, I've just heard about Super Pokémon Rumble being released in Europe :) I only watched some trailers, but it looks interesting. Are you looking forward to it too?

    And you start uni late xD, I thought that unis in the UK started in the last days of August or something. I start on the last week of September and I even know people who start two weeks earlier than me. So, if you start in mid October, when do you finish?
    Wow, I've been gone for half a month! But I guess that I'm more or less back, I still have plenty of time until uni starts again xD
    How's everything going?
    Hey there :D Haven't been on here in ages, so I'm going along my small friends list and saying hi :') Also, if you're a gamer, subscribe to my blog, I'm gonna start updating it soon with gaming news and theories etc. :) Jake's Blog
    I haven't really started trying to fill the National Dex in White, so I have 88/147 (caught/seen) from the Unova dex and obtained 111 and seen 388 in the National dex.

    By the way, we finally got BW today. I'm glad that it came on public TV and in 16:9! It was amazing :) But now I have to wait until Monday to watch the second episode... I think that we may catch up with you guys if we get the whole season five episodes a week without any kind of halt xD, but it'd be kind of weird if we went ahead, so I think it'll stop airing mid-season or something. Are you also following BW?

    Ooh, Soul Eater looks interesting and it also doesn't have that many volumes, maybe I'll read it or watch the anime. It doesn't seem like the typical manga with a looooot of volumes, of which most of them don't advance the storyline. I haven't read Naruto, but I used to watch the anime. I dropped it, though, because many episodes were fillers. Still, I've been told that the manga is better. On the other hand, I've read Bleach, but I'm not up-to-date reading it. I don't know why, but I like it. And well, apart from Bleach, I've also read Death Note, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles among others. Tsubasa is from the creators of CardCaptor Sakura, which I've just seen in your profile xD
    I know of someone who had the Ancient Mew Card. Still, we only guessed that the attack did 40 damage, but didn't know about its HP. Charizard also looks tough as you can use the attack with any energy you want. It also looks kind of expensive according to the trivia haha. Did you get it by chance or because you looked for it?

    That Darkrai looks tough with that Roar of Time. The Enigma Berry makes it resist its weakness very well (pun time: I almost wrote 'berry well' without noticing). That Psychic Energy card looks good (had to edit the link because there were two of them xD). And now that I look, the Moltres I actually had was from the 2nd movie, not the first.

    Also, thanks for the links, you must have spent quite a while getting them and looking for the cards myself would've taken even more time as I hadn't seen most of them before.

    Do you mind if I answer the question tomorrow? It'll take a while to answer it and now it's almost dinner time xD What about you? What do you usually do?
    My favourite characters of the anime are Dawn and Misty too, albeit I actually like Misty more for the nostalgia factor than anything else. I like Brock too, but sometimes his fantasies with Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny get kind of repetitive. At the same time, I think that he wasn't given enough attention from Advance Generation onwards. I mean, I've seen Sudowoodo like three or four times in DP and Brock's always kind of 'there'. My favourite Pokémon from the 'twerps' apart from obvious Piplup and Togepi evolutionary lines are Ash's Bulbasaur and Squirtle and May's Torchic.

    As for TCG, I haven't played the online game either, I meant the GBC videogame in the other message haha. I don't know why, but it one of the few games that I find incredibly difficult but at the same time like. Wow you have so many kind of cards. Almost 400 different cards is a lot (or so I think haha, I can't really say without having played it a lot)! I wonder, which card would you consider to be the rarest you have? Actually, I had one promotional Moltres of the first movie.

    Those otaku stores must be hidden or something because I didn't find any -not that I went looking for them, though-. I'd buy things in Amazon, but if I've understood correctly, I can only get free shipping from the UK page and not from the US one, so in the end it'd be more expensive for me buying in the UK page as I use the Euro.
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