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  • Yes. The new games are too lacking, to the point where it is hard for us to stay invested in finding out the truth behind scrapped projects from at least ten years ago. Still, I am considering sending a letter to Satoshi Tajiri in English, which is at least better than nothing.
    yo i bought a collection of cards and this was included. thought you'd be interested. its interesting cuz not only does it say "pikablu" but they call snubbull "buru" twice as well.
    k, i was just wondering 'cuz i saw a manga scan online the other day where someone sent in fanart to the electric tale of pikachu... they had marill labeled as "pikablu" and snubull as "dogasu" (which is confusing because "dogasu" is actually an uncommon romanisation of Koffing/Dogars)
    We haven't been able to get the first letter translated yet. What is there to say? The wait is frustrating.

    Haven't you received a reply to your first message by now? I'm sure that's interesting in and of itself.
    Well, you could start by letting us know how your correspondence went. We're in the process of finally getting our letter translated.
    Could you direct me to a program that views .cbr files? I downloaded one, but it turned out not to be suitable (although the description mentioned .cbr files).
    That's reasonable, and I always appreciate an optimist - I'd just like to say that there's more to the Power debate than the simple "I believe this" "NO I BELIEVE THIS" "NO UR RONG" that happened. :p Anyways, I thought that you might be interested in it. Thanks for responding. :D
    If you must know, we're still working on sending the letter an ex employee. You know, you one you said you wanted no part in. That's why we never brought it up in-group.
    Ah, thanks. I didn't think any of them went through thanks to the error message, which is the reason I tried for times, heheh.
    Sorry I didn't mention that I blogged your post, it was more of me wanting to vent. You're right, they did take stereotypes from many sources, but my argument was that the only thing they took from the Mammy stereotype was the apron. The character archetype depends more on how they act, and we know nothing of her role and personality, hence why, rather than seeing unfortunate implications, I choose to look at the brighter side and just see an apron.
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