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  • Thank you.

    Did you learn any grammar? Can you write the characters? Properly? Did you learn about the notorious 了?

    Which do you prefer?
    I never said that. I just said it would make it more interesting.

    Why? Doesn't the class progress from basics to intermediate?

    Do you ever read literary fiction?
    But using more words would a more interesting conversation make.

    The only choices I had were French or Spanish ;.;
    (How's the Mandarin going?)

    All biographies, eh? Those are pretty good.
    So why don't you use your DW ability on the forums?

    "Rough" isn't the word. Each verb has 6 fsking forms, and those forms can be further conjugated... in multiple ways...

    Well, one of us has to be successful. I'm glad things are good for you :)
    What books?
    I'm thinking I can include a paragraph about the victim complex that a minority of aspies develop and work that into the social interaction aspect of my paper.
    Hey, where's that blog with the kid who really really loved communism and stalked his girlfriend? I need it for my term paper.
    You can?

    Hmm, this semester ends on Friday, but I have to make it to Friday first. I am in no way prepared for my Spanish final on Thursday. I don't even want to take it. I think I'm failing the course. Whatever. Passing 3 out of 4 isn't bad.
    What about you?
    On all 10 pages? Or did you spam the same word for 7 pages? I mean the teachers only look at the first page anyway :p

    Yeah, it all worked out ^^ I hate group projects for multiple reasons. We had a big communication error. 503 LOLOL.
    hahaha yeah that's pretty good for Mr. Pitt.

    And it's a shame because it should be easy to make it into a classic movie.
    Never said the movie was good.

    The poem is one of my favorite works of literature ever. And Achilles is one of my favorite fictional characters. I just happened to find a good avatar sized picture of Brad Pitt for this.
    Didn't work... I tried making a blog that had just the moderate comments box checked, but it just doesn't allow people to post comments. >__>

    I'm deeply confused, but anyway, I deactivated the moderation on the blog, so people'll be able to post.

    I thought you wouldn't reply, so I deleted my last vm. :p

    'Ne way, I wanted to post something in the blog, but not sure about it.
    Think you can take a look at it?
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