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  • Ahh, ok then. Had me worried for a second there. Most of the other pokemon I want (Krookodile and such) can be caught around the 3rd gym, so they're not too far into the game for me.
    But say, if you would like more pokemon, I could hatch them to get the doubles out the way, and trade them over a little later on if you want?

    I'll get my BW2 sorted out in any case!
    Ah...did you want more than those 2 pokemon? I thought we were only going to trade over 2 each ^^; All the other eggs I have are kind of disorganised now, so there are probably doubles
    OK dude, got the first badge. It involved shameful Counter spam and several Tail Whips, but I got it. My BW2 friend code is 2194 5532 7635. I'll trade my eggs over to you first, so get your version of BW2 ready with some junk pokemon such as Riolu and Eevee to trade over :p
    Ahh, I had a feeling that was the case. Just after sending that last message, it dawned on me that I'd need the gym badge.
    Well, I'm at the ranch now, bumbling about looking for the yorkshire terrier. I also chose Miju too, but I've got stuff like Riolu and Lillipup 'just in case' of critical hits and such messing up my groove. That freaking Lillipup man...I think I'm getting attached to it. It's spoiling my pre-planned team ideas!

    I believe I've still got your friend code too, so that works out fine. I'll give you my BW2 one once I get it. I'm trying to enjoy the game at a leisurely pace, so hopefully it won't take me too long!
    Heya Teddi! Just got my game about half an hour ago, currently getting the running shoes in-game. Went to the pokemon center and apparantly can't use wifi yet, so I guess I'll have to figure that out first.
    I'll get my game through the post tommorow morning by the looks of things. About midday your time, I think? Damn Amazon, I liked it better when they delivered things a few days earlier than the actual release date. No consideration for impatient types like myself :p
    Don't worry about the step counter, as that indeed carries over to other games. I've got the eggs ready and waiting, both close to hatching!

    I guess what will happen is that I'll use my BW1 to trade to your BW2, then we swap our games and you'll use your BW1 to trade to my BW2. (I've also got a Trubbish sorted out anyway, so no worries there!)
    (2 weeks and 5 days later...)

    I think if it wasn't for the show, I'd go longer periods losing interest in pokemon. I'm not really a competitive gamer or anything, so I don't really have that to keep up interest, and any side games that aren't Dungeon rarely interest me. I guess in the respect, it'd be just like any other games series. But yeah, I feel much the same way about Best Wishes, in that it's draining away most of my interest. Everything else you brought up is as if you're taking the words right out of my mouth. It's a shame, because this series had all the ingredients there to be great. A decent game story to go by, no more Brock, a jungle girl on the main cast, all those great monsters, the promise of better animation. Ahh well.

    And don't worry, I can definitely sympathise with studies (well, 'drawing and animating stuff' in my case) getting in the way of sitting around watching cartoons. That's partly why I suddenly vanished from serebii forums forever.

    Y'know, you never gave me a list of the pokemon you'd be looking to train for the new games. Spill the beans Teddi, and tell which eggs you want with them! I've got a few late game monsters already waiting, as well as that Golett.
    Well the fact that the twins are boys and are baring their midriffs. If they needed midriff baring it's the females who it.

    Like for example:

    (Elesa doesn't count)
    Because IF religion was barely involved as you say, I wouldn't complain in the first place. But said scene was such a painfully obvious reference to the crucifixion of Christ that I simply can't understand why you seem to keep ignoring the facts.
    Is it just me, or do neither of us post much any more? Oh god Teddi, 2012 really is the end of it all! (Though on a serious note, I've really fallen out of love with pokemon lately. OK, we both know the show has never been brilliant or anything, but woah, it's really hard to get excited for it at all these days. I can't even bring myself to care about the Team Rocket thing coming up.)

    Didja ever try out Heartcatch in the end dude? The suspense is killing me over here, and I'm desperately holding back from providing you links to spoiler-laden videos of surprisingly epic fight scenes.
    You're right in saying that the other ones are boring, btw. I tried the first series out when a friend of mine said that some of the guys from the Dragonball anime worked on it, but I wasn't at all impressed with what I saw. This one is a completely different story, I can assure you.

    As for the pokemon I've already used in-game from this generation? Yes, I've got both versions. And, well, it's probably easier to list the pokemon I haven't used yet. Let's set up the old spoiler tag and have a look-see, shall we?
    I also forgot to reply, so I guess we're both pretty dumb!
    Thanks for the eggs dude. There's still 2 months to go, so make sure they are properly incubated in the mean time. I've got your Golett ready and waiting, and some random guys too. I'm fine with any late game pokemon really, as there are quite a few I like. I've still got lots of early game ones to try out too! Gen 5 has been far too generous with good pokemon.

    Doremi, huh? OK, now I know you like an Umakoshi series. Now is the chance for me to earn my wings and maybe introduce someone to this show.
    Here is where I should say something in German, but I literally know no German at all besides "scheisskopf" and the errant German phrase I picked up, so

    Liking a post of the queen?! Well, I'll have to find it and like it too if he complained about this forum's ridiculousness!
    I actually never watched the original Avatar series (will do it soon though) and jumped straight into The Legend of Korra - the show itself was nice, but I have to say I loved Bolin much more than the actual show XD
    It's the first time ever I love a character SO much (it was instant love just from a few pics and two short videos, then when I started to watch the love just grew with every ep) and the first time I loved a character more than the actual show XD
    So, while he's neglected at parts (especially the later eps) I'd say it's worth to watch the show even just for Bolin (and Pabu, his fire ferret)
    It's only 12 eps so it's relatively easy to download and watch all eps (I can PM you a direct downloads source if needed)
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