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  • Um, yes and no. I'm not a party girl. Yeah, I'm already pass that mark; I just chose not to have a party. Also: For a second there, I thought you meant I was going to get eaten by Steven and my mind went:


    Ah? All names mean something literal and boring in their original langauge. Take something like "Olivia.". Wow. Olive garden. SO ORIGINAL. Yet it's top 10 on the name charts. Marry me? Hun, that's not a good idea. I'm a bad person, just you see. :U
    Ah, so we are the same age! But you're a grade ahead. Numbers will be the death of me, I say.

    Oh dear God, I feel faint...(I consider myself quite good at languages...pronunciation, syntax, grammar, vocabulary and all that, but if you were to have an actual conversation with me face-to-face, you probably wouldn't know what I'm trying to say. I have a stutter problem, you see. Especially in Spanish, where I just string together thoughts and have the audacity to call it a sentence. Oddly enough, I'm better at English. Math, though? whatthehellisthat)

    I know, I know, but it just has an ick factor to me. It means manin Greek, that's like naming your kid "Hombre." I know, that's why I'm not even gonna try to predict who I end up with. Hopefully Martin Freeman, because he's scrumptious. :3

    Craig Craig. BEST NAME EVER. Craig sounds like a good name for a Rock-type Gym Leader, it comes from "rocky crag." In fact, Petra and Craig both mean rock in their original languages...Huh. Cool coincidence. AND HEY! My great-great grandparents got married at 14! D:<
    Oh, I got my B in Algebra. I just don't like numbers at all.

    >Sapphire leveled up! Sapphire wants to learn "BITCH SLAP!" But Sapphire already knows four moves...Will you delete a move in order to make room for "BITCH SLAP"? (Really? ;-; Thanks~! I do tend to write fancily...Hmm...And that's odd, your English is impeccable to me, Also, how bad can that rhyme possibly be? I jinxed that, didn't I?)

    I don't like Andrea very much, it's a male name in Italy. :/ I think the name would depend on the nationality of the father. I just prefer foreign names, heh.

    It is both a last and a first name. For some reason, English-speakers tend to just use them as normal names for the lolz. Petra is an AWESOME name~ I wish you luck with your fiancee.
    How about...you're 193 and I'm 192 1/2? Ah? Ah? By that age, it doesn't even matter anymore. Evil Bs are Evil.

    Sapphire used Half-Nelson! It's Super Effective! (Also, did you read the prologue thingy?)

    But what if we still can't figure it out? AND WHAT IF IT'S A GIRL?

    If boy, name him Craig, if girl, go for Petra. Weird names FTW~! Also, only worry if she already rented a wedding dress.
    Meh, let's just day we're about the same age and forget about it. Actually, I mean if that particular 86 I got didn't happen. I forgot the that.

    You know, now that you mention it, that sounds perfectly logical. Sapphire is on WWE, dawg.

    I'm afraid of the fact that my husband may not know what to name the kid either. Also: Then can I name the second kid? PURDY PLEASE? I always ask my friends if I can name their future children, it's a tradition.
    I don't know either. Um, I think we are in the same age group, but not in the same grade. Ah...don't mention school. I kinda had a bad day. WHY 86 WHY

    Right now, it's simply a prologue. The first Chapter will go up in like an hour. It's supposed to just be a jab at excessively-gritty Nuzlockes, but who knows what it might turn into. I can link if you're interested, I suppose. I just really want to know what people think.
    It's...okay, I guess. Nothing special, really.

    I'm writing a story thing and uh...I really should promote it. o.o But yup, aside from that, not much.
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