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  • Ah well. Both of those are good points. But does that mean that I can't use anything from the outside except what I said I brought? Because I came up with the idea of befriending a Psychic and specifically giving it the option to find me later by giving it a crystal with my psionic "scent" on it to track me with. But in any case, I'd say it's a little late to go back to mine laying now, unless I get a moment when the Woobat's stunned.
    I presume there will be some kind of evaluation as my other classes had some, so depending how things go, I imagine I may be very harsh
    I know some journalists do, but when it comes to teaching and that, I would much prefer if I was taught traditional journalism first before moving into new age stuff, and a lot of my fellow students agree. And super popular celebs are mostly just famous for being famous and are largely a drain on society
    I know, it just look at that figure and it makes me hate her so much more and makes me wish I could get something like that! :p I do think the fan connection is good as well, though I still doubt its role in journalism. Just tweeting "There's a storm" is not really being a journalist as anyone can do that.
    I do my best to stay positive, sometimes it just doesn't work out :p I like Facebook, I feel it is useful for actual people, but I find Twitter is far too celebrity based - Kim Kardashian gets paid $25,000 per tweet if she tweets about your business. That's a million dollars for every four paid tweets
    That sounds like a smart way of doing things! My journalism course started and it is very social media based, which I am not a fan of :/ And that sounds good, I am glad to hear it is still going well :) I am enjoying my time in the Workshop and organising all of the events. I wish some of the stuff we did was more successful but oh well, can't have everything go great unfortunately.
    That sounds good :) I have some short stories, originals, that I need to start working on for friends as presents. And yeah, I can see the logic behind it even though I would rather launch straight into journalism. It makes more sense than the other local uni where I know people change their majors a billion times. And I am glad your doing well too :D How is the URPG?
    It can... just had a five week break and I bet I will be busy again straight away! I am going to major in journalism, but my paper requires you to only major in your last year as you trial out different papers. I was going to major in writing but I figured I could do that on the side rather than spending thousands of dollars on uni for it in case I don't get published. I would prefer doing a summer course or something as well :) And I am glad to hear you are and are close to making money! Congratulations :D Anything hitting the shops soon?
    I sometimes miss those old days, but I don't have the time anymore as I am at university now :) I am still writing though, and I hope you are too! How's your life?
    Hi Winter, I'll have the next post up during the weekend at the very latest, cos I've got Friday off (and next Monday as well, in fact xD) due to our school's Foundation Day celebration thingy xD I'll try to have it up earlier than that but I do promise I'll get to it by this weekend ^_^
    I knew-I just thought that the workload might have gotten even worse, i.e. sudden 10-page-minimum obscure history research paper on top of the flu. I don't know. Anyway, I just wanted to know if you had to take a major hiatus. And for the future, I'll remember that a week is NOT major. XD
    So I have to say this. If you can't really do the national park RP anymore, that's fine. I know how work can get. But if you can't, at the very least tell me so, okay? I'd prefer to know if you're not going to post for a week.
    Nah, I'm not trying to escape. I went and looked at Banette's moveset. And it is cool.

    Also, that's fair enough...but how about blowing a Gastly's miasma away with Gust?
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