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AG181 title revealed


Jan 20, 2006
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According to Pokeani, the AG181 title is revealed today.


May VS Drew! The Final Battle!!

The exact air date is currently unknown, because Pokeani only says it's during the last third of June.

....oh, one thing I forgot. The voice actress of Pikachu, Ms 大谷育江 Ikue Ohtani is now back from her sick leave and begin to work again. great~
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So we get another three-episode Grand Festival with the expected May/Drew battle.

I wonder if this is just the final battle for May or the actual final. It doesn't sound like the Milotc trainer is involved so it would be nice to see one of them walk away with the Ribbon Cup.
I predict a repeat of last time: Haruka loses to Shū, who then loses to someone else in the next match...unless by "Final Battle" they mean that whichever one wins becomes this Grand Festival's champion.

My hopes, however, are to see her win so they can write Shū out of the series (like they did Shigeru after the Silver Conference) and replace him with one of the playable characters from D/P. *Hides from the rabid fangirls* That, and one of the good animation directors working on this episode.
Somewhere, throughout time and space, I just heard Jo-Jo's jaw drop. :p

So now one of two things could happen:

1) Drew beats May. Essentially, the writers rehash the same ending of the last GF.

2) May beats Drew. She then goes on to lose to the opponent after that.

Count me in the group who doesn't think this is "the final match" of the GF. Surely if this battle decided 1st and 2nd place, May would need to be in a hell of a lot more than just three battles.

So if May loses here, she'll most likely come in the Top 8 again.
Whoever said there could only be three battles? We might see May go through a number, (if not all in full,) before we get to the May/Drew battle.
FabuVinny said:
Whoever said there could only be three battles? We might see May go through a number, (if not all in full,) before we get to the May/Drew battle.

Well they only have three episodes, and May only had three battles the last time. I don't see how they can rush so many battles into just three episodes, especially since Contests are more about the character interaction rather than the battling.

Last time it was May Vs. Harley, May Vs. Filler coordinator, May Vs. Drew.

This time it is May Vs. Harley, May Vs. ??? and May Vs. Drew.

Granted we don't know for sure, but I don't see her having more than three battles this time either. I didn't really want to see May lose to Drew AGAIN, but that's what looks like is going to happen.
Final Battle seems to be the key concept here. Something is going to end, whether it be the festival itself, the rivalry between May and Drew, or both. o.o We have already seen Drew show some respect for May, and her main trouble has come from Harley instead. I'm thinking it's more the end of the rivalry, which could be achieved by either Drew or May winning. I don't think it would be good for Drew to win, though. Tyson ended up being the champion of the Hoenn League when Ash lost to him, but he is a new rival, but so was Morrison, and he lost due to inexperience. I cannot tell what the result of this battle will be. Something will be decided, though. I just don't know what it is.
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I like the idea of just ending hte rivalry. She could go and beat Shu, and just be seen losing a trainer who was like the strongest in the other bracket. They could show a short bit of the final attack that knocks out her pokemon. Then the same thing that happened to Gary could happen with Shu
I like the idea of just ending hte rivalry. She could go and beat Shu, and just be seen losing a trainer who was like the strongest in the other bracket. They could show a short bit of the final attack that knocks out her pokemon. Then the same thing that happened to Gary could happen with Shu
Le gasp!

It just got interesting! :D

Hmmm, final battle likely means one of two things: it's going to be the final battle in the Grand Festival, or it's going to be May's final battle before she loses. Scenario 2 is of course a gigantic rehash. Scenario 1, however, suggests... well, God knows. May getting as far as the finals in only her second Grand Festival is astonishing. May winning her second Grand Festival, beating her toughest rival in the process, would be utterly astounding. I'd never have thought the writers would advance her that quickly unless they were trying to resolve her storyline and write her out. I can't see May leaving at the end of the BF, though. Hmmm, this one has me really puzzled. Exciting, though! :D

OK. Here are all the possible options I can think of:

1. The 'final battle' simply refers to May's last battle in the GF. I.e. it's going to be exactly the same as it was in Hoenn.

(edit) 1a. Same as above, but with the slight variation that Drew goes on to win the whole Festival.

2. The 'final battle' is going to take place in the final round, but Drew's still going to win.

3. The 'final battle' isn't a reference to the final round; it means the final battle of May and Drew's rivalry. I.e. May will beat Drew, then (probably) lose in a later round to someone else. Mmm, maybe it's me, but something there doesn't quite seem to add up... I won't go over this argument here, though, as doubtless it's going to be played out over and over in various places on teh intraweb over the next month. ;)

4. May's going to win the whole Grand Festival and leave the series.

5. May's going to win the whole Grand Festival and stay in the series to... um... try and win another Grand Festival, I suppose. Yyyyeah.

One thing's for sure, the chances of Drew having a new mystery Pokemon for the Festival have just gone WAY up.

(eee, a whole ep of May vs. Drew! *goes to fangirl heaven*)
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^ What happened to Contest battles are only 5 minutes? :p

If May battles someone after Drew, he may be finished within the first half of the episode.
It wouldn't really make sense for an episode called May Vs. Drew to get the May Vs. Drew stuff over and done with before the ad break, would it?
It wouldn't really make sense for an episode called May Vs. Drew to get the May Vs. Drew stuff over and done with before the ad break, would it?

the japanese title for "The Rivalry Revival" was "Rival Confrontation, Ash vs Gary" and that battle only lasted like 2 minutes. Just cause the title mentions May vs Drew doesn't mean it's going to last the whole episode ^^.

*glare at the writers* Didn't we just get through saying we didn't want a rehash of the last GF? *rolls eyes*. I really hope "last battle" does mean "last battle of the GF", it would be cool if May got second place or even won the whole thing.
^ They'd have to throw in 4-5 matches to get May to the finals, and that's too much to cram into a three-parter that also has two appeal stages, TR screentime, and lots of character interaction.

I don't suspect she'll get higher than the Top 8 again, this GF is basically following the last one right down to the wire. The only difference is there's no Robert, so Drew might win the thing himself.
Whatever the battle structure, it looks like this will be the resolution of May's journey in Kanto... which means that the reason the writers have been so heavy on the ContestShipping lately will probably be revealed in this episode.
Do you mean you think May's journey/character is going to be resolved, or just the part of her journey that takes place in Kanto?
FabuVinny said:
...it looks like this will be the resolution of May's journey in Kanto...
Naturally, we don't yet know what will be happening after the Grand Festival.
Scott85 said:
The only difference is there's no Robert, so Drew might win the thing himself.

How do you know that? It's not as if it's mentioned in the title. For all we know May could beat Drew and lose to him.
Doctor Oak said:
How do you know that? It's not as if it's mentioned in the title. For all we know May could beat Drew and lose to him.

I would think either Drew or Harley would mention Robert throughout the Contest arc if he were to show up. Drew considers Robert his biggest rival, especially after the speech he made in the Hoenn GF after he lost to him, and the writers would foreshadow it.

Remember, Drew came in 2nd place in the Hoenn GF. The only reason he lost was because Robert was there and he kicked his ass with Milotic and Claydol. If Robert's not here this time, Drew may very well go on and win the entire thing.
^ They'd have to throw in 4-5 matches to get May to the finals, and that's too much to cram into a three-parter that also has two appeal stages, TR screentime, and lots of character interaction.

These are the same writers who skipped over one of Ash's Hoenn League matches without even a mention, remember? If they wanted to I'm sure they could write Drew and May into the final match of the GF with no problem. They could just montage May's battles with filler characters. We also don't know how many rounds this contest is.

I'll be really mad if she doesn't at least get to top 4. The writers already pulled that stunt when they made Ash get top 8 in two leagues ><. They need to show that she's improved.
Please note: The thread is from 19 years ago.
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