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Earthquake delays international Global Link launch: Nintendo cites "need to conserve

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Dreams of electric Bulbasaur
Nov 13, 2005
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Earthquake delays international Global Link launch: Nintendo cites "need to conserve ...

The Pokémon Global Link was scheduled to launch on March 30, 2011. As a result of the earthquake in Japan and the need to conserve energy resources, the launch date has been temporarily delayed.

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Re: Earthquake delays international Global Link launch: Nintendo cites "need to conse

oh no!!! i should've known there will be more delays in more pokemon things..... i do hope everything turns for the better soon
Re: Earthquake delays international Global Link launch: Nintendo cites "need to conse

Now that's disappointing, and in my opinion, totally unnecessary.
Re: Earthquake delays international Global Link launch: Nintendo cites "need to conse

A shame. But I suppose that makes sense. After all, the Global Link is global and run mainly out of Japan.
Re: Earthquake delays international Global Link launch: Nintendo cites "need to conse

Considering that Sony have been outright taking some of their Online Play servers offline to conserve energy, Nintendo have been pretty generous (considering how they easily could have cut off Gen IV Wi-Fi).

Very understandable. Considering the circumstances, I have no right to complain about a delay.
Re: Earthquake delays international Global Link launch: Nintendo cites "need to conse

I was really looking forward to trying Global Link. But if it's absolutely necessary, we have no right to complain. Also, I hope for the best to those affected by the disasters in Japan.
Re: Earthquake delays international Global Link launch: Nintendo cites "need to conse

Awwwww.. I hope it isn't delayed for too long. I was really excited about that.
Oh well, I hope everything recovers soon!
Re: Earthquake delays international Global Link launch: Nintendo cites "need to conse

Aww...if it's for something like this, though, I can understand and wait patiently.

...but 9.0 magnitude? D8; I thought it was 8.9! Did they somehow remeasure the quake, or was there two ginormous earthquakes?
Re: Earthquake delays international Global Link launch: Nintendo cites "need to conse

I know I haven't been spotted in a while, but I'm rather stunned by this news.

Honestly, I understand the necessity of conserving energy, and Nintendo has been more than generous with their offerings in the midst of the crisis. I'm actually wondering though why NOA or NOE haven't taken the reigns and set up server farms for the PGL yet. Honestly, at this point it's the next logical step.

But that's just me. I really do feel for the men and women of Japan, and hope that their troubles cease soon. I wouldn't wish something like that on my worst enemy.

...but 9.0 magnitude? D8; I thought it was 8.9! Did they somehow remeasure the quake, or was there two ginormous earthquakes?

I remember when the report was an 8.6...interesting.
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Re: Earthquake delays international Global Link launch: Nintendo cites "need to conse

Aww...if it's for something like this, though, I can understand and wait patiently.

...but 9.0 magnitude? D8; I thought it was 8.9! Did they somehow remeasure the quake, or was there two ginormous earthquakes?

but i bet they just adjusted for it to be a Rounder number, but Audino...

also, as i'm only getting my game next week, i'm not too bothered by this xP
Re: Earthquake delays international Global Link launch: Nintendo cites "need to conse

I can understand the delay, but that really dampens my spirits. :(
Now what do I have to look forward to?
Re: Earthquake delays international Global Link launch: Nintendo cites "need to conse

Honestly, the most annoying part is that they hid the announcement of the delay so well. It was really only chance that I stumbled across it, and no one else seems to have noticed it before me...

Hopefully it's not too long. I can't bring myself to use berries since I won't be able to grow replacements...
Re: Earthquake delays international Global Link launch: Nintendo cites "need to conse

Aw I have to wait longer to grow more berries. Aww!!! I can understand conserving energy but I really need to use Sitrus Berries and Lum Berries
Re: Earthquake delays international Global Link launch: Nintendo cites "need to conse

Guess I can say goodbye to Dream World forever, the way things keep getting worse over there.
But it's an acceptable loss for that reason.
Re: Earthquake delays international Global Link launch: Nintendo cites "need to conse

I would have thought that they would have servers all over the place just in case of things like this
Re: Earthquake delays international Global Link launch: Nintendo cites "need to conse

Oh man, this is understandable, but still, this sucks.
I was looking foward the Global Link... but I can wait. :D
Re: Earthquake delays international Global Link launch: Nintendo cites "need to conse

Eh. The waiting don't bother me much. Nanu nanu.
Re: Earthquake delays international Global Link launch: Nintendo cites "need to conse

Quite honestly, with the way that the plants keep having problems, I doubt it will go up at all. Japan is having troubles with what is essentually the only reliable energy source they have, so until the servers get moved to another country, they'll probably continue to "need to conserve energy."

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