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Is Pokemon Adventures worth getting?

Blockhead Pippi

North America's only Pippi fan
Jun 1, 2011
Reaction score
I've been wondering lately... Is the second edition, and continuation, of Pokemon Adventures worth getting?

When I was younger, I used to be so fascinated by the very original print, which unfortunately for me had went out of print a long time ago, and I wanted to stay away from the "Best of" volumes as much as possible. Sadly I could never get my hands on these old volumes, and I'm not really that willing to pay a pretty penny online for them. (Not like I can anyway, parents don't trust online shopping.)

I was rather thrilled waaaay back when they announced the second edition, but then I started to wonder if the second edition had even more cuts than the first one has. I don't really have a confirmation on this, but I think I read somewhere that the second edition had gotten more censorship than the original print had, and it made me rather wary about considering these. Then the long-long awaited GSC Chapter was announced, but because of the 'supposed' extra-censorship treatment that the second edition reprints supposedly got, I still didn't really consider getting the Chapter either.

That and, I was more focused on collecting other manga series at that moment, and still am. <_<

Fast-forward to today, and I'm kinda wondering more if maybe I really should consider these. So I figured that I would ask here, plus maybe get some sort of confirmation if the second edition did get extra cuts or not.

If it did, I'm pretty much not going to get the second edition.

So, would the newer Adventures be worth getting?
Yes, it is. I've been enjoying Adventures a lot, though I never read the original. Viz is translating this version much better and more accurately. Such as Red's Rival being named Green and Red's sneaky friend being named Blue. The story is very great, I would consider picking it up. I have the first two volumes of the GSC arc, and they don't feel edited at all.
I'd say yes. I don't think it's a masterpiece, but it's still a pretty fun and exciting manga to read. Nice that

Yes, it is. I've been enjoying Adventures a lot, though I never read the original. Viz is translating this version much better and more accurately. Such as Red's Rival being named Green and Red's sneaky friend being named Blue. The story is very great, I would consider picking it up. I have the first two volumes of the GSC arc, and they don't feel edited at all.


In the American version, the main character's rival is named "Blue" and the girl with them is named "Green", even in the second edition. (In the Japanese version, the boy is "Green" and the girl is "Blue.)

Anyway, in the second edition, there are some gramatical errors and mistakes and accidentally saying things like "Speed Ball" instead of "Fast Ball" on occasion. They can be a bit irksome, but I don't think they're close to being bad enough to give up the whole series.

Something about the second edition compared to the first edition... the second edition is read right-to-left, showing the comic the way it was supposed to be shown, in terms of... There are a few paint edits, but nothing incredibly major in the big scheme of things.

I think one of the worst problems is that the Diamond & Pearl arc, which Viz is translating as Pokemon Adventures Diamond & Pearl Platinum, has some spoilerific content dealing with the FireRed & LeafGreen arc of the series, which Viz currently has no plans of releasing. That arc, the Ruby/Sapphire arc, and the Emerald arc currently have been given no plans of being released by Viz. (But I believe that'll change eventually, but not before the end of this year.)
I am aware of the right-to-left reading format and the spelling errors. Those errors don't bug me at all. The only thing I worry about, and would be enough to make me make a final decision, was if it suffered more cuts than the first edition.

The paint edits were what I heard about, I'm just wondering if they're things that weren't censored in the original print, but now have.
The only cut that I know of is during Green's battle with Sabrina, the part where her rather...interestingly placed pokeballs are removed.
On that subject, certain bits of dialogue was changed for FCC purposes between the first and second releases of the 7 volumes before the GSC arc, and GSC itself has suffered random, seemingly far-from-objectionable content altered (that mostly being the slap). I'm sure there's plenty of other gratuitous edits, but I only have volume 9 of this printing and nothing seems to be edited there, so I'm no expert.

That and the spelling and game-term errors pointed out before me.
I think that it is a great series. The only downside is the slight translation errors, which to me, isn't even a problem. They are a good series, and there are alot of comics to enjoy released (and translated) now.
I agree with all of the thumbs up comments. The manga series is worth it. I'm glad to hear that America FINALLY screwed their heads on right and fixed Green and Blue. I hated that screw up!
As for a paint edit, I think Jynx had black skin in the first edition but now has lighter skin. But that's a given since Jynx is purple now.

But like I said, within the big scheme of things, there hasn't been any major paint edits.

Also, the American 2nd edition volumes have some (minor) bonus material at the end of each volume, just like in the Japanese version. Mainly things about the Trainers' Pokemon, but at least one volume has information about gym leaders. That wasn't in the 1st editions.

Also, the colors of the first three volumes are different from in the Japanese version. Beyond that, the colors of the covers pretty much match the Japanese ones. The contents on the covers of first and fourth volumes in the second edition are different from the Japanese version, but that's still minor.

As for scenes being cut out... none I'm aware of. I'm pretty sure there aren't any. I'm sure Viz would rather change images and dialogue than completely cut things out.

I agree with all of the thumbs up comments. The manga series is worth it. I'm glad to hear that America FINALLY screwed their heads on right and fixed Green and Blue. I hated that screw up!

But they didn't. In the Japanese version the rival guy is named "Green" and the girl is named "Blue." In the American versions, even in the second edition, the rival guy is named "Blue" and the girl is named "Green." And it's not like they did it out of the blue. (No pun intended, really.) Viz did what they did to have the main character and his rival to have the colors of the first two Pokemon games (which, in America, were red and blue).

(Although with FireRed and LeafGreen, I think the boy rival in this manga should've been renamed "Green." Fr/Lg are remakes, and the 2nd edition of Adventures is a re-release. I think they should've renamed the Viridian Kanto Gym Leader "Green" as well, because of it. But meh.)
The multiple posts here are kinda confusing me, and I can't seem to make a decision as a result.

I'm hearing mostly paint edits and changes to dialogue. By all means, I expect Viz to do that, especially since they discriminately (Spelling? Not a real word?) label all video game manga series as Viz Kids. It's just what I really would like to hear, would be comparisons. Maybe it's just me and me reading things too fast...

...Maybe I shouldn't even bother. The 'Viz Kids' label is enough to turn me away.
What I've been getting, from some of the other comments, was that there were more edits than that.
Eh, not really. Those are the only two that come to mind. They even left in a reference to tentacle sex! (granted, it's phrased indirectly, but you can still tell)

Honestly, this series IS a kids series. All the Pokemon stuff has been for kids. Just because something is more mature doesn't mean it can't be for kids. Think of, say, Gargoyles, or Batman: The Animated Series, or a lot of Disney movies. They get terribly dark but it doesn't make them not kiddie fare. The thought that Special is somehow for a higher age bracket because of the tone just doesn't wash.

Anyway, to answer your more overarching question, yes it's worth getting. Most of the Pokemon comics are worth getting (although usually not the movie adaptations).
You have to remember that some things are more accepted in some countries than others. Kids in Japan aren't as sheltered as kids in America. Although I guess some things have changed here since.

I suppose I'll try it then...
Eh, it's overblown anyway. It's because the companies who release kids stuff in America aren't in tune with what kids can actually handle so they keep thinking it. I think overprotective parents are really far and few between, but it's not reflected because companies deal in small populations.

But even then, there's really nothing especially un-childfriendly in Special. Compare even the most violent scenes to, say, Phillip fighting the dragon in Sleeping Beauty.
Didn't they edit the scene with the woman taking a "bath" with her Tentacool? I would imagine so, they probably wouldn't let a reference to disgusting tentacle sex pass by.
To answer your question, the only visual edits so far are Jynx being recolored (from black to purple) in all appearances, Blue (girl)'s Pokeboob trick being edited, and Crys' mother slapping her edited into a glare. There are a few other edits than that, but they're all dialogue edits.

As for getting the series, I'd definitely recommend it. It's great, and if you liked what you read in the first edition then there is no reason why you shouldn't still like it. As for what version to get though...it depends. Taking into account everything you said it sounds like you would prefer the Chuang Yi version, but the only problem is you can only buy it online (unless you live in Singapore) and it is a bit more expensive than Viz's versions. I hate to say it, but unless you change your mind about the edits in Viz's releases or can buy things online/don't mind it being a bit more expensive it sounds like you won't be able to get either release.

Beyond that, the colors of the covers pretty much match the Japanese ones.
Yep, every volume aside from the first three volumes have the same colors as the Japanese ones, and every volume aside from 1 and 4 use the Japanese content of the covers as well. The only difference (aside from the English title, volume number, and artist/author name) is the covers have a digital block background instead of the background on the original cover. (except for the DP release, which uses the original Japanese cover backgrounds) And the only difference on the backcovers (besides a different summary and volume 1 having a different backcover art) is the back uses a digital block background (The DP release uses the same background that the front cover has) the same color as the front volume as well. (compared to Japan, where the backcover was white aside from the picture and summary)

The contents on the covers of first and fourth volumes in the second edition are different from the Japanese version, but that's still minor.
Just to note what the changes are: Volume 1 had the front cover and backcover image flipped due to not wanting to have a similar color to one of the "Best of" volumes, and volume 4 used a colored-in image of a random panel from within the volume as the cover to avoid having a similar cover to one of the "Best Of" volumes.

Didn't they edit the scene with the woman taking a "bath" with her Tentacool? I would imagine so, they probably wouldn't let a reference to disgusting tentacle sex pass by.
Nope! :p They left it in tact.
I say the volumes are worth getting. I wasn't lucky enough to have read the first prints from '99 so I can't compare them to these 2nd editions, but as everyone else said, the translations are great with some minor goof ups here & there, a few minor color & text edits, & that's it really. The biggest issues I had with the 2nd editions were the editing of Blue's pokeboob scene & Kris's mom smacking sense into her, as those scenes evoked certain emotions, but I digress, it's still not a reason to not buy these volumes/support the volume releases. oh, & Blue is still Green & Green is still Blue -.-

kinda off topic, hope you don't mind Rai, but I see no need to make a thread for what I'm about to ask since this thread is here; is it worth getting the Pokemon Adventures: Diamond, Pearl, Platinum? Sounds kinda stupid, but I'm skeptical of it due to the name change -.-
I say the volumes are worth getting. I wasn't lucky enough to have read the first prints from '99 so I can't compare them to these 2nd editions, but as everyone else said, the translations are great with some minor goof ups here & there, a few minor color & text edits, & that's it really. The biggest issues I had with the 2nd editions were the editing of Blue's pokeboob scene & Kris's mom smacking sense into her, as those scenes evoked certain emotions, but I digress, it's still not a reason to not buy these volumes/support the volume releases. oh, & Blue is still Green & Green is still Blue -.-

kinda off topic, hope you don't mind Rai, but I see no need to make a thread for what I'm about to ask since this thread is here; is it worth getting the Pokemon Adventures: Diamond, Pearl, Platinum? Sounds kinda stupid, but I'm skeptical of it due to the name change -.-

It's the same manga. Viz just decided to release volume 30+ as a different series for whatever reason...
It's the same manga. Viz just decided to release volume 30+ as a different series for whatever reason...

Yeah, I knew it was part of the Adventure series, just wasn't sure if the title signified not only its own change but a change in translation, edits, etc. I'm cautious with some of the manga Viz releases >.> but meh, thanks for clearing it up
Please note: The thread is from 14 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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